Самокрутова Анна Валерьевна
Samokrutova Anna Valerievna
Дискурсы о Российском продуктовом эмбарго 2014 для европейских стран
в Российских и Европейских СМИ
Discourses on Russian food embargo 2014 to the European countries in the
Russian and European mass media.
на соискание степени магистра
по основной образовательной программе высшего образования
по направлению 040100 «Социология»,
профиль «Европейские общества» / MA «Studies in European Societies»
Научный руководитель / Scientific supervisor:
кандидат политических наук,
доцент Белокурова Е. В.
Dr. Belokurova E. V.
Рецензент / Reviewer:
доктор философии по социальным наукам,
кандидат политических наук
Рощин Е. Н.
PhD. Roshchin E. N.
Generating Table of Contents for Word Import ...
In the recent decades, a surge of interest to the topic of food embargo has emerged. Various aspects
of the phenomenon have been considered a priority by politicians and policy-makers, scientists,
journalists and many others. One of the essential parts of the research into food embargo
construction is the inquiry into how it is constructed in different mass media. Each media has its
own way of construction discourses on food embargo. They define what mechanisms are applied
for construction of discourses, who can be presented as actors in those discourses and what topics
should be highlighted. All those aspects are important for understanding of the current evaluation
of the EU-Russia relations. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to study those mechanisms of
discourse construction which shape the understanding of food embargo.
The current construction of discourses is highly defined by mass media, who can influence
interpretation through different framing techniques around the same topics. Mass media can choose
which argumentative strategies to deploy and what extent of deliberation to admit. Mass media
may also represent diverse voices. Moreover, media are gradually becoming the major source of
information in a society, and, thus, increase their potential of influencing or even shaping people's
perceptions of reality. All these influences are described by media theories, which help to identify
and analyze the mechanisms of the construction of discourses on different phenomena. In my
research, I will consider food embargo as such a phenomenon, discourses on which could be
constructed through such mechanisms as suppression of information, falsification of information
and construction of myths, over- or underestimation, priming and use of language games.
Media theory findings demonstrate a conclusive evidence of the media influence. It is significant to
know what effects people's attitudes and believes. Though, the question about the extent to which
media influence people remains the subject of debate. There are three approaches to the relations
between audience and media, that have been presented by Jakovlev in his “Basics of
communication theory”: theories of mass society or media oriented theories, theories of active
audience or human oriented theories, and theories of limited influence of media1.
Food embargo came to the foreground of media discourse in the recent years. In my research, I am
going to look through mass media in Russia, Germany, UK and Estonia to find similarities and
differences in discourses on food embargo. For my analysis, I have selected the EU member states
with the biggest, medium and minimal amount of food export to Russia, as I have a hypothesis, that
Яковлев И.П. Основы теории коммуникаций. 2001, с. 196-206 [Jakovlev I. Basics of communication theory.
2001, p. 196-206]
the amount of food export could influence on the frequency of discussion, on the selection of topics,
on the mechanisms of the information presentation. Each country has its own way of defining what
constitutes economic sanctions, who violates international rules and what consequences it has. For
the background of the study I will also find out general characteristics and history of sanction.
This research can be of interest since it studies food embargo through sociological perspective.
There have been pieces of research done by political scientists on sanctions and sanction policy, but
I have not found any study of the current food embargo 2014. Moreover, my research present
analysis of construction of discourses on food embargo through implementation of media studies.
The majority of research in the area of media studies focuses on how media influence people
believes, but in this paper another dimension is considered. There are no studies on how discourses
on food embargo or on other economic sanctions are constructed by mass media. There is also lack
of works that study competition of various discourses in media.
Theoretical frames
Theoretical frames of the research draw upon two major sources. First is the theory of social
constructionism by P. Berger and T. Luckmann which presupposes that people rationalize their
experience, create assumptions about reality, produce, transform and routinize concepts, and share
models of social worlds through language. Language is an important element of construction of
discourses. In my research, it would help me to define categories and mechanisms of construction
discourses on food embargo. This theoretical approach is combined with media theories, that will
help to identify and analyze the mechanisms of the discourse construction of food embargo. Among
theories that are used in my research are spiral of silence theory by Noelle-Neumann; agendasetting theory developed by McCombs and Shaw; Jones' and Wolfe's mechanisms of agenda-setting;
Wolfe's, Jones' and Baumgertner's framing technique of the media; James W. Dearing's and Everett
Rogers' 3 types of agenda setting; Goffman's framing theory in combination with Fairhurst's and
Sarr's framing techniques; the instruments to frame certain issues, proposed by Peter Ibbara and
John Kitsuse in their paper “Vernacular Constituents of Moral Discourse: An Interactionist Proposal
for the Study of Social Problems” (1993); the concept of europenization of mass media by Ulrike
Liebert and Hans-Jörg Trenz.
For conducting the research, the discourse analysis of Russian, German, UK and Estonian mass
media articles was applied. Discourse analysis is used to find out how discourses are constructed
and compete, to see the actors behind those discourses, who involved in their construction and to
trace the influence of discourses in mass media on the phenomena of food embargo.
One mass media in Estonia, one media in Germany, one in the United Kingdom and one in Russia
were chosen for the analysis. The countries were chosen based on the export volume from the EU
countries to Russia in 2013, as evaluated by the European Commission by the year before the
introduction of food embargo by Russia. According to the European Commission data, Germany
was the most important exporter to the Russian market with more than 35 billion Euro export value
in 2013. The UK was chosen among the states with the medium export value (approximately 4,6
billion Euro). Estonia is taken from the list of the countries with the low export value (about 1,4
billion Euro).
The requirement for the selection of the news sources in the selected countries are based on
influence and popularity in each country, to study more topical views on food embargo. Therefore,
news sources with the highest circulation were chosen as source. Articles within a period form 6
August 2014 to 21 December were analyzed.
The analysis of selected articles was conducted with the help of methodology proposed by Barney
Glaser and Anselm Strauss in “Strategies for Qualitative Research” (1967). This theory illustrates
the technical aspect of analysis of qualitative data, suggesting the use of coding to identify the
major elements of the narratives presented in the data.
Research Question
How discourses on Russian food embargo 2014 are constructed in mass media of Russia and EU
countries (on the cases of Germany, UK and Estonia).
1. To integrate sociological theories of media analysis into a framework of constructivist
analysis in media discourses;
2. To inquire into historical and legal overview of sanctions definition;
3. Using discourse analysis of the media, to identify which mechanisms are used to construct
food embargo in media of selected countries;
4. To investigate what are the dominant and background-discourses of food embargo in media
and what groups of actors presents discourses in media;
5. To inquire into how discourses on food embargo are interconnected with other discourses in
6. To find out the factors influencing the construction of discourses of food embargo in media.
Chapter outline
The paper consists of two chapters preceded with the Introduction and followed by the Conclusion
and list of references. The first chapter covers a theoretical framework of the study, showing how
food embargo can be considered within the social constructivist theory and theories of media. As a
result, an integrative model of considering constriction of discourses of food embargo in media is
outlined. Further, the methodological framework of the current research is highlighted.
The second chapter describes the process of selection of case for study and methods of data
analysis. Then, each case is characterized through the cultural, social, historical and legal aspects
considering sanctions. Moreover, the working definitions of sanctions and food embargo, which
based on the legal background, are presented. The chapter presents main findings of this study,
concentrating on the analysis of the empirical data. The result of the analysis is divided into three
major themes connected with the structure of the media discourse in Russian and EU countries'
media, mechanisms of construction of food embargo in mass media, and interaction of discourses
on food embargo that are evident in media.
Chapter 1. Integration of social theories to study construction of discourses on food embargo
in mass media
In this chapter I depict the literature review and major theoretical and methodological framework of
the current research. The chapter begins with introduction into sociological theories in regard with
social constructivist theory. Onwards, discourse analysis as the methodological basis of the
empirical study is introduced. Further, the role of media theory in the construction of food embargo
is examined and the possible mechanisms of social construction of the food embargo are presented.
1. Social constructivism and discourse analysis
Social constructivism has become an influential and widely used theoretical framework. For the
current research, I am going to use theoretical basis described by Peter Berger and Thomas
Luckmann in “The social construction of reality” (1966). Applying the social constructivist
paradigm and language, as a mechanism of construction, in relation to sanctions and food embargo
will help me to understand how different mass media construct Russian food embargo 2014.
The idea that social reality is a result of human interaction and agreement is represented in such
sociological and philosophical approaches as phenomenology, symbolic interactionism and
constructivism. Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann introduced social constructionism as a
theory of knowledge that examines the development of constructed understanding of the world that
form the basis for shared meanings. The theory explains how people rationalize their experience,
create assumptions about reality, produce, transform and routinize concepts, and share models of
social worlds through language.
For the purpose of the research, I am going to look closer to the role of language in the construction
of social reality. For Berger and Luckmann language plays a significant role in the analysis of
integration of everyday reality as “language is capable of transcending the reality of everyday life
altogether. It can refer to experiences pertaining to finite provinces of meaning, and it can span
discrete spheres of reality”2 . Language is assumed to be the key mechanism of social interaction
and mean of understanding by members one society. Berger and Luckmann argued “language is
capable not only of constructing symbols that are highly abstracted from everyday experience, but
also of 'bringing back' these symbols and presenting them as objectively real elements in everyday
life. In this manner, symbolism and symbolic language become essential constituents of the reality
Berger P. L., Luckmann T. The social construction of reality. 1966. p. 54
of everyday life and of the common-sense apprehension of this reality”3. According to the authors,
language can typify experience, introducing terms and categories that have meaning not only for the
one applying them but for everyone in the same society.
Berger and Luckmann argued that “a sign [has the] explicit intention to serve as an index of
subjective meanings … Language is capable of becoming the objective repository of vast
accumulations of meaning and experience, which it can then preserve in time and transmit to
following generations… Language also typifies experiences, allowing me to subsume them under
broad categories in terms of which they have meaning not only to me but also to my fellowmen”4 .
Thus, language is an important element of construction of discourses. In my research, that would
help me to define categories and mechanisms of construction discourses on food embargo.
“The Social Construction of Reality” has become a cornerstone in the framework of social
constructivism and fostered a significant development of its ideas in the methodology of social
sciences. For example, Spector and Kitsuse introduced social constructivism into the lexicon of
social problems theory in the early 1970s5, and according to their study, an act of behavior becomes
a social problem through a process of successful claims-making by social movements or groups that
can define a problem and give particular kinds of social response. This definition can be used to
trace how an issue transforms into a discourse, constracted by mass media. Spector and Kitsuse
propose four basic components of social problems construction: (1) groups define a condition as
troublesome or offensive; (2) officials with responsibility for the condition react to the claims; (3)
groups counter the official response; (4) groups develop alternative definitions of the condition and
institutions for addressing it. Those components of problem construction can be also seen as
mechanism of discourse construction in the following interpretation: (1) an issue is defined as worth
of discussion; (2) that there is a reaction to the issue; (3) counter arguments are produced; (4) final
construction of discourse is emerged.
So, social constructivism based on the book «The Social Construction of Reality» Berger and
Luckmann provided me with an effective methodological tool for the studies of the mechanisms of
discourse construction. The main proposition of the book is that social reality is said to be
constructed. The authors claim that the social construction of reality is a changeable and flexible
process of interaction between different parts of the society that can potentially lead to the struggle
Ibid. p. 55
Ibid. p. 194
Spector M., Kitsuse J. Social problems: A reformulation. 1973.
over particular meanings and interpretations. Thus, discussions on food embargo in media represent
nowadays a perfect example of how various social and political actors are engaged in the process of
discourse construction
Moreover, the ideas outlined in “The social construction of reality” serve in the development of
methodology of social sciences and discourse-analysis. Discourse analysis belongs to a broader
theoretical framework of social constructionism (or social constructivism) that combines different
multidisciplinary approaches. The presented study uses discourse analysis as the primary method of
data analysis.
Discourse analysis is a qualitative method that has a key to understanding of “language” and “the
subject”. It is based on ontological and epistemological premises, that help to define the role of
language in the social construction of the world. It provides us with theoretical models and
methodological guidelines for the approach to the research field as well as with certain techniques
for analysis. It is important to stress that discourse analysis applies critical approach for exploring
products of ways of categorizing the world and not for seeking the objective truth. Discourse
analytical approaches see the access to reality through language, that creates representation of
reality through certain products of discourse and ascribes meanings to subjects. Moreover, the ways
in which the world is understood and represented are historically and culturally specified.
Therefore, discourse can be different and can change over time. It is a product of social world and
maintains specific social patterns.
Discourse analysis is not a single approach, but a variety of interdisciplinary approaches that can be
used to explore many different social domains. There are different perspectives offering their own
description of “discourse” and “discourse analysis”. To construct a coherent framework for my
research the definition proposed by Michel Foucault is used since it allows to explore the extralinguistic characteristics of text, especially power relations. Foucault considers discourses “as
historically situated ‘real’ social practices, not representing external objects but constituting them”6 .
This concept is good to match with the look at concrete data – written texts, articles and
discussions, thereby it will help to analyze a background of how discourses are constructed and how
they structure knowledge.
However, Foucault techniques of discourse analysis focus more on historical aspects of concept
formations, therefore I am going to use Reiner Keller's sociology of knowledge approach (SKAD,
Wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse) as this approach presents a methodological toolbox for
Keller R. The sociology of knowledge approach to Discourse. 2011. p. 46
research on discourse, that links the concepts of Foucault with Berger and Luckmann’s theory of the
social construction of reality. Keller presents a clear practical guide of how to conduct discourse
analysis, which seems to be most appropriate for my empirical study.
SCAD sees discourse as something “concrete and material”7 that appears as speech, text, visual
image etc. SCAD provides an opportunity to study social actors, as they are those who create texts,
images, discussions following social instructions. Additionally, it helps to provide a deeper
understanding of mechanism of social construction of phenomena and power relation within the
media discourses. SCAD is applied to find out how meaning structures are constructed,
objectivized, legitimized and interpreted and what are the effects of this processes. The method is
working in various dimensions of reconstruction of the processes: “sense making as well as subject
formation, ways of acting, institutional/structural contexts, and social consequences”8.
