Designing a Tool for Making Transport Mode Choices in Rural and Remote Areas: a Case of New Moscow

This work raises the question of mobility in rural and remote areas and the choice of transport mode for them. While notion of the mobility is being essential nowadays and more and more people do rely on the means of transport in order to get from point A to point B, some of the territories do lack the access to the transport and New Moscow is one of them. The question of the transport supply to such territories could be a challenging one for Departments of Transport, Stakeholders and decision-makers because it is hard to choose the correct mode of transport for the exact taken non-urban territory. The objective of this paper is to suggest a solution to this problem. One of the possible solutions for the mobility supply could be a demand-responsive transport system which is broadly known as a Door-To-Door service; however, it has different operation strategies today. In this work, the main method of the research is a spatial analysis, which is used in order to evaluate the current situation (supply and estimated demand) in the mobility sphere of New Moscow. The results of the analysis are used in order to make a Project Proposal – a prototype to solve the problem. The prototype itself is a program, which helps to create a route between settlements, calculate the usage, create a route and make a choice between conventional bus or demand-responsive transportation. The results of this work could be used by transport planners and governmental bodies for a first-step analysis of development possibilities for mobility services at the territory. In addition, transport activists and citizens could use this prototype for creating a demand for mobility supply via mechanism of official communication with authorities.

Экономика и экономические науки

Вуз: Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики" (НИУ ВШЭ)

ID: 5efb91e4cd3d3e00013d3450
UUID: 84b552d0-9d35-0138-0c7d-0242ac180006
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: около 4 лет назад
Просмотры: 5


Алексей Смирнов


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