Asadullaev Contra Descartes

Faith and Reason, their unity and correlation is a fundamental issue of human thought, philosophy, psychology, culturology and theology. It was contemplated by every prominent philosopher of the past and present, not to mention Augustine, Ghazali, Tertullian, Avicenna, Berkley, Kant, Descartes and others. We attempt to show primary correlated universality of both faith and reason for an individual that underlie in every vital creation of a human being.


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ID: 58a020d55f1be7447fa6d6f5
UUID: a23b1280-d32d-0134-e80f-525400003e20
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: около 8 лет назад
Просмотры: 14


Искандар Асадуллаев


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