Therefore, I conducted my analysis with the help of a set of analytical units and concepts granted by
Keller. Those units are: “(1) Deutungsmuster (interpretative schemes, frames), (2) classifications,
(3) phenomenal structure and (4) narrative structure (plots)”9. The concept of Deutungsmuster is
refers to meaning production through configuration of signs, symbols, sentences. Discourses are
considered as models of production and circulation of frames. Classification as an analytical unit, in
its turn, considers all kinds of classification which are present in each discourse. It deconstructs
textual units and rearrange them in form of a table. The concept of “phenomenon structure” is used
for creation typified concepts and relations through “coding”, “writing memos” etc. Narrative
structure is a storyline which explains who is doing what and why. It organizes the genealogy of
discourses. Based on this methodology, it is possible to identify various aspects of the way food
embargo is constructed in media.
Due to extensive volume of data, the analysis of selected articles was conducted with the help of
methodology proposed by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss in “Strategies for Qualitative
Research” (1967). This theory illustrates the technical aspect of analysis of qualitative data,
suggesting the use of coding to identify the major elements of the narratives presented in the data.
2. The role of media in construction of discourses
Current discourses in the contemporary world are mainly constructed by the mass media, so to
Ibid, p. 48
Ibid, p. 49
Keller R. Analysing Discourse. An Approach from the Sociology of Knowledge. 2005
answer the research question, the media theories are needed.
2.1 Media theories
Current global political field is very complex. Mass media add more complexity by publishing
information about state's policy, forming public opinion. “Increases in coverage of problems and
issues may contribute to a positive feedback cycle resulting in relatively large adjustments to the
system (i.e., policy change). On the other hand, decreases or lack of media attention to problems
and issues may be a factor in negative feedback, small adjustments, and incremental policy change
or no change at all”10. Mass media is considered to be a major mediator between policy-makers and
civil society. Mass media reveal biased issues going on around sanction policy and claims in a
public sphere. It strongly influences public discourse by selecting and promoting certain topics as
worth discussing, stimulating the public's emotional response, awareness and concern. Moreover,
mass media not just represent social reality but rather make it, creating public perception of reality.
Though, the question about the extent to which media influence people remains one of the most
There are three approaches to the relations between audience and media, that have been presented
by Jakovlev in his “Basics of communication theory”: theories of mass society or media oriented
theories, theories of active audience or human oriented theories, and theories of limited influence of
Among the media-oriented theories are a theory of mass society, where the ideas of preventing the
expression of individual interest are introduced. This theory appeared in the second half of the 19th
century during the period of industrialization and urbanization. A propaganda model proposed by
Edward S. Herman and Noam Chromsky12 also belongs to the media oriented theories. The authors
see mass media as mean of manipulation public consciousness. The model focuses on the inequality
of wealth and power and how money and power can select the information that is fit to be printed in
the news. Jakovlev describes several theories that belong to the framework of mass society. For
example, magic-bullet theory (also known as the hypodermic-syringe model, transmission-belt
model, or hypodermic needle model), compares the effect from mass media with a bullet — media
Wolfe M., Jones B.D., Baumgertner F.R., 2013. A failure to communicate: agenda setting in media and policy
studies, 186
Яковлев И.П. Основы теории коммуникаций. 2001, с. 196-206 [Jakovlev I. Basics of communication
theory. 2001, p. 196-206]
Herman E., Chomsky N. Manufacturing consent. The political economy of the mass media. 1988
message penetrate brain and inevitably transform person's thoughts and emotions. In addition,
Harold Lasswell's study of scientific propaganda, that claims the more unstable and restless people's
life is the more effective propaganda will be, and Walter Lippmann's theory of public opinion
formation, in which Lipmann doubted people's ability to learn enough from media to help them
understand it all, are also mentioned by Jakovlev in his overview of media-oriented theories13.
On top of that, I would like to mention George Gerbner's and Gross' cultivation theory14, that
suggests the more time people spend, "living" in the world of television, the more likely their image
of social reality will correspond to the one on TV. Marchall McLuchan in his book “The Gutenberg
Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man” (1962) proposed medium theory, in which not only
media should be observed, but also the ways it reshapes social life. He analyzes the effects of mass
media on the European culture and human consciousness. There is also Merton and Lazarsfeld's
narcotizing dysfunction model that also correspond with media oriented theories. The term
“narcotizing dysfunction” was outlined in their article “Mass Communication, Popular Taste and
Organized Social Action” (1948). Paul F. Lazarsfeld, and Robert K. Merton concluded that media
inundates people on a particular issue that they become apathetic to it and substituting knowledge
for action. Theory of social responsibility of media also belongs to the list of theories of mass
society and propose that the press should be discussed in public, and media should accept any
obligation from public interference or professional self-regulations, and many others.
These are also theories that consider media to have significant influence on people's behavior,
emotions, thoughts and believes. According to those theories, mass media shape ideas making
people follow them, dictate people what to think about reality, form the most topical issues for
discussion. Some of them were doubted, for instance, magic-bullet model was rejected by Harold
Lasswell, who thought that the theory was simple, and mass media could not use it as it would not
prepare people for careful acceptance of ideas and actions15 . On the other hand, some theories
remain very credible in contemporary media analysis, for example, cultivation theory16 introduced
by Gerbner and Cross, that focuses on the influence of television on the perception, interpretation
and organization of social reality in long term perspective. According to the theory, TV forms
Яковлев И.П. Основы теории коммуникаций. 2001, с. 199-200 [Jakovlev I. Basics of communication
theory. 2001, p. 199-200]
Gerbner G., Gross L. Living with television: the violence profile. 1979
Яковлев И.П. Основы теории коммуникаций. 2001, с. 199-200 [Jakovlev I. Basics of communication
theory. 2001, p. 199-200]
Gerbner G. Cultivation analysis: an overview. 1998
people's behavior, though the effect of the TV is still limited, it has cumulative power, more TV is
viewed more, and it influences on the person.
Public arenas model proposed by Hilgartner and Bosk, that emphasizes competition and selection in
the media and other arenas of public discourse, also describes influence of mass media. “The model
stresses the “arenas” where social problem definition evolve, examining the effect of those arenas
on both the evolution of social problems and the actors who make claims about them”17 . The
authors see social problem as some condition or situation that is labeled as problem in the arenas of
public discourse. They focus on the competition of social problems for the public attention, as
limited resource. Hilgartner and Bosk gives 6 main elements18 of their model: a dynamic process of
competition of claim-makers; arenas as “environments” for problems competitions; a limited
capacity of arenas; the “principle of selection” of the problem formulations; patterns of interactions
among arenas; and networks of operatives for promoting and controlling problems. All in all, this
model, that also belong to the media-oriented theories, describes how problems and operatives
(communities of specialists in each of society's macro categories of social problems, such as crime,
economy, foreign policy and many others, and those who specialized in arena-based techniques,
such as reporting, television production, policy research and others) compete for public attention
and resources. Teamwise, the model examines the ways social problems definitions are selected and
how operatives adjust their claims to the requirements of public arenas.
Ideas of mass society dominated in 1930s-1940s, and found their acknowledgment in in socialpolitical life, when mass media was a powerful tool for propaganda. However, media oriented
theories were questioned by those who studied effects of mass media influence. According to
Jakovlev, one of them was Paul Lazarsfeld, who have found out ways of people's resistance to
power of mass media19. His ideas were ground for the concept of mass media limited effects.
Lazarsfeld created two-step flow of communication model, according to which people and their
opinions are mainly influenced by opinion leaders – those with an expert view in different
questions. Among theories of limited influence of media mentioned by Jakovlev is diffusion of
innovations theory proposed by Everett Rogers, that revealed a necessity of preparation of agents of
influence for the innovation distribution, and Klapper's selective exposure model, where the
Hilgartner S., Bosk C. L. The rise and fall of social problems: A public arenas model, p. 55
Ibid, p. 56
Яковлев И.П. Основы теории коммуникаций. 2001, с. 202 [Jakovlev I. Basics of communication theory.
2001, p. 202]
audience were not passive target of mass media influence and media held a role of amplifier of
existing behavior and convictions20 .
Meanwhile, human-oriented approaches see audience as an active player with the opportunity of
choice of information to satisfy personal interests and needs. For instant, in 1974 uses and
gratifications theory was proposed by Katz, Blumer and Gurevitch, who sought for the answers on
why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs21 . Media system
dependence theory developed by Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin Defluer showed an
interdependence of mass media and satisfaction of people’s needs22. The better media meets
people's needs, the more important it will be in a person's life, and therefore the more effects media
will have on a person, that is especially seen in situations of crises.
In total, theories listed above are very popular among researches in media studies. They give a big
variety of interpretations, that can help to understand how mass media involved in public opinion
formation. In my research, I am going to use media theories, which I am going to describe further.
2.2. Mechanisms of discourse construction in media theory
Noelle-Neumann propose spiral of silence theory, that states that there is unequal access to and
representation of people and groups in public debates23 . Public opinion is viewed as opinion of the
majority, while the minority opinion is kept in silence. In the end, we have very powerful
domination opinion and week opposition voices. This theory proposes one of mechanisms of
discourse construction: application of “the spiral of silence”.
Another mechanism could be found in agenda-setting theory developed McCombs and Shaw, who
considered mass media strongly influence public discourse by selecting and promoting certain
topics as worth discussing, stimulating the public's emotional response, awareness and concern, will
be also used in the current research. Authors state “the media are the major primary sources of
national political information: for most, mass media provide the best – and only – easily available
approximation of ever-changing political realities”24. Through mechanisms of agenda-setting,
media not just represent social reality but make it. Moreover, McCcombs and Shaw ague, that mass
Ibid, p. 202-203
Ibid, p. 204
Ibid, p. 204
Griffin E. Spiral of silence of Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann.
McCombs M., Shaw D. The agenda-setting function of mass-media. 1972. p. 185
media are very successful in matching their messages to audience interests. Following this idea,
Wolfe, Jones, Baumgertner considered that media not only tell people what to think about, but
influence the way people think and act25 . Moreover, Jones and Wolfe considered the role of media
in making framework through three mechanisms26. Firstly, media coverage weights information and
help focus attention. Secondly, media can help to form certain character of the subsequent policy
action. Thirdly, media attention mediates the speed of the policy process, though it does not have
the direct power to influence the outcome. Furthermore, Wolfe, Jones and Baumgertner claim that
framing technique of the media can be used in case of policy change. By framing events, those who
use media as a tool create an opportunity to introduce or strengthen new frames and definitions,
especially in case of dramatic events and events that need interpretation27.
James W. Dearing and Everett Rogers distinguish 3 types of agenda setting28 : public agenda setting,
media agenda setting and policy agenda setting. Public agenda setting has its main dependent
variable in set of issues on the public agenda. In media agenda setting, the importance of the issue
on the mass media agenda is treated as a dependent variable. And for policy agenda setting,
dependent variable is elite policy makers' agendas, partly as a response to public agenda and media
agenda. All three have a dense network of mutual interrelationships. Dearing and Rogers also
described differences between agenda-setting and agenda building. The first one refers to the
process through which mass media deliver its relative importance of messages to the public. While
in case of agenda-building both media agenda and public agenda influence policy agenda.
There is another concept that is related to agenda-setting – framing. The theory was firstly proposed
by Erving Goffman under the title of frame analysis in his book Frame Analysis: An Essay on the
Organization of Experience (1974). According to Goffman, frame is a cultural rooted interpretation
schema that helps people to identify social situations they are involved in. Both, agenda-setting and
framing theory, concentrates on how media draw people's attention on certain issues. But framing
goes a little bit deeper in a way in which news are presented. “A framing effect is said to occur
when, in the process of describing an issue of event, a speaker's emphasis on subset of potentially
relevant considerations causes individuals to focus on those considerations when constructing their
Wolfe M., Jones B.D., Baumgertner F.R. A failure to communicate: agenda setting in media and policy
studies. 2013. p. 178
Ibid, p. 179
Ibid, p. 180-181
Rogers E., Dearing J. Agenda-setting. 1996. p. 5-6
opinions”29 . The framing theory bases on the statement that media focus attention on certain events
and facts and then use certain rhetoric and claims, choosing certain presentation styles and
emphasizing certain values and emotions. Framing focuses on how the story is presented, how these
are characterized to influence the public understanding. The effects of framing are based on
applicability30: to which extent the issues fall under the previous experiences and their
classifications. Thus, mass media promote specific problem definitions, casual interpretations,
moral evaluations, blame assignment and treatment recommendations. While agenda-setting
focuses on story selection, on what issues are promoted by mass media, its effects are based on
accessibility31: how often and recently issues occur in public debate.
Both concepts are focused in sensational issues of low complexity and high possibility for dramatic
events. News outlets should be reliable, well-reputed, while they enjoy great influence upon public
opinion, and policy making from different media increase the integrated effect. They use active
conflict frames. The provision of general context for the audience is insufficient. The logic of
agenda-setting and framing by contemporary mass media is also in lacking technical proficiency of
the reporters in the described matters. Moreover, some policy domains are very long-term, while
mass media striving for timeliness and novelty tend to distract from them soon.
Means of agenda-setting and framing include bringing and typifying examples, personification as
storytelling strategy, referring to statistics, interplay with values and norms, search for or
construction of intriguing plots, construction of villains and victims, usage of binary oppositions,
focus on threats, catastrophes and fears, choice of conflict perspectives, usage of appropriate
language-games, like motifs, idioms, styles and many others. Fairhurst and Sarr described the
following framing techniques32:
a) Metaphor: To give an idea or program a new meaning by comparing it to something else;
b) Stories (myths and legends): To frame a subject by anecdote in a vivid and memorable way;
c) Traditions (rites, rituals and ceremonies): To pattern and define an organization at regular time
increments to confirm and reproduce organizational values;
d) Slogans, jargon and catchphrases: To frame a subject in a memorable and familiar fashion;
e) Artifacts: To illuminate corporate values through physical vestiges (sometimes in a way language
Druckman J. N. On the limits of framing effects: Who can frame? 2001
Price V., Tewksbury D. News values and public opinion: A theoretical account of media priming and framing.
Fairhurst G., Sarr R. The art of Framing. 1996
f) Contrast: To describe a subject in terms of what it is not;
g) Spin: to talk about a concept so as to give it a positive or negative connotation.
