Cultural Vibrancy of leading European Cities. Case studies of Paris and Prague. 2010-2018.

The research defines the cultural vibrancy of European cultural capitals Paris and Prague at the period from 2010 to 2018. The qualitative research includes analysis of “Musee du Louvre” in Paris and “National Museum” in Prague as the case study. Through the digital ethnography research method, it studied virtual and real museums in the cultural vibrancy framework to response the hypothesis: real museums can lose its relevance to virtual ones. Data gathering and its analysis allowed to answer first research question, determine the cultural vibrancy term - is a wealth, diversity and quality of cultural venues as well as its technological development and active participation of the population in culture. The research findings that were derived using comparative analysis and synthesis of its data allowed to interpret and indicate the answer of research questions: first, that culture in Paris and Prague are highly vibrant. Second, the Louvre museum is more vibrant and prosperous than Prague’s. Third, physical museums are needed by a cultural society, but digital museums are more relevant in vibrant society. And finally approve the hypothesis that the digital museums overtake by relevance above physical ones. As a result, online museums have more frequent attendance and provide great opportunities for further study in this field. Moreover, by the development of digital technologies it will be available to study not only cultural vibrancy, but also other fields of study. Key words: Capital of Culture, Cities’ monitor, Cultural heritage, Cultural vibrancy, Digital ethnography, Digital museum, Museum, Online museums, Venues, Virtual museum.

Культура. Культурология

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ID: 5ec9ff9bcd3d3e00013fa4aa
UUID: 84fef500-7fa9-0138-0869-0242ac180006
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: около 4 лет назад
Просмотры: 5


Temirlan Kasymov


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