One of the instruments to frame certain issues is proposed by Peter Ibbara and John Kitsuse and
called language games (vernacular). “For Ibbara and Kitsuse, the social problems language game is
coherent organization of claims-making activities comprising the vernacular or idiomatic resources
through which members of the society at large initiate, define, promote, and regulate “the social
problems process”33 .
Kitsuse and Ibbara offer comprehensive framework for analyzing social
problems by concentrating on motifs – recurrent figures of speech and themes that highlight of
summarize a central element of and issue (set of issues) that often include morally permeated
phrases and metaphors (e.g. crisis, catastrophe, abuse, scandal, threat)34. The authors emphasize
that there are almost always moral judgments in construction of social problems. And investigation
of motifs can reveal who are decision-makers and who are recipients of the media messages. Idioms
are also widely used by mass media in order to legitimize actors’ decisions, present arguments, to
stimulate certain emotions, to refer to shared symbols and connotations. Rhetorical idioms are
morally embedded ways in which the problematic status of a category is elaborated (moral
reasoning, referring to emotions, shared symbols and norms).
There are different types of idioms that are often employed by mass media for reaching certain
goals. Rhetoric of loss is used in case when some valuable object or state is running the risk of
losing value and needs protecting (e.g. nature, environment, innocence, purity, morality, and
legacy). Applying rhetoric of entitlement claim-makers are stating that everyone should have
freedom of self-expression, equal access to resources including public institutions and political
participation. They see major threat in discrimination by gender, class, age, race, ethnicity, disability
and others. Rhetoric of endangerment focus on conditions that threaten safety and health. Major
threats here could be diseases, infections, epidemic, pathology. Rhetoric of unreason focuses on
international misrepresentation and deceit and see threats in brainwashing, manipulation because of
lack of education, incompetence or just naivety of the victims. Rhetoric of calamity center on
images of disaster of catastrophe like poverty, crime, abuse, teenage pregnancies.
On top of that, there are different styles of claim-making and issues presentation used in mass
media to deliver their messages. The claim-making styles discussed by Ibbara and Kitsuse are civic
Miller G., Holstein J., Reconsidering Social Constructionism: Debates in Social Problems Theory. 1993. p.
Ibarra P.R., Kitsuse, J. I. Claims-making Discourse and Vernacular Resources. 2003
style, legalistic style, scientific style, political style, comic style, theatrical style and subcultural
style35 . Civic style claims made of outrage or moral indignation. Participants using civic style while
speaking on behalf of “the people”. Impression of naturalness, spontaneity, even lack of
organization is created. On the other hand, legalistic style of claim-making refers to law and justice,
rationality. In scientific style claimants are proving the existence of the problem and its
“objectivity” by referring to research and statistic. Political style is an official style often used by
governmental bodies. The comic style is commonly found in present of sarcasm, exaggeration or
irony. The style is applied to emphasize the significant of the claim and to ridicule the
counterarguments. Theatrical style describes situations when claim-making is occurred through
unusual, creative means like flesh mobs, interventions and others. Lastly, when diverse segments of
society based of gender, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation are making their claims it is defined as a
subcultural style.
This broad overview of the main concepts of Kitsuse and Ibarra’s theory of social problems and
language games gives a chance for understanding of mechanisms of discourse construction. The
concepts introduced by both authors as well as the theoretical framework of the social
constructivism in relation to study of mechanisms of discourse construction provide me with an
effective tools for deep discourse analysis. Moreover, the strategies of claim-making activity
mentioned above seem to be directly applicable to investigate how discourses are constructed.
2.3. Possible role of mass media in political communication and policy making
Economic sanctions are being frequently used as a tool for foreign policy making: to effect changes
in the target country's policy, to change target country's regime, to impair the military potential of
an important adversary and in many other cases. Moreover, sender countries do not often declare
their true goals. Obfuscation can be the goal itself to achieve a destabilization of policy in a targeted
country. For example, “the Soviet Union never directly said it wished to overthrow either Marshal
Tito or Albanian President Enver Hoxha; the United State was equally circumspect in its public
statements about Salvador Allende in Chile and Ngo Dihn Diem in Vietnam and wavered in its
public rhetoric over Saddam Hussein”36. On top, goals may change over time. In some cases,
domestic political motives may overlap foreign policy concerns. Special interest groups could use
economic sanctions to satisfy their own purposes. Furthermore, “even if sanctions are not achieving
Hufbauer, Clyde G., Schott J., Elliott K. Economic Sanctions Reconsidered. 2007. p. 54
the sender's country goals, the home populace may still support them because citizens believe that
sanctions are a just action”37 . And in their judgments people are often rely on mass media in
assigning meanings to actions. Media are gradually becoming the major source of political
information in a society and therefore increase their potential of influencing, or even shaping,
people's perceptions of political reality and political institutions. Thus, political system grows
increasingly dependent on and adjusted to the demands of mass media in their coverage of politics.
Asp and Esaiasson write that “the medialization of politics can be seen as a three-stage process in
which there is a development toward increasing media influence”38 .
For a long time the question, if mass media really influence the political process, remained
peripheral because media and communication research developed separately from political science.
Some researchers estimated the influence of media on political agenda as rather limited (Stefaan
Walgrave1, Peter Van Aelst), as mass media tend to pay the attention to a certain issue during short
period of time, which does not match slow political processes. Moreover, mass media focus on the
most spectacular stories which are often the result of political process and decisions. On the other
hand, some researchers claim that the influence of mass media on political agenda is significant
(Maxwell E. McCombs, Donalds L. Shaw). Politicians are readers and viewers; thus, they can be
effected by media. Furthermore, mass media can speed up political decision making by taking over
the active role and aggressively promoting their messages.
Many political actors use mass media as a communication arena where they can address not just
public but also each other. Mass media become a place for presenting, sharing and testing ideas and
proposals. On top of that, for political actors, media coverage is associated with public opinion. At
that, it is not so important whether media really influences on public opinion: in the logic of social
constructivism, it is much more important that the political actors believe the influence is there.
“The media has also a large role in pointing policymakers to what they should be paying attention
to. The actions of the media can alter items on the agenda by shifting attention to consideration of a
new attribute or policy problem. The media may not change policymakers’ minds, but it can change
their focus (Jones, 1994a; Jones & Baumgartner, 2005) and keep them focused on a problem or on a
particular solution”39.
Strömbäck, J. Four phases of mediatization: an analysis of the mediatization of politics. 2008. p. 232
Wolfe M., Jones B.D., Baumgertner F.R. A failure to communicate: agenda setting in media and policy
studies. 2013 p. 184
Ulrike Liebert and Hans-Jörg Trenz claim40 current European political field is complex and
multilayered. Mass media add to this complexity by publishing information about EU policies and
political actors, influencing public opinion and are considered as one of the major sources of the
European identity formation and reproduction and the major mediator between policy makers and
civil society. Simultaneously, they can be critical of the EU and therefore disseminate disaffection
with the EU among the audiences, challenge the legitimacy of the EU political system and trigger
Eurosceptic mobilization. Liebert and Trenz suggest evaluating the Europeanisation of mass media
through tree layers as an analytical framework41. Mass media diffuse political discourses about EU
politics, policies and policy-making from institutional actors to mass audiences by selecting,
framing and amplifying political information and communication. Mass media provide the public
legitimacy of EU politics, policies and policy-making. Finally, mass media make articulation of
political opposition and critique; voicing discontent, mobilizing civil society and housing
negotiations. Those contribution of mass media can be accessed through mass media coverage
insensitivity. Mass media can influence interpretation through different framing techniques of the
same topics. Mass media can choose which argumentative strategies to deploy and what extent of
deliberation to admit. Mass media may also represent diverse voices.
3. Conclusion
Political changes of recent years have brought the discussions on economic sanctions, and in
particular on food embargo, on agenda. And mass media use its influence to construct public
Social constructivism, media theory and analysis of discursive practice employed in media
discourses can help to investigate how media construct, reinforce and challenge dominant
discourses, including discourses on food embargo. Constructivist approach allows to study socialcultural differences of the selected cases and how they affect the mechanisms and content of media
construction of the discourses on food embargo.
As specified earlier, this study is driven by following research question: how the discourses on food
embargo have
been constructed in various media. To study the specific mechanisms of construction, elements of
media theory will be used to identify the tools of agenda-setting, framing and use of language
Liebert U., Trenz H-J., Europeanization of the mass media: normative assessment and empirical analysis. 2010
games. I am going to use such mechanisms of discourse construction as rhetoric for politicization of
food embargo; styles for food embargo presentation; specific stylistic tools, framing and putting
specific myths about food embargo on the agenda; agenda-setting and framing in the construction
of food embargo with relation to the construction of villains and victims and the opposition between
Chapter 2. Structure of discourse and mechanisms of social construction of food embargo in
Russian and EU countries' mass media
In this chapter, the results of empirical research are presented. The chapter is built as follows.
Firstly, the selection of cased is explained and the collected data is described. Secondly, for the
deeper understanding of phenomenon of Russian food embargo, I am going to review its social,
cultural, historical and legal backgrounds.
Then, as a result of the discourse analysis the structures of discourses on food embargo in Russian
and EU countries' mass media will be discussed and the main topics and actors that structure these
discourses will be identified. Furthermore, mechanisms that construct the discourses of food
embargo are going to be distinguished and, simultaneously, the characteristics of this construction
will be outlined. Finally, the main discourses that compete for the right to construct the discourse of
food embargo will be described. As a result, the comparison of the structure, mechanisms and
myths in different countries will be conducted and general conclusions will be outlined.
1. Two-level selection of cases: (1) countries, (2) media
One mass media in Estonia, one media in Germany, one in the United Kingdom and one in Russia
were chosen for the analysis. The requirements for the selection of the news sources are based on
influence and popularity in each country, to study more topical views on food embargo. Therefore,
news sources with the highest circulation were chosen as a source. Articles within a period from 6
August 2014 to 21 December 2016 were analyzed. I should also mention, that the issue of different
languages created certain challenges, therefore the decision was made to choose those sources that
have translation into English.
The countries were selected based on the export volume from the EU countries to Russia in 2013,
as evaluated by the European Commission by the year before the introduction of food embargo by
Russia. According to the European Commission data, Germany was the most important exporter to
the Russian market with more than 35 billion Euro export value in 2013. The UK was chosen
among the states with the medium export value (approximately 4,6 billion Euro). Estonia is taken
from the list of the countries with the low export value (about 1,4 billion Euro).
1.1. German case
In Germany, “der Spiegel” is the fourth most popular news media after Bild (Bild.de) and Stern
(Stern.de), that provides the information in German language only. And tv14, third most popular
media in Germany, is a TV channel, does not provide with printed information. Following MA 2016
Pressemedian, the leading media analysis and survey on media consumer behavior in Germany,
Bild's reach was nearly 12,2 million of readers per issue, Stern's – 9,8 million readers per issue, and
der Spiegel – 9,3 million readers per issue. Therefore, der Spiegel was chosen for my research as
the one providing information in English language.
Der Spiegel is Europe's biggest and Germany's most influential weekly magazine, published in
Hamburg with a circulation of 789,062 on the 201642 . It is known for its distinctive, academic
writing style and its incredible heft. Its editorial spectrum has a big range and the main focus of the
reporting is on politics and society. According to data retrieved from MA Pressemedien, the most
typical readers of der Spiegel are educated males, with high income. Der Spiegel provides
translations of its articles at the Der Spiegel International section with all the translations made by
the Der Spiegel staff.
1.2. United Kingdom case
In conformity with statistics of monthly reach of national newspapers and their websites in the
United Kingdom from July 2015 to June 2016, The Daily Mail and its website dailymail.co.uk
reached an average 18.4 million individuals a month through both its print and digital formats and
this the highest rate among printed media. However, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) lead
all media publishers in the UK based on combined desktop and mobile page-views in the UK in
201543. It had close to 19 billion page-views. Meanwhile, Daily Mail Group media had slightly
bigger than 4 billion page-views. Thus, BBC is more appropriate for my research.
BBC distributes international 24-hour English-language news. It is the largest broadcast news
gathering operation in the world and its online presence includes news website and archive. It
provides news, features, analysis and debate plus audio and video content from England, Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland.
1.3. Estonian case
Postimees has the title of the biggest daily newspaper in Estonia. Its circulation reaches around 50
000 copies. It is published six days a week, from Monday to Saturday and provides an overview of
Spiegel QC, IVW III/2016, inkl. e-paper
Schwarz J. Top U.K. Media Publishers and Publications – Ranked for 2015
events in Estonia as well as abroad in an operative and impartial manner. Postimees has a news
portal Postimees.ee, that is translated into English and Russian languages. I should also mention
that Postimees publishs its articles in 3 languages: Estonian, English and Russian. According to the
expert opinion the content of articles on each language could differ according to the targeted
audience within the country.
1.4. Russian case
In Russia, the popularity of media sources is calculated through Medialogy - Russian Science
Citation Index, information-analytical system, which is designed for operational search for relevant
bibliographic information and to assess the impact and effectiveness of research organizations,
scientists, and the level of scientific journals, etc. According to the Medialogy, informationalanalytical system, the most cited mass media is news agency TACC (TASS). Its citation index was
150 150,72 in 2015. TASS is the largest Russian news agency, that covers all aspects of political,
economic, social and cultural life within the country and abroad. Moreover, it provides with
information both in Russian and English languages.
2. Data collection process
Since the objective of this research is to trace how social construction of Russian food embargo
2014 is represented in social media, it is legitimate to analyze articles within the time interval
between 6 August 2014, when “The Decree on the Application of Certain Special Economic
Measures to Ensure Security of the Russian Federation” was signed, and the end of 2016, after
prolongation of food embargo for one year period on 25 June 2015 and on 29 June 2016 to the end
of 2017.
All the articles that contain news concerning Russian food embargo were collected. The search of
articles was carried out by keywords. Articles, that were irrelevant to the topic of Russian food
embargo 2013 to the European countries were delated. In total, for the German case 16 articles were
found, for the UK case – 43, for the Estonian case – 118, and for the Russian case – 471.
3. Definition of sanctions and food embargo and background information on sanction
In this part, I will, firstly, give the legal definition of sanctions and food embargo. Secondly, the
description of background information concerning the practice of applying food embargo in Russia
will be presented, including historical and legal aspects. In addition, I have included the observation
of notions and conditions of international economic sanctions as measures applied by the
international organizations towards the states, that have violated international law. I would like to
point out, that background information to the food embargo would be considered as background
discourse, as it won't be the focus of the research. However, it is necessary to understand, discourses
do not exist alone. There is almost always set of discourses. Thus, discourses on food embargo are
interconnected with discourses on background events.
3.1. Legal definitions of sanctions and food embargo
The major sphere where the transformation of the definition of sanction are evident, traceable and
immediately affect the social reality in the sphere of the law. With time, sanctions have gained valid
legal framework, and starting from 17th century these phenomena has become institutionalized and
defined in terms of crime and punishment. Legal definition does not vary noticeably across
countries and regions. However, the term can be used in different aspects of law, thus have diverse
connotations. Generally, sanctions are composed of these main elements: violation of a law or a
treaty, a reward for its observance, a punitive act against the one, who has violated a law or a treaty.
In the field of legal definitions, Giddens' idea of the “duality structure” correspond with the
“sanction” as a broad term with different meanings within different contexts. Here, the structural
component is present in the form of institution of law that dictates states' governments how to
interpret other states' governments actions on the international arena in relation to legal regulations.
The agency component is also very strong in the sphere of law since laws changes regularly. The
law gives governmental agents, i.e. politicians, an opportunity to act with and against others by law
as a structure. Politicians have knowledge of schemes that inform political life and have access to
measures of human and non-human resources. There agency arise from their knowledge of schemes
and ability to apply them to the existing or new context. Moreover, the decisions which are made by
politicians are often influenced by social movements that are organized by citizens who seek
change in legislature due to changes in social, economic, political, cultural life.
Examples of sanctions in International law include economic sanctions that typically refer to ban of
trade with limitations to certain sectors or with certain exceptions; international sanctions that
adopted by a country or a group of countries against another state or individual to achieve a change
in their behavior; pragmatic sanctions that tend to be issued when there is a need for change in the
rules. In other uses, sanctions could be defined by Criminal law as a punishment for a criminal
offense and include such measures as death, incarceration, monetary fines and other restrictive
measures. Sanctions could be seen as measures of social control, that could refer to form of
governmental control. For example, European Commission define sanctions as “the policy of the
European Union to intervene when necessary to prevent conflict or respond to emerging or actual
crises”44 . This policy is used to reach certain objectives: to promote international peace and security,
to prevent conflicts, to defend democratic principles and human rights, to fight terrorism. The
measures may include embargoes, trade restrictions, financial restrictions, movement restrictions.
Food embargo is included in economic sanctions. As I am studying the case of Russian food
embargo 2014, I have taken the definition from “Executive Order on Special Economic Measures to
Protect Russia’s Security” published on the official internet resource of the President of Russia.
Food embargo is defined by Russian government as “a ban or restriction on foreign economic
operations involving the import to Russia of particular kinds of agricultural produce, raw materials
and foodstuffs originating in countries that have decided to impose economic sanctions on Russian
legal entities and/or physical individuals, or have joined such decisions”45 . The most interesting fact
about this definition is that food embargo is seen as countermove. Those restrictive measures are
developed as a respond to sanctions against Russian Federation introduced by governments of
certain states.
Legal definitions of sanctions and food embargo seems to me to be persuasive and useful to base
the current research since they are not contested by scholars and are narrow enough to give accurate
understanding of case under study. Definitions, presented above can’t be used to distinguish the
object of current research from the related concepts.
3.2. Historical and social-cultural background of economic sanctions
Economic sanctions were increasingly used as instruments of foreign policy throughout the history.
Sanctions are actions against a state considered to be violating international regulations and are
developed to make the state under restrictive measures to obey international law. Sanctions include
refuse of diplomatic recognition, boycotting cultural and sports events, sequestering of property of
citizens of the state, restrictions on international trade, financial flows and movement of people.
In modern history, the first recorded application of sanctions was pacific blockade that dates from
European Commission. Service for foreign policy instruments (FPI). Sanctions
Executive Order on special economic measures to protect Russia’s security, 2010
182746, when reinforcement of the Turkish and Egyptian forces fighting in Greece was prevented in
the Greek fight for independence from Turkey, Britain, France and Russia. In those times, economic
sanctions were mostly naval blockades by countries or coalitions in order to interrupt commercial
intercourse with ports. Though, most blockades followed wars, those measures evolved gradually
into pressure mechanism of debts repayments and settling international disputes. Those actions
started to be considered as measures of international policy. Navy blockades were generally used by
powerful European states against smaller states in Europe and emerging states in Latin America and
Asia. “The list of targeted states included Turkey in 1827; Portugal in 1831; Holland in 1832–1833;
Colombia in 1834; Panama in 1837; Mexico in 1838; Argentina in 1838–1840; San Salvador in
1842; Nicaragua in 1842 and again in 1844; Argentina in 1845–1850; Greece in 1850; Sicily in
1860–1861; Brazil in 1862–1863; Bolivia in 1879; China in 1884–1885; Greece, again, in 1886;
Zanzibar in 1888–1889; Siam in 1893; Greece, yet again, in 1897; and Venezuela in 1902–1903”47 .
Among the countries, which used blockades were Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Austria
and Chile. Clearly, the targeted countries were small and underdeveloped and were oppressed by
greater powers. The legal discussion occurred with the formation of League of Nations and later of
the United Nations. The League of Nations embodied the power of sanction implementation in
article 16 of the League’s Covenant as a collective action against states that fomented war. There
were four cases of sanctions application by League of Nations: “in 1921 (versus Yugoslavia); 1925
(versus Greece); 1932–1935 (versus both Paraguay and Bolivia, to settle the Chaco War); and, most
notably and most unsuccessfully, in conjunction with the United Kingdom against Italy in 1935–
1936 after the Italian invasion of Ethiopia”48.
In case of the United Nations, the power to enforce sanctions was rooted in articles 2(4), 39, 41, 42,
43 and 46 of the UN charter and in the Uniting for Peace Resolution of 1950. In general, the
imposition of sanction grew significantly after the World War2. In total, there were “15 cases in the
1950s, 20 in the 1960s, 37 in the 1970s, 23 in the 1980s and at least 50 in the 1990s”49 of sanction
application. In the period between 1946 and 1990 sanctions were applied against North Korea,
South Africa, Portugal, Rhodesia and Iraq. Since the 1990s, the United Nations mostly applies
sanctions against African states.
Davis L., Engerman S. History Lessons Sanctions: Neither War nor Peace, 2003
There are countries under comprehensive or selective sanctions, that are using the blocking of assets
and trade restrictions to accomplish foreign policy and national security goals. There is a sanctions
risk list in regard to: Afghanistan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burma, Burundi, Central
African Republic, China, Conakry, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Guinea, GuineaBissau, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast, North Korea, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Moldova,
Myanmar, Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan (North),
Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe. Those countries are currently
to the
beginning of 2017 under restrictive measures from the EU and\or USA. Typically, those sanctions
target trade and investments, what doesn't allow the targeted country fully to participate in
international market exchange. In some cases, restrictions concern arms and oil production and
trade. Furthermore, partly they cut off air traffic, suspend or drastically curtail diplomatic relations,
block movement of persons, bar investments, freeze international bank deposits.
Due to the recent increase of sanctions application, a lot of debates emerged concerning the
contexts, in which their imposition might be appropriate. Since international organizations have not
developed any standards and regulations in sanction application, a great number of critics appeared
arguing that sanctions are cruel, unfair and even violent. If in the early period sanctions were of
military actions, in recent decades economic sanctions have become standard tool for achievement
of such goals as forestalling war; inserting common freedoms and democracy; cleaning up the
environment; protecting and strengthening human rights or labor rights; decrease in nuclear weapon
distribution; the freeing of captured citizens; and the reversal of captured land. They can also serve
to meet some domestic concerns. However, if there are no any legal or formal rules and regulations
of sanctions impositions, they form out of world public find acceptable. And acceptability is
influenced by existing power relation among and within nations.
A great deal of studies has been devoted to the subject of economic sanctions. Early works were
based on case studies of League of Nations sanctions (see e.g. Galtung, 1967; Hoffman, 1967; Baer,
1973; Schreiber, 1973; Olson, 1979; von Amerongen, 1980; Wallensteen, 1983)50. There were
researches investigating the effectiveness of sanctions (e.g. Barber, 1979; Baldwin, 1985; Lindsay,
1986; Wagner, 1988; Nossal, 1989; Tsebelis, 1990)51. The performance of sanctions could depend
on various assigned goals, on the type and scope of the chosen sanction, on determination of the
economic and political impacts on the target country, on the interaction among the number of
Morgan T. C., Bapat N., Krustev V. The Threat and Imposition of Economic Sanctions, 1971–2000. Conflict
Management and Peace Science. 2009
sanction senders. However, there are certain examples of why sanctions would not ‘‘work’’ to bring
about changes in target state policies. The sanctions against Panama in 1987 applied by the USA
could illustrate the failure of sanctions implementation. An effort to destabilize the Noriega regime
was not effective, as the Reagan and Bush administrations was not ready to destroy the relationship
with political allies in Panamanian business and financial sectors52. As a result, sanctions failed to
achieve their goals and the USA had to take Noriega by force.
In many cases, sanctions are used to send a symbolic signal. However, it could also fail to reach its
objectives. The example could be a grain embargo by American President Jimmy Carter against the
Soviet Union in 1980 that resulted in mass protest of American farmers. Sanctions are aimed to
change political direction in a targeted country that should be designed very accurate and fast, that
is a challenging task. A slow mode of sanctions introduction can give the targeted state time to
adjust to new circumstances by finding new markets and suppliers, creating new alliances and
gaining public support of its policies on domestic arena. An illustration for such a case could be
Great Britain's “slow and deliberate strategy in response to Ian Smith’s “unilateral declaration of
independence” in Rhodesia in 1965. Aided by hesitation and delays, the Smith regime was able to
use import substitution, smuggling, and other circumvention techniques to fend off black majority
rule for more than a decade”53. From these examples, one can see that sanctions are not always
effective. If in the first two decades after the World War II they were successful in a half of the
cases (“twenty-seven successes out of sixty-one cases”54), later the development of world economy
had narrowed effectiveness of economic sanctions. An increasing interdependence of states
economies has made sanctions a double-edged sword.
3.3. Legal background of EU sanctions against Russia over Ukraine crisis
The economic measures introduced by international society “in response to the illegal annexation of
Crimea and deliberate destabilization of a neighboring sovereign country”55 are being used as a
wider framework for my research. The European Union was focusing on de-escalating the crisis in
Ukraine, which emerged on November 2013 after president Viktor Yanukovych suspended to sign
the Association Agreement of the Ukraine with the European Union, that resulted in mass protests
Elliott K.A, Hufbauer G. C. and Oegg B. Sanctions. Library Economics Liberty. 2008
European Union newsroom. EU sanctions against Russia over Ukraine crisis
and political crises. Due to instability in Ukraine, Russia has declared Crimea and Sevastopol as
parts of Russian Federation on 21 March 2014 on the ground of the conducted referendum. The
European Union did not recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation and claimed joining it
to Russia as “illegal annexation”. In response to the Russian actions in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine
the EU imposed economic sanctions in July 2014 and reinforced them in September 2014. In March
2015, the European Council linked the duration of those economic restrictions to the complete
implementation of the Minsk Agreements. Thus, the EU restrictive measures were extended in
March 2015, then on 1 July 2016 and on 21 December 2016, when they were prolonged until 31
July 2017. As part of the sanctions, the EU-Russia summits were canceled since 2014, as Asset
freezes and visa bans for a number of the Russian officials and politicians were introduced. As part
of the EU's non-recognition policy of the Crimea's and Sevastopol's inclusion into Russian
Federation, the EU has imposed substantial restrictions on economic exchanges with the territory.
Moreover, measures targeting sectoral cooperation and exchanges with Russia were introduced.
Those measures “aimed at limiting access to EU capital markets for Russian State-owned financial
institutions, an embargo on trade in arms, an export ban for dual use goods for military end use and
end users, and restrictions on access to certain sensitive technologies particularly in the oil
3.4. Legal background of food embargo introduction by Russia
Federal Law on special economic measures was signed by the President of the Russian Federation
on December 30, 2006. The aim of the law was to provide security of Russia and its interests.
According to it, certain measures can be applied: suspension of the implementation of all or parts of
programs in the field of economic and technical assistance, as well as in the sphere of militarytechnical cooperation programs; ban on financial transactions or restrictions of their
implementation; ban on foreign operations or application of certain restrictions; cessation of
international trade agreements and other international treaties in the field of foreign economic
relations; changes in export and (or) import duties; restrictions on entry into the ports of the Russian
Federation, and the use of Russian airspace or its parts; limitations on tourism activities; refusal to
participate in international scientific and technical program.
Following this Law, that became a part of framework to economic policy of Russia, the Doctrine of
European Commission. Commission Guidance note on the implementation of certain provisions of
Regulation, 2015
the Russian Federation Food Security was adopted on February 1, 2010. Its main objective was
development of the domestic food production and raw materials sufficient to ensure food
independence. On August 6 2014, the Decree “On the Application of Certain Special Economic
Measures in order to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation” was adopted. Russian President
Vladimir Putin has banned or curbed agricultural imports from countries imposing sanctions on
Russia over the crisis in Ukraine. Decree cites "national interests" as a ground for these measures.
The list of goods being affected includes meat and milk products, fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts.
The food embargo was extended on 25 June 2015, and on 29 July 2015 the Decree on Destruction
of Food under Embargo was signed. The August 2015 brought the extension of food embargo on
Albania, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Montenegro and since 1 January 2016 also - on Ukraine. In
September 2016 salt has been put under embargo. On 29 July 2016, the food embargo has been
prolonged from 6 August 2016 to 31 December 2017 by the special decree.
4. Structure of media discourse in Russia and EU countries
As it was shown in the first chapter, in this study discourse is understood in Foucauldian tradition as
a set of signs and meanings that present repeating connections and relations among each other and
form sets of justifications. Discourse is the process of construction of meanings and its result. In
this regard, two dimensions of discourse can be distinguished. First level relates to the institutional
field of media, which is formed by actors who gain access to it by the reason of being a professional
in the field: reporters, journalists, editors and production stuff. This field of discourse was already
discerned in the current methodology when I chose the corpus data: articles in specific mass media
that address the topic of food embargo.
The next level of discourse is concerned with analysis of food embargo construction in media.
Various groups of interests have access to the formation of understanding of food embargo. Their
views are also presented in the media, where they form sub-discourses and compete for dominance
in assigning their meanings. To understand, which actors produce and influence the dominant and
counter-discourses, it is essential to study the structure of media discourse.
With the description of the structure of the discourses, their general characteristic is given. There
are various elements to the structure of discourse: linguistic, rhetorical, temporal, macro- and
microstructure, and many others. This analysis of the structure of discourse is based on Keller's
SKAD method that presupposes the study of not only major, central and minor themes, as well as
the connections between them, but also of categories, actors and their positioning in the discourse.
4.1. Themes
One of the components of the structure of discourse is the recurring of themes that are presented in
it. During the selection of the texts for the research, intermediary analysis was carried out. It
showed that some themes appear frequently alongside the topic of food embargo in the media
discourse. Frequent use was established by looking at topics which featured in mass media under
study for more than two times.
It is possible to distinguish similar themes that appear in Russian and EU countries' mass media.
They could be divided into four types.
The first type of themes is coherent to general international representation of food embargo on
political arena, where legislative changes are discussed, various points of view on consequences of
food embargo in economic, political and social spheres are presented, a general overview on the
food embargo is introduced. Here, the topic is closely connected to Ukraine crises. International
sanctions to Russia and its respond in the form of food embargo are highly discussed in mass media
as very urgent topic of recent times.
The second type of themes relates to farming or/and enterprises, which have gained or lost from
introduction of food embargo. Each studied mass media has series of articles dedicated to farming
or/and enterprises and concerns of farmers and managers on food embargo. Each media has
relatively even representation of the topic, as food representation in the media has created broader
awareness of the diverse chains of global food production, distribution and consumption. Food
embargo becomes the measure of how modern society responded to modern challenges.
The third type of themes is related to food destruction by the Russian authorities. Though, this topic
is mostly covered by Russian TASS. The European media are more likely to touch the issue of food
destruction, presenting problems with food supply on the Russian border and returning food back to
its origin. Furthermore, European mass media discuss the ways of escaping food ban by using
neutral countries as transshipment bases for food from EU countries within the frame of food
The fourth topic is devoted to social events and consequences to food embargo introductions. For
example, BBC published articles on free bread offered to pensioners (BBC News, 2015-03-06);
price rise, that have influence people's everyday life (BBC News, 20140-08-14); closure of
McDonald’s restaurant in Moscow (BBC News, 2014-08-21); flash mobs on eating apples (BBC
News, 2014-07-31) and others. Postimees has almost the same set of articles on social events as
BBC. On top, it also includes an overview on Russian people's practices to buy food in Estonian
supermarkets and how those practices have changed due to food ban (Postimees, 2014-08-09).
Der Spiegel prefers to avoid social events in their articles or mixes the topic on social events with
three other topics. For example, in one of its articles the references to flash mob on eating apples
are connected to legislative changes in Germany: “Bundeslandwirtschaftsministerm Christian
Schmidt ist offenbar ein Freund markiger Slogans: “An apple a day keeps the Putin away!” <...>
“Man kann natürlich nicht lamentieren darüber, dass es viel Obst gibt, und kein Obst essen”, sagte
Schmidt weiter. Er forderte die Bevölkerung daher wegen des russischen Lebensmittel-Embargos
zum Verzehr betroffener Produkte auf. Obst könne man “zu Beginn am frühen Morgen” und
“fünfmal am Tag” essen. Er sei auch dafür, das Programm für die Ausgabe von Obst in Schulen
auszudehnen”. [“Federal Minister of Economics Christian Schmidt is obviously a friend of pithy
slogans: “An apple a day keeps the Putin away!” <...> “Of course you cannot lament that there is
a lot of fruits, and not eat fruits,” Schmidt said. He therefore called on the population to eat
products affected by Russian food embargo. Fruits you could eat “early in the morning” and “five
times a day”. He is also in favor of extending the program for the distribution of fruits in
schools”.] (Der Spiegel, 2014-09-02).
I would also point out, in Der Spiegel, the total number of articles dedicated to the food embargo
are considerably less than in other mass media under study, thus it combines topics to give
maximum information in a smaller volume.
Almost the same position, as German Der Spiegel, holds Russian mass media TASS. It mixes
different topics together for, I suppose, the reason of extreme politicization of food embargo
discussions. Moreover, I see that TASS launches the spiral of silence to the topics of social events.
Thus, following Noelle-Neumann's “spiral of silence theory”, there is unequal representation of
topics and actors that lead to a very powerful dominant discourse and a weak opposition voices.
Using other topics as framing for social events connected to food embargo, Russian mass media
disguise social problems. According to the framing theory, TASS promotes its problem definition
and casual interpretations by using corresponding framing techniques.
Furthermore, TASS as well as Postimees has articles on changes of people’s practices to buy food
due to the food embargo (TASS, 2014-08-18). However, those articles mix two above mentioned
topics: one is devoted to social events and another one is connected to farmers or/and enterprises.
Moreover, TASS often describes the same events as British, German or Estonian mass media but
from different angel. For example, topics, that I have grouped under the name of “social events”, in
Russian mass media are closer to the topics of legislative changes or/and topics dedicated to farmers
and enterprises concerns (TASS, 2014-09-09).
The above listed themes constitute typology, that presents recurring situations and characters, with
which readers compare their life experiences and knowledge on food embargo, and which serve as a
matrix of what construct understanding of food embargo.
4.2. Categories
Using open and axial coding, proposed by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss, in the process of the
research, certain sub-themes within mentioned themes were identified in the discourse. These subthemes, listed below, present the elements, through which construction of food embargo is
conducted. During current research, I have divided the discourse into following fragments that
provide categories for the unit of analysis:
Categories that were sought
Fragments of what was found
dairy farmers, exporters of dairy produce, fruit
and vegetables, the EU Commission, European
farmers, growers of nectarines and peaches,
Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, EU
Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan, one
pensioner, volunteers, Sinclair Banks, boss of
fishing and fish processing firm Lunar, etc.
negative impact on Scotland's fishing industry,
storage costs for butter and skimmed milk
powder, over-supply of export markets,
destruction banned products, price rise, etc.
Cause of the problem
financial difficulties, inflation, no increase in
the milk intervention price, sharp fall in the
ruble’s value, etc.
Characteristic of the villain
vigilante, Pro-Putin, like an actress in a secondrate variety show, unjustified, pro-Russian,
controlled, strongly supportive, the biggest
loser, Kremlin, the escalation of tension,
threatening, etc.
Characteristic of the victim
angry, farmer, ordinary, pensioner, fishermen,
suffering, people, under attack, extremely
concerned, incompetent policy, etc.
Community response
the "safety net" for Europe's dairy sector, daily
road blockades, struggling, withdrawing
produce from the market, regulation of price
formation, protest petition, inspect supermarket
food, switching to more domestic sources, etc.
Myths about food embargo
the Russian economy and producers will only
benefit from the restrictions on food imports,
Putin's sanctions will destroy countries in
Eastern Europe, empty shelves in supermarkets,
back to Soviet Union, black market speculators,
nothing to buy in the supermarkets, hunger, etc.
Double standards
unjustified ban, the Russian embargo was
"clearly politically motivated", Russia wants to
take revenge, Russia's food import policies and
"safety" concerns often seem to align with its
wider foreign policy goals, The EU has
complained to the World Trade Organization,
accusing Russia of breaking the rules, Russia
has violated international law both in the
embargo against Poland and the embargo
against the EU, etc.
rhetoric of loss, rhetoric of endangerment,
rhetoric of uncertainty, rhetoric of unreason,
Stylistic tools
bringing examples, interplay with values and
norms, referring to statistics, personification,
metaphor, use of personal narratives,
exaggeration, irony, focus on treat, binary
opposition, etc.
Styles of claim-making
civic style, legalistic style, political style, etc.
Background discourses
the Ukraine crises, East-West tensions,
economic sanctions against Russia, a slowdown
in the Chinese economy, airspace ban, etc.
These discourse fragments are related to the distinguished categories which are used by different
mass media to construct discourse on food embargo. This systematization will help in further
analysis of the way the discourse of food embargo is constructed in Russian and EU countries'
media. For the current research, some discourse fragments were analyzed more closely, such as
actors, characteristic of villain and victim, myths on food embargo, rhetoric, stylistic tools, styles,
background discourses.
4.3. Actors
Social actors are understood as those individuals and groups who produce utterances and statements
in the field of media. Actors are presented in the discourses in the speaking position, where they use
specific discursive practices to construct and transform meanings.
The results of discourse analysis show that all cases have the same set of actors who shape
discourse on food embargo. In the media under study, most people, whose opinions are expressed,
are “ordinary people”. The most frequent of “ordinary people’s” opinion presentation is in the
Russian and Estonian mass media. However, the way it is depicted in some cases is different. In
British, Estonian and German mass media those actors are mainly seen as victims, and violation of
their rights often takes the central stage of the narrative. In their claims, the people may address to
human rights and humanity: “I think we have to distribute food, not destroy it”, says activist Andrei
Volko <...> “I know there are a lot of people who need this food. Destroying it is not humane,” Mr
Volkov argues” (BBC News, 2015-08-07). Often their words are presented in the form of a story or
as a background to the main topic of the article: “The sight of vast amounts of banned foreign food
being bulldozed, buried or burned is causing controversy in Russia. <...> “If they start destroying
food, what next? It's like our authorities don't care about the people,” argues Muscovite Olga
Saveleva (pictured), who has launched an online petition against the decree” (BBC News,
“Nikolai (56), a cottage owner from St Petersburg admitted he’d be missing the foreign cheese. But
he is not about to come to Estonia just for the cheeses. “When, on the counter, I see our own cheese
next to one produced in Estonia or Latvia, the choice always falls for the latter [two],” said
Nikolai. “When it comes to sanctions imposed by Russia – this is not about food at all, – I
principally do not approve of these; I consider this a horrible stupidity like all of the Putinist
politics of late. It is very repulsive to me” (Postimees, 2014-08-12).
“Das bekommen auch weißrussische Kunden zu spüren: Lokale Produkte werden in den
heimischen Läden teurer oder verschwinden ganz aus den Regalen. Auch die Qualität nehme in
letzter Zeit ab, beschweren sich einige. Der Rentner Leonid Deiko beklagt, dass er seine bevorzugte
Milchsorte nicht mehr bekomme. “Ich glaube, die ganze gute Milch wird nach Russland
geschickt.” Die plötzliche Fülle an Lebensmitteln aus der EU lässt ihn kalt. “Ich brauche keine
importierten Produkte, die würdige ich keines Blickes” [This is also felt by Belorussian customers:
Local products are becoming more expensive in the local shops or disappear completely from the
shelves. The quality is also decreasing lately, some complain. The pensioner Leonid Deiko
complains that he no longer gets his favorite milk. “I think all the good milk is sent to Russia”.
The sudden abundance of food from the EU leaves him cold. “I do not need imported products,
which I dare not look at”.] (Der Spiegel, 2014-09-20).
Those stories present social problematization of food embargo. The effect of victimization is
achieved through the depiction of real-human experience and their reactions.
Meanwhile, in Russian TASS, “ordinary people” are usually introduced in a positive bias. If British
and Estonian media in most articles present “ordinary people” to tell about violation of their rights
and to show their suffering from the food embargo consequences, TASS introduces “ordinary
people”, for example, to comment on the positive effect of food embargo or show their confidence
that food embargo would not change their everyday life: “После введения санкций все
изменилось, - констатирует Уолкер. - От партнеров нет отбоя. Те, кто раньше
отказывался от моей продукции, теперь выстроились в очередь за ней”.
[“After the
introduction of sanctions, everything has changed, - ascertains Walker. - There is plenty of partners
now. Those who has previously refused my products, now line up for it”]. (TASS, 2014-08-25).
It is needed to be outlined that category “ordinary people” in many cases is used by Russian mass
media in indirect way: “Граждане РФ полагают, что отечественные продукты питания
лучше иностранных или одинаковы по качеству – исследование ВЦИОМ” [Citizens of the
Russian Federation believe that domestic food is better than foreign or similar in quality – a study
by VTSIOM]. (TASS, 2015-10-9). TASS introduces politicians, policy-makers, research agencies,
experts who are often speak on people’s behalf.
On the other hand, Der Spiegel also describes situations in which people are wining from Russian
food embargo: “Danke, Wladimir Putin!”, sagt der Ingenieur Wladimir Nesterowitsch und kauft
seinem Sohn eine Packung italienisches Gebäck für umgerechnet 1,70 Euro in einem Supermarkt in
Minsk. Solche Importgüter gab es früher nur in ausgewählten Feinkostläden zu Preisen, die dreioder viermal so hoch waren wie in Europa. Somit waren sie für die meisten der 9,5 Millionen
Weißrussen unerschwinglich”. [“Thank you, Vladimir Putin,” says the engineer Vladimir
Nesterovich, buying a pack of Italian pastries for his son for a price of 1.70 euros in a supermarket
in Minsk. Imports of this kind were previously only available in selected delicatessens at prices
three or four times as high as in Europe. Thus, they were prohibitive for most of the 9.5 million
Belorussian]. (Der Spiegel, 2014-09-20).
Estonian newspaper “Postimees” also presents in its articles Russian people's citation, who are
supportive to Russian policy related to food embargo: “Olga (a vacationer in her 40s) who called
Narva-Jõesuu her favourite spot for holidays said her native St Petersburg has excellent choice of
foods and there will be no problems with the sanctions. <...> “When they hit you, sooner or later
you hit back. This was in response to the stupidity and idiocy of European sanctions. And, anyhow,
it is not food that matters in life, but the sense of justice”. (Postimees, 2014-08-12).
Interestingly, that Der Spiegel and Postimees are using positively biased and negatively biased
citations in one article at the same time, creating binary opposition. Binary opposition includes two
poles of matters and show relation between them. It characterizes society and shows power relation
between different discourses. The binary opposition is used to express a competition of discourses
with each other to ensure their legitimacy and power to construct social phenomena as “truth”
according to their view, power is mostly perceived as a systemic and constitutive element/
characteristic of society, as suggested by Foucault, who is one the theoretical ‘godfathers’ of
Along with “ordinary people”, there is also a separate category of claim-makers – “farmers”. In the
European mass media, they are shown from the victim position. They are characterized as having
financial difficulties, angry, suffering, disappointing, in a challenging situation, needing support
from government, extremely concerned etc.: “As you can imagine it's very disappointing. Russia
was a very new market, about 2-3% of our business, but we had an expansion plan for the next two
to three years”. (BBC News, 2014-08-10). Furthermore, “farmers” are depicted by British and
Estonian mass media in a rather assertive manner. They are making claims through demonstrations:
Wodak R., Meyer M. Critical discourse analysis: History, agenda, theory and methodology. 2009
“But the farmers say that they need much more, arguing that French agriculture is on the verge of
collapse. Their tractors, spray-painted with "Anger'" or "Enough Bureaucracy", trundled on
Thursday morning along major roads in the capital”. (BBC News, 2015-09-03).
“ Ф е рм е р ы п р и б ы в а ю т в Б р ю с с ел ь н а т р а к т о р а х . Кол о н н ы и з со т е н
сельскохозяйственных машин затрудняют движение на дорогах, ведущих к столице
Бельгии” [Farmers arrive to Brussels on tractors. Columns of hundreds of agricultural
machines make it difficult to traffic on roads leading to the capital of Belgium]. (Postimees,
Postimees as well as Der Spiegel tend to present farmers’ claims using experts and enterprises topmanagers’ opinions: “Die Situation ist schwierig”, sagte Bauernpräsident Joachim Rukwied. Die
wirtschaftliche Lage der Betriebe bleibe angespannt. Bei den Investitionen sei nochmals ein
deutlicher Rückgang zu erwarten, sagte der Bauernpräsident. Er kritisierte, dass
Nahrungsmittelhersteller und Handel den Bauern zu niedrige Preise für Lebensmittel diktierten”.
[“The situation is difficult,” said farmer-president Joachim Rukwied. The economic situation of
the enterprises remains tense. Regarding investments, a further significant decline is to be expected,
said the farmer president. He criticized that food producers and traders dictated too low prices for
food to farmers”]. (Der Spiegel, 2015-08-15).
At the same time, in Russian mass media farmers’ opinions are often described in affirmative way:
“У хозяйства есть несколько проработанных проектов, "но мы не могли начинать их (без
государственной поддержки)", пояснил Буданов. Запрет на импорт сельхозпродукции из
ряда стран он рассматривает как "хороший толчок", чтобы заняться производством
нетипичной для хозяйства продукции”. [“The farm has several elaborated projects, “but we
could not start them (without the state support),” explained Budanov. The ban on import of
agricultural products from a number of countries he regards as a “good push” for engaging the
production of atypical products for the farm”]. (TASS, 2014-11-20).
Politicians and policy-makers also occupy a significant position in the discourse of Russian and
European mass media. The topic of food embargo is highly politicized and almost every article in
all cases present politicians and policy-makers’ opinions and claims. In addition, their position in
the discourse is stated to be crucial since they have control over policy-making and laws.
“We need to continue to provide a safety net to give security to producers who continue to face
difficulties in relation to the [Russian] ban,” EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan said”.
(BBC News, 2015-07-30).
“Мы не должны становиться мягкотелыми, опасаясь, что сегодня не сможем продать в
Россию еще две тонны сыра!» – призвал в дискуссии о перспективах развития отношений с
восточным соседом член Представительского собрания Свободной партии Сергей
Метлев”. [“We should not become spineless, fearing that we will not be able to sell two more tons
of cheese to Russia!” - Sergey Matlev, member of the Representative Assembly of the Free Party,
in his claims for discussion on the prospects of developing relations with the eastern neighbor”].
(Posteemes, 2016-03-28).
“Ich empfehle sehr, dass wir die WTO-Verhandlungen mit Russland über die Öffnung des
Schweinefleischmarktes nutzen, damit wir Stück für Stück an eine Öffnung des Marktes für
Lebensmittel nach Russland herankommen", sagte Schmidt in Brüssel
(Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Christian Schmidt)”. [“I strongly recommend that we use the
WTO negotiations with Russia on the opening of the pigmeat market, so that we can gradually
approach an opening of the food market to Russia,” said Schmidt in Brussels (Federal Minister of
Economics Christian Schmidt)”]. (Der Spiegel, 2016-02-15).
“По мнению Полтавченко, в Петербурге нет оснований для беспокойства ни по каким
видам продукции <...> "Есть определенные проблемы по сыру, но вместо французского
будет знаменитый на весь мир швейцарский, контракты уже заключены", - сообщил
градоначальник”. [“According to Poltavchenko, in St. Petersburg there are no grounds to worry
about any type of products. <...> "There are certain problems with cheese, but instead of French
one, there will be a world-famous Swiss cheese, contracts have already been concluded,” said the
mayor”]. (TASS, 2014-08-21).
Expert's opinions are presented in all mass media. Most speakers are specialists in the field of law,
sociology, media, history, agriculture and others, or top-managers of big enterprises, presenting
their expert's knowledge or the results of researches in the articles. They show how food embargo
influence economic and social life.
“We have fundamental problems,” agriculture specialist Yelena Tyurina told the BBC. “There is a
shortage of milk as a raw material. The gap is filled by milk powder, but that is supplied by EU
countries, the Baltic states in particular”. (BBC News, 2014-08-20).
“Last year there has been no noticeable increase in shoppers from Russia. Probably, this is because
of the fall of the ruble and the impact of the events in Ukraine,” said Nadežda Saševoi, market
manager at Narva Astri Shopping Centre”. (Postimees, 2014-08-12).
“Das hat sicherlich mit der Ukraine-Krise zu tun”, sagte GTAI-Experte Robert Hermann am
Mittwoch der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters”. [“This certainly has to do with the Ukraine crisis,"
said GTAI expert Robert Hermann on Wednesday to the news agency Reuters”.] (Der Spiegel,
“Позже представитель ритейлера Владимир Русанов заявил ИТАР-ТАСС, что
“значительного роста цен от поставщиков в связи с санкциями пока нет”. [“Later, a
representative of the retailer Vladimir Rusanov told ITAR-TASS that "there has not been any
significant rise in prices from suppliers about sanctions yet”.] (TASS, 2014-08-18).
All things considered, it is evident that politicians and experts are main actors in Russian and
European mass media, while “ordinary people” and farmers present their viewpoints on food
embargo more frequently in British and Estonian mass media. German Der Spiegel due to lack of
articles on food embargo show few “ordinary people” and farmers opinions. As for Russian mass
media TASS, “ordinary people” and farmers don't have much place to express the views. From my
point of view, that is because category “ordinary people” in many cases is used by Russian mass
media in indirect way. Moreover, “ordinary people” and “farmers” are often marked as actors in
articles on social events. And, as I have stated before, topics on social events in Russian mass media
are mixed in most cases with topics on legislative changes and topics dedicated to farmers and
enterprises concerns.
5. Mechanisms of social construction of food embargo in mass media of Russia and EU
Here I would like to look more deeply on the mechanisms which construct food embargo in each of
the cases. A huge set of mechanisms could be used for such purposes: agenda-setting and framing,
priming, construction of myths, use of language games and many others.
I will describe the list of mechanisms that are used for construction of the discourses on food
embargo in the media discourses of Russia and EU countries. I will also study, how they are used
and what are the major vivid subjects of construction. The use stylistic tools and rhetoric for
politicization of food embargo; styles for food embargo presentation; specific stylistic tools,
framing and putting specific myths about food embargo on the agenda; agenda-setting and framing
in the construction of food embargo with relation to the construction of villains and victims and the
opposition between Us-Them, are focus of my research.
5.1. Stylistic tools
A use of different types of stylistic tools in Russian and EU mass media affects the degree of
politicization of discussions on food embargo. I have found evidences that supports this assumption
in my analysis of the Russian, German, UK and Estonian mass media. Two features of the types of
procedure lead to a higher politicization of food embargo discussion. The first one is lower legal
requirements for the media. There could be biases in reporter coverage and usage of active conflict
frames, insufficient provision of general context for the audience (differences in history,
stakeholders, scientific analysis, etc.), lack of standards in media coverage, lack of technical
proficiency of the reporters in the described matters. The second feature relates to broader
opportunities for media to weaken political opponents, as it can speed up political decision making
by creating urging discourses and providing more voices in support for policy. Media gradually
become the major source of political information in a society and, therefore, increase people's
potential of influencing and shaping their perceptions of political reality and political institution.
This kind of moderating effect appears equally for all mass media under study.
Firstly, all mass media try to use real cases to illustrate their articles. In addition, citation as a
storytelling strategy is widely applied for presenting the sensational issues to make stories more
relatable. BBC, Postimees, Der Spiegel and TASS use personal citation to drive storytelling. Expert
opinions, people’s viewpoints, politicians claim often rely on statistics, researchers or personal
“A regional agriculture official, Nikolai Borisov, said cheese prices had gone up by 10% and meat
by 15% on Sakhalin. They were outstripped by the cost of chicken thighs, which rose by
60%” (BBC News, 2014-08-19).
“На самом деле это не две тонны сыра! Экспорт непереработанного молока в Россию
упал на сорок процентов. Речь идет о 58 тоннах молока и молочной продукции», –
парировала старейшина Ласнамяэ Мария Юферева…” [“In fact, it's not two tons of cheese!
Export of unprocessed milk to Russia fell by forty percent. We are talking about 58 tons of milk
and dairy products,” retorted Elder Lasnamäe Maria Hufereva”] (Postimees, 2016-03-26).
“Die Situation ist schwierig", sagte Bauernpräsident Joachim Rukwied <…> Vom
Gewinneinbruch sind dem Bericht nach fast alle landwirtschaftlichen Bereiche betroffen: Die
Ackerbauern mussten ein durchschnittliches Minus von 22 Prozent (rund 60.000 Euro)
hinnehmen, Milchviehhalter kommen auf im Schnitt 44 Prozent weniger Gewinn (rund 38.800
Euro)”. [“The situation is difficult,” said farmer-president Joachim Rukwied. <…> According to
the report, almost half of the agricultural sector is affected by the slump in profits: farmers have
had an average decline of 22 per cent (about 60,000 euros), while dairy cattle farmers earn an
average 44 per cent less profit (around 38,800 euros)”.] (Der Spiegel, 2015-12-08).
“Многие рестораторы затоварились импортным сырьем на полгода вперед, сообщил во
вторник в пресс-центре ИТАР-ТАСС в Новосибирске управляющий крупной сети
ресторанов Артур Ганагин. <…> “В день введения эмбарго практически все поставщики
импортного сырья уведомили нас о повышении цен. На большинство импортных товаров
цена в среднем поднялась примерно на 30%”. [“Many restaurateurs were overstocked with
imported raw materials for half a year ahead, the manager of a large restaurant chain Arthur
Ganagin said on Tuesday at the ITAR-TASS press center in Novosibirsk. <...> “The day the
embargo was introduced all suppliers of imported raw materials informed us on the prices rise. The
price on most imported goods had risen on almost 30%”] (TASS, 2014-08-19).
There is one big difference in the way stories on food embargo are represented by BBC, Postimees,
Der Spiegel and TASS. TASS seems to use citation for representing public opinion as the opinion of
the majority. It is very easy to trace direction of storytelling. It is very supportive for Russian policy
regarding food embargo and there is almost no critic or opposition opinions. On contrary, Der
Spiegel and Postimees are often publish in their articles ambivalent viewpoints (for example, in
Postimees, 2014-08-12 and in Der Spiegel, 2014-09-20). According Ulrike Liebert and Hans-Jörg
Trenz58 , when European mass media publish information on political event, it forms European
public identity. Simultaneously, when mass media are critical of the EU and its policy, they
challenge the legitimacy of the EU political system and trigger Eurosceptic mobilization.
Meanwhile, BBC as well as TASS apply citations to support its policy and to influence public
discourse by promoting positively biased coverage of legislative changes regarding food embargo:
“UK Fisheries Minister George Eustice said: “We pledged support for our world-class mackerel
industry following this unjustified ban and have been campaigning hard in Europe ever since.
Today's success is a great example of industry and government working together to deliver swift,
practical help and shows the UK's leadership in Europe” (BBC News, 2014-10-13).
Thus, I can assume citation is a tool used by mass media to frame the general topic of food embargo
in articles. Citations make presented issues to be perceived by audience as reliable, well-reputed
news. Moreover, citations are used by mass media and policy-makers to influence upon public
opinion. Expert, politicians, top-managers are important claim-makers, knowledge bearers that use
Liebert U., Trenz H-J., Europeanization of the mass media: normative assessment and empirical analysis. 2010
statistical, historical, economic data to form the political agenda-setting. It is not a surprising fact
that the experts’ points of view are often used as a powerful tool of forming the political and social
agenda and constructing the social reality or approving country’s policy.
If we try to determine dominant rhetoric in the articles on food embargo in all mass media under
study, rhetoric of loss and rhetoric of endangerment will be the most used. Rhetoric of loss is often
applied in relation to the topic on farming and enterprises, which have suffered from food embargo.
British, Estonian and German mass media often present information of certain risks: products lose
value, prices fall, oversupply on markets and emerging needs to protect food industry by
government as it cannot protect itself.
“The EU has announced emergency help for dairy producers hit by the Russian ban on food
imports from the EU.” (BBC News, 2014-08-28).
“Banks and retail chains ready to extend helping hands towards Estonian farmers and food
producers plagued by Russian sanctions.” (Postimees, 2014-08-13).
“Europäische Gemüsebauern, die aufgrund der Sanktionen auf ihren Erzeugnissen sitzen
bleiben, können für Ausfälle mit EU-Hilfen in Höhe von 125 Millionen Euro rechnen”.
[“European vegetable growers, who remain seated on their products due to the sanctions, can
expect EU aid of € 125 million for failures.”] (Der Spiegel, 2014-08-19).
Russian mass media also use rhetoric of loss while speaking on farming and enterprises losses.
TASS uses rhetoric of loss also to show European farming and enterprises hardships.
“Особенно сильно от российского эмбарго пострадают финские фермеры, которые
специализируются на поставке молочной продукции в Россию. <…> В этой связи Финляндия
намерена добиваться компенсаций от Брюсселя”. [“Finnish farmers, who specialize in the
supply of dairy products to Russia, will suffer especially strongly from the Russian embargo. <…>
In this regard, Finland intends to seek compensation from Brussels] (TASS, 2014-08-25).
I assume that Russian mass media uses rhetoric of loss while speaking about European problems in
food industry to shift the attention focus from own problems. Moreover, when TASS publishes
articles on Russian food industry, it mostly speaks in a very positive and persuasive manner: “Мы
сегодня стараемся переориентировать наше развитие на импортозамещающие технологии,
а это не значит, что мы отказываемся от достижений цивилизации; просто многие вещи
мы действительно реально можем делать у себя и не худшего качества”, - сказал
премьер-министр на встрече с врио губернатора Курской области Александром
Михайловым”. [“Today we are trying to reorient our development to import-substituting
technologies, and this does not mean that we renounce the achievements of civilization; Just many
things we really can produce at home and not of worse quality,” the Prime Minister said at a
meeting with the provisional Governor of the Kursk region Alexander Mikhailov”] (TASS,
2014-08-22). It creates competition of discourses: “negative experience in European countries” vs.
“positive experience in Russia” due to introduction of food embargo. From my point of view,
Russian political actors use mass media as communication arena for approval of food embargo in
Russia and are trying to show their policy from the adventurous position.
As for rhetoric of endangerment, it often goes together with rhetoric of loss in all mass media. In a
number of articles terms belonging to rhetoric of endangerment are applied: danger, fear, worry,
damage, destroy, war. European mass media sees the main danger in Russian foreign policy related
to Ukraine crises that lead to food embargo as a respond to European sanctions.
However, there are certain differences in how the cause of danger is depicted by BBC, Der Spiegel
and Postimees. Those differences are grounded in the Soviet background of Russia and Estonia.
Common historical background has enormous influence on the current political development of the
former republics. The historic processes led to a deeply controversial public debate on policy, in
particular, on current Russian food policy. Thus, Postimees uses rhetoric of endangerment more
often than BBC and Der Spiegel as well as literary tools, which appeal to readers on emotional
level. Thus, the rhetoric of endangerment expresses conditions that threaten safety of country’ s
“Если мы сейчас не умерим политические и территориальные аппетиты российской
политической элиты, которая не всегда ориентируется на цели своего народа, то скоро мы
вообще не будем продавать ни сыр, ни кильку, ни колбаски! Если в нашем регионе возникнет
политическая нестабильность, столкновения, серьезные проблемы на эстонско-российской
границе, нам будет совсем не до сыра!” [“If we do not now moderate the political and territorial
appetites of the Russian political elite, then we will not sell any cheese, sprat or sausages at all! If
political instability emerges in our region, serious problems on the Estonian-Russian border will
arise, we will not be thinking on selling cheese!”] (Postimees, 2016-03-28).
On the other hand, Postimees prefers not to publish only one-sided opinions. For example,
Postimees published analysis of the head of the one-man firm called the Baltic Center of Russian
Studies, Vladimir Juškin, on potential developments in Russia. Vladimir Juškin is trying to refute
dangers made by Estoniagn mass media:
“Our national television is “making jokes” about survival packages lately: how many cans of food
and batteries one needs to survive a crisis situation. How real is the danger in your mind, and
should we be stockpiling canned food? <…> Will we be neighbors to the great North Korea soon?”
(Postimees, 2016-11-07).
For disproval of dangers, he uses irony, metaphors, interplays with values and norms, brings
examples that ridicules those treats. Moreover, Vladimir Juškin insists Russia is full of own
problems and has emerging economic and social crises. Meanwhile, he does not deny potential
military invasion to the Baltic countries by Russian army. Again, we have ambivalent opinions that
creates clash of discourses: “Russian policy that threaten Estonian safety” and “Russian policy
stuck with domestic problems”.
BBC and Der Spiegel use rhetoric of endangerment to show how sanctions threaten prosperity of
countries: inflation, dismissals, poverty, hunger are seen as the main dangers.
“On Russian social networks, there are already plenty of pictures showing empty shelves in
Moscow supermarkets, where foreign varieties of cheese or yoghurt used to be abundant.” (BBC,
“Die wirtschaftliche Lage der Betriebe bleibe angespannt. Bei den Investitionen sei nochmals ein
deutlicher Rückgang zu erwarten, sagte der Bauernpräsident.”
[“The economic situation of the enterprises remains tense. Regarding investments, a further
significant decline is to be expected, said the farmer president.”] (Der Spiegel, 2015-12-08).
Moreover, as for the background to food embargo often discussed issues on Ukraine crises and
Russian policy toward it, Russian aggression is also considered as danger: “NATO chief Anders
Fogh Rasmussen said Ukraine's freedom and future were "under attack," promising support
against Russian “aggression.” (BBC News, 2014-08-07).
TASS uses rhetoric of endangerment while describing consequences of food embargo, mainly in
European countries:
“Tревогу забили греческие экспортеры овощей и фруктов, которые будут добиваться
компенсаций от ЕС. По их оценкам, российское эмбарго ставит крест на урожае овощей и
фруктов этого года. <…> Австрийская Der Standard считает, что ответные санкции
России угрожают всем производителям продовольствия в Евросоюзе. <…> Премьерминистр Финляндии Александер Стубб заявил, что срыв экспортных поставок может
спровоцировать экономический кризис.”[“The Greek exporters of fruits and vegetables
alarmed, who will seek compensation from the EU. According to their estimates, the Russian
embargo puts an end to the harvest of vegetables and fruits this year. <...> Austrian Der Standard
believes that Russian retaliatory sanctions threaten all food producers in the European Union.
<...> Prime Minister of Finland Alexander Stubb said that the disruption of export supplies could
provoke an economic crisis.”] (TASS, 2014-08-07).
Description of dangers for European countries prevails over description of threats for Russia caused
by food embargo in the Russian media. It seems that TASS uses tactics to distract people’s attention
from the domestic problems by presenting conflict perspectives abroad. This shows how
construction of food embargo and its presentation can differ depending on the actors’ positions in
political discourse and their interests. And as I have mentioned before, the topic of food embargo is
highly politicized and almost every analyzed article in Russian mass media present politicians and
policy-makers’ opinions and claims. Thus, TASS can be considered as a mass media that is used by
Russian politicians to access public opinion formation.
Rhetoric is one of the elements of language games. Rhetoric uses symbols and motifs to create an
atmosphere, where the audience feel an urge to act. For example, the articles on promoting eating
Polish apples (BBC, 2014-07-31), led to a flash mob, where people were posting photos with apples
through the Internet and discussing the issue (Forum of Der Spiegel “Äpfel gegen Putin: “Sie
sollten essen, ich sollte essen, wir sollten essen.” [“Apples against Putin: “You should eat, I should
eat, we should eat.”])
5.2. Presentation styles
In my research, I have identified styles of claim-making and presentation of food embargo using
categories proposed by Ibbara and Kitsuse59 (civic style, legalistic style, scientific style, political
style, comic style, theatrical style and subcultural style). All mass media under study in most cases
use legalistic style and scientific style of claim-making. As food embargo is a political issue, there
are a lot of references to law and rationality.
“Last month the EU and US tightened sanctions on Russia, with Brussels applying restrictions to
key sectors of the economy as well as individuals. The first round of sanctions came after Russia
annexed Ukraine's Crimea region in March. President Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday
that Russia would take retaliatory sanctions, saying they would last for a year. They take effect
immediately”. (BBC News, 2014-08-07).
Ibarra P.R., Kitsuse, J. I. Claims-making Discourse and Vernacular Resources. 2003
“As announced yesterday by agriculture minister Ivari Padar, he will within days enter
negotiations with banks and retail chains for these to ease business conditions for Estonian
producers suffering under the Russian import ban”. (Postimees, 2014-08-13).
“Am Mittwoch hatte der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin dann Importbeschränkungen für
Nahrungsmittel aus Ländern verkündet, die im Ukraine-Konflikt Sanktionen gegen Russland
verhängt haben”. [“On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced import
restrictions on food from countries that imposed sanctions against Russia in the Ukraine
conflict”]. (Der Spiegel, 2014-08-07).
“7 августа стало известно, что правительство РФ ввело полный запрет на поставки
говядины, свинины, мяса птицы, рыбы, сыров, молока и плодоовощной продукции из
Австралии, Канады, ЕС, США и Норвегии. Об этом говорится в подписанном во
вторник премьер-министром Дмитрием Медведевым постановлении кабмина.
Документ вступает в силу с 7 августа”. [“On august 7, the government of the Russian
Federation introduced a complete ban on the supply of beef, pork, poultry, fish, cheese, milk and
fruits and vegetables from Australia, Canada, the EU, the USA and Norway. This is stated in the
decree signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday. The document comes into force
on August 7”]. (TASS, 2014-08-07).
Moreover, to prove the existence of the problems that were caused by food embargo introduction
and to form desired mass opinion all media use statistics or refer to researches, that is characteristics
of scientific style.
“A regional agriculture official, Nikolai Borisov, said cheese prices had gone up by 10% and meat
by 15% on Sakhalin. They were outstripped by the cost of chicken thighs, which rose by 60%”.
(BBC News, 2014-08-19).
“Прирост сельхозпроизводства в 2014 году составил 3,5%, а пищевой промышленности на 2,5%. Таким образом, за год действия эмбарго произошел не прирост, а сокращение
темпов в агросекторе”. [“The increase in agricultural production in 2014 was 3.5%, and the
food industry - 2.5%. Thus, during the year of the embargo, there was no growth, but a reduction of
the pace in the agricultural sector”.] (Postimees, 2016-03-02).
“Von den EU- und US-Sanktionen gegen Russland fühlen sich demnach 64 Prozent der Befragten
nicht persönlich betroffen. 25 Prozent der Umfrageteilnehmer sind indes beunruhigt, 38 Prozent
sehen in den westlichen Strafmaßnahmen eine Gefahr für die russische Wirtschaft. An der
repräsentativen Befragung nahmen den Angaben zufolge Anfang August 1600 Menschen teil”.
[“On the EU and US sanctions against Russia, 64 per cent of respondents do not feel personally
affected. However, 25 per cent of the survey participants are concerned, while 38 per cent see the
Western economy as a threat to the Russian economy. According to the representative survey, 1,600
people participated in early August.”] (Der Spiegel, 2015-08-08).
“По данным ФТС России, крупнейшими экспортерами цельномолочной продукции по
итогам 2013 года стали Финляндия (17,8 тыс. тонн на сумму $19,6 млн), Эстония (8,3 тыс.
тонн на $19,4 млн), Польша (3,8 тыс. тонн на $8 млн) и Литва (3 тыс. тонн на $7,3
млн).” [“According to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the largest exporters of whole-milk
products in 2013 became Finland (17.8 thousand tons worth $ 19.6 million), Estonia (8.3 thousand
tons at $ 19.4 million), Poland (3.8 thousand tons) Thousand tons for $ 8 million) and Lithuania (3
thousand tons for $ 7.3 million).”] (TASS, 2014-08-06). There is also civic style, that is often used
by mass media. Following Ibbara and Kitsuse, civic style was used mostly to portray the claims
made on behalf of the “people”. There are claims made of outrage or moral indignation, that creates
impression of naturalness, spontaneity of lack of organization.
“Tens of thousands of people have joined a protest petition to President Vladimir Putin. <…>
Reporters hailed a crackdown on contraband, but many Russians are deeply disturbed by the
development/” (BBC News, 2015-08-07).
“The corrupt kept building palaces, but there was always something left over for the ordinary
Russians – a life a bit better, and the hope of buying a new fridge. Now, all they have is the
propaganda.” (Postimees, 2015-08-21).
“Als die Verkäuferin vom neuen Einfuhrverbot erfährt, blickt sie auf ihre Theke, kratzt sich am
Kopf und kommt zu dem Schluss: "Das ist schlecht. Bald wird es hier ziemlich leer sein.” [“When
the saleswoman learns of the new ban on imports, she looks at her counter, scratches her head and
concludes, “This is bad. Soon it will be empty.”] (Der Spiegel, 2014-08-07).
“Ажиотажный спрос практически опустошил склады крупных поставщиков импортного
сырья в Новосибирске.” [“The rush demand practically drained warehouses of large suppliers of
imported raw materials in Novosibirsk.”] (TASS, 2014-08-19).
Sarcastic tone and comic style are also used to portray the Russian reality, changed by food
embargo, by British and Estonian mass media. Exaggeration and irony are the key features of those
texts. Negative attitudes towards Russian policy are expressed in different ways:
“Pensioners in a Russian city will be offered free bread every week <…> There was some support
for the idea on Russian social media, with one person tweeting that it was “good thing to do”.
Others were skeptical, however. “When will this country stop humiliating its people? Never,” says
a popular satirical Twitter commentator. Another user dryly remarked: “I wanted to spend my
sunset years in Costa Rica but Tomsk has clearly become a cooler option.” (BBC News,
“Meanwhile, a KGB guy knows not how to develop nanotechnology, or even make cheese. These
would have to be the domain of those who have learned their lesson well: why bother – to be
confiscated anyway.” (Postimees, 2015-08-21).
Der Spiegel prefers not to use comic style in its articles. It stays formal in the discussions on food
embargo and more appeals to international legal documents and authorities’ responsibility for
protecting European interests. TASS also don’t use comic style. In the discussions on food embargo
it mostly refers to rationality and practicability of the Russian policy regarding food embargo.
While a food embargo issue is highly politicized in the international society, political style has
become one of the promising tools in supporting the claim-makers who were affected by this law.
BBC News, Postimees, Der Spiegel and TASS often publish official claims of politicians and policymakers in their articles. Mass media describe political agendas formed by different political actors,
who, following ideas of social constructivism, believe they could construct reality by publishing
reasoning to the whole sanction policy and its consequences.
The mixture of different styles is also one of the discursive strategies used in the selected mass
media to present the situation in connection to food embargo introduction as a burning problem.
Consequently, civic style is used to appeal to the people who experienced the threat of losing their
freedoms and money. Legalistic, scientific and political styles seemed to be an effective mean of
legitimatizing and rationalizing one of positions in contemporary debates over food embargo.
Widely used by BBC and Postimees comic style, exaggeration and metaphors (for example, the
comparison of the Russian authorities with “an actress in a second-rate variety show” and results
of Russian policy with a “nightmarish scenario” (BBC News, 2015-08-07)) served as promising
tools in depicting the social reality, unfavorable for the Russian policy.
5.3. Construction of victims and villains and the opposition between Us-Them
The authors of the articles of the European mass media (mostly in British and Estonian media),
where civic style is used, speak on the behalf of “people”. “People” are occasionally described as
the victim group which suffers from negative consequences of food embargo. In this case, the
category of “victims” came into my focus. This concept was often accompanied in the texts by the
words: angry, under attack, challenge, extremely concerned, serious problems, losses. In
combination with rhetoric of loss, which is served for describing the risks caused by food embargo,
and rhetoric of endangerment, introduced for describing threats to safety and prosperity of
countries, those words could be regarded as an indicator of negative attitude towards introduction of
food embargo by Russia.
Moreover, the category of “victims” in those articles often includes the following actors: ordinary
people, pensioners, farmers, fishermen, dairy producers, people, fruit growers, cheese makers.
Presenting the category in such way helps the audience to empathize with the victims and see them
not as the “other”. This is happening because of distant reduction between article readers and
“victims”, who could appear to be a part of the audience of the mass media. This situation, along
with presenting food embargo as a sensational issue with a high possibility for dramatic events,
helps to achieve the aim of the mass media: sensational and realistic event draw more attention,
allowing the media to expand its audience.
Meanwhile, “villains” in European mass media are mostly associated with Russian policy-makers
and their supporters. They are often described with the words: pro-Putin, pro-Russian, pro-Kremlin,
strongly supportive, pro-government. Furthermore, the “villains” actions are presented as:
unjustified, tit-for-tat, humiliating, aggressive.
Thus, “ordinary” people having “serious problems” due to food embargo are opposed to
“unjustified” policy of “pro-Russians”. The metaphor of “like an actress in a second-rate variety
show” and introduction of “victims” (farmers) struggles emphasize the significance of the issue and
ridicule Russian policy as completely ineffective instrument of international relationship.
This way of “villain” construction can be interpreted as a desire of actors of European mass media
to escape form possible Russian influence and to strengthen nation identity building, by applying
motifs of immoral or grossly unfair behavior of Russian policy-makers. Actors, who use in their
narratives categories of “victims” and “villains” in fact build an opposition between Us-Them,
while endowing food embargo with negative connotations. In fact, the image of food embargo is
constructed as a boundary between Russia and other European countries. British and Estonian mass
media describe Russian policy as the one discriminating European society and pursuing own goals:
“Be it bans on Georgian wine, Polish apples, Lithuanian milk, or EU cheese, Russia's food import
policies and "safety" concerns often seem to align with its wider foreign policy goals.” (BBC News,
“В ответ Мария Юферева поинтересовалась: “Неужели вы думаете, что если ЕС и США
будут постоянно закручивать гайки в отношении России, то она сломается?” “Она не
должна ломаться, но должна вести себя адекватно! – подчеркнул Метлев. - Это должна
быть дискуссия равных! Мы не должны ради сыра и колбасок отказываться от своих
ценностей!” [“In response, Maria Yuferova asked: “Do you really think, that if the EU and the
US will harden their relationship with Russia, it will give up?” “It should not give up, but it must
behave adequately! - said Metlev. - It should be a discussion of equals! We should not abandon our
values for the sake of cheese and sausages!”] (Postimees, 2016-03-22).
In addition, in Estonian case the identity building is a big issue because of its Soviet background
and significant amount of Russian-speaking population in Estonia. As Postimees publishes its
articles in three languages: English, Estonian and Russian, there is division in audience for those
publications. Articles in English are intended for the international audience. Meanwhile, article in
Estonian and Russian are – for domestic audience. Considering the language being used as a tool in
constructing national identity, Estonian mass media creates for Russian-speaking population reality,
where it is dictated, what to think about Russian policy and cause negative emotional response and
awareness of food embargo. Thus, construction of opposition between Us (Estonian, European) and
They (Russian) have become a tool for Estonian policymaking.
On the contrary, Der Spiegel seems to take effort to minimize an effect from construction of
opposition between Us (European) and Them (Russian).
“Einerseits spricht sich der CSU-Politiker für Verhandlungen mit Russland über eine
Wiederöffnung des Lebensmittelmarktes für europäische Produkte aus: "Ich empfehle sehr, dass
wir die WTO-Verhandlungen mit Russland über die Öffnung des Schweinefleischmarktes nutzen,
damit wir Stück für Stück an eine Öffnung des Marktes für Lebensmittel nach Russland
herankommen”, sagte Schmidt in Brüssel Ein Signal über den Agrarmarkt hinaus sei wichtig,
damit man nicht zu "kalten Zeiten", sondern zu einer vernünftigen Zusammenarbeit
zurückkehre.” [“On the one hand, the CSU politician advocates negotiations with Russia on a
reopening of the food market for European products: “I strongly recommend that we use the WTO
negotiations with Russia on the opening of the pigmeat market, so that we have gradually
approached an opening of the food market to Russia,” said Schmidt in Brussels. A signal on the
agricultural market is important in order not to return to “cold times” but to a reasonable
cooperation.”] (Der Spiegel, 2016-02-15).
Once again, German mass media follows rationality in its publications and try not to be prejudged.
In the Russian discourse, the “other” is presented in the context of the country itself. This could be
understood from the articles with such headings as “ЕС готов добиваться через ВТО отмены
запретов России на импорт продовольствия” [“The EU is ready to seek, through the WTO, the
lifting of Russia's ban on food imports”] (TASS, 2014-08-07), “Президент Литвы: эмбарго РФ
больнее всего ударит по молочной отрасли и грузоперевозкам” [“The President of Lithuania:
the embargo of the Russian Federation will hit hardest on the dairy industry and cargo
transportation”] (TASS, 2014-08-07), “Подпавшие под санкции РФ страны
переориентируются на рынки Азии и Карибский регион” [“Countries under the sanctions of the
Russian Federation are reoriented to the markets of Asia and the Caribbean region”] (TASS,
2014-08-07), “Итальянские производители пармской ветчины признали, что санкции РФ
станут для них ударом” [“Italian producers of Parma ham admitted that Russia's sanctions
would be a blow to them”] (TASS, 2014-08-07) to be on the agenda. These articles are illustrated
with “victim” description, who appear to be the same as in European mass media.
“Villains” are also constructed by TASS by using citations from European mass media. Thus, similar
words are used: political motivated, irresponsible, tensions, threaten and others. This prove once
again the idea, that Russian mass media try to distance its audience from problems connecting to
food embargo on domestic arena by focusing on problems occurring in foreign countries.
5.4. Construction of myths on food embargo
Another major point of my analysis in the construction of discourses on food embargo is
construction of myths on food embargo. Those myths can be divided onto two groups. First one is
related to the Soviet social reality characterized by the food shortage. Articles are sometimes
provided with pictures of empty shelves (BBC News, 2014-08-20) and narratives on “the Soviet
times” with illegal food selling and hunger:
“A Soviet-era word – “spekulyanty” - is being used again. It means black market speculators.
Smuggled Western goods were sold at inflated prices in the Soviet Union, where many basic foods
and other goods were in short supply. Some liberal economists in Russia warn that if the state tries
to regulate food prices again then the country could face real shortages reminiscent of Soviet
times.” (BBC News, 2014-08-20).
“As the poverty increases, food coupons are the serious talk of the day, and some go as far as to
predict hunger, the authorities react in ways pointing back to communist era and - truth be told before the latter ever came to power.” (Postimees, 2015-08-21).
“Als die Verkäuferin vom neuen Einfuhrverbot erfährt, blickt sie auf ihre Theke, kratzt sich am
Kopf und kommt zu dem Schluss: “Das ist schlecht. Bald wird es hier ziemlich leer sein.” [“When
the saleswoman learns about the new import ban, she looks at her counter, scratches her head, and
concludes, “This is bad. Soon it will be quite empty.”] (Der Spiegel, 2014-08-07).
Other group is connected to economic consequences of food embargo:
“Looks like Putin's sanctions will destroy countries in Eastern Europe,” pro-Kremlin journalist
Yury Yakor tweets.” (BBC News, 2014-08-07).
On the other hand, Russian mass media contest myth on “empty shelves from Soviet times”:
“Впрочем, все опрошенные ИТАР-ТАСС крупные федеральные ритейлеры заявили, что
пустых полок в их магазинах нет и, как ожидается, не будет.” [“However, all large federal
retailers interviewed by ITAR-TASS said that there were no empty shelves in their stores and, as
was expected, there would not be.”] (TASS, 2014-08-18) and do not comment on the other myth.
European mass media often adds those myths in the narrative while illustrating “villains” and
“victims”. Myths are usually used to speculate picture presented by mass media. Operating with
categories that address readers’ feelings, mass media manipulate people’s perception of image and
consequences of food embargo.
6. Interaction of various discourses that construct the image of food embargo
Following previous analysis, construction of discourses on food embargo differ in Russian, British,
Estonian and German media discourses. Moreover, the competition of opposing discourses within
single media was found. It happens when actors transmit and impose their competing estimations
and concerns on Russian food embargo through mass media. For answering, how discourses of food
embargo are interconnected with other discourses in media, and how political context affect
construction of discourses on food embargo in media, an analysis of background discourses
describing a background to food embargo is essential.
Competition of discourses on food embargo between Russian, British, Estonian and German media
concerns the struggle between political interests on the global arena. The most remarkable example
of this struggle could be traced in the background discussion concerning the Ukraine crises in the
articles dedicated to food embargo. BBC presentation of the topic maintains discourses on “the
illegal annexation of Crimea” (BBC News, 2015-08-07), “accusation of Russia of arming
separatists in eastern Ukraine” (BBC News, 2015-07-30), “Ukraine's freedom and future “under
attack” by Russian “aggression” and “Pro-Russian separatists” (BBC News,
2014-08-07), “Russia’s obligation to take steps to de-escalate the conflict in East Ukraine” (BBC
News, 2014-08-07). It is vivid, that British media appeals to violation of international rights and
freedom by Russia and features the idea that Ukraine freedom should not be restricted by the
Russian actions on Ukraine territory.
Postimees bring in discourses on “the successful strategic-hybrid operation in Crimea” and
“psychological pressure on Russia's military leadership that might be planning and could execute
such an operation”, “support of the self-proclaimed so-called Russian opposition leaders in
Ukraine”, “keeping to the Minsk agreements” (Postimees, 2016-11-07), “Moscow’s goal to force
Brussels to waive measures imposed on Russia due to its actions against Ukraine, by targeting EU’s
sensitive agricultural sector” (Postimees, 2015-08-10), “Russian covert aggression in the border
region” (Postimees, 2014-08-08), “the war in Ukraine cannot be achieved without the direct
support of the separatists of the Russian army”(Postimees, 2016-03-28). Those discourses appeal to
the rhetoric of endangerment and furthers the BBC’s idea that Russia threaten freedom and
independence of countries.
Der Spiegel introduces discourses on “Ukraine conflict in relation to Russian policy” (Der Spiegel,
2014-08-07), “mediation between Russia and Ukraine” (Der Spiegel, 2014-08-19), “A creeping
invasion in the Eastern Ukraine by Vladimir Putin” (Der Spiegel, 2014-08-29), “The EU must show
Russia “that some of the most recent behaviors in 21st century Europe are simply unacceptable,”
and “The battles in the Eastern Ukraine are an external political crisis” (Der Spiegel, 2014-08-29).
Thus, Germany plays a role of mediator and takes responsibility for regulation international
conflicts. If UK and Estonian media deliver the idea of “threat to freedom”, Germany produces
discourses on its important role in conflict de-escalation.
There are few actors who support such construction of sub-discourse of the Ukraine crises. The
articles and the previous conducted inquiry into the legal aspects of EU sanctions against Russia
over Ukraine crisis show that discourse on protection of rights and freedom is one that is
institutionalized in European Union’s laws. It is incorporated in the law, promoted by politicians
and nowadays contested. Among those, who support discourses on “treat to freedom from Russia”
are politicians (for example, “Nato chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Ukraine's freedom and
future were "under attack," promising support against Russian “aggression” (BBC News,
2014-08-07)), countries’ governments (“The Scottish government said: "The Scottish government
has made our concerns about the situation in Ukraine clear and we fully support EU sanctions
against Russia” (BBC News, 2014-08-07)), scientists (for example, “Head of the one-man firm
called the Baltic Center of Russian Studies, Vladimir Juškin: “Why do I think Putin will not start a
war with NATO? Because he is not an army officer; he lacks that particular mentality. He is a
special services operative at heart; his way is to make preparations to act covertly and
unexpectedly when the time is right – as was done in Crimea. Such an operation remains a
possibility.” (Postimees, 2016-11-26)).
Der Spiegel, while creating discourses on “Germany’s mediator role”, publish opinions of
politicians as well. For example, “Ein Krisentreffen, bei dem Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter
Steinmeier eine Vermittlung zwischen Russland und der Ukraine versucht hatte, war am
Montagmorgen gescheitert. “Wir sind weit weg von einer politischen Lösung”, sagte der SPDPolitiker. Es bestehe die Gefahr, “dass wir immer weiter hineinschlittern in eine Konfrontation
zwischen russischen und ukrainischen Streitkräftenp. [“A crisis meeting, during which Federal
Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier had tried to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, had
failed on Monday morning. "We are far from a political solution," said the SPD politician. “There
is a danger that we will continue to sneak into a confrontation between Russian and Ukrainian
forces.”] (Der Spiegel, 2014-08-19).
Meanwhile, TASS prefer to highlight the extension of Ukraine crises in its articles as a fault of
policy of international organization:
“В комментариях читателей немецких СМИ отмечается, что правительство ФРГ, НАТО
и США подрывают своей некомпетентной политикой экономические отношения с Россией,
увеличивают безработицу, разбазаривают деньги налогоплательщиков и подливают огонь в
конфликт на Украине.” [“In the comments of readers of the German media, it is noted that the
government of the Federal Republic of Germany, NATO and the US undermine their economic
policy with Russia by their incompetent policies, increase unemployment, squander taxpayers'
money and fuel the conflict in Ukraine.”] (TASS, 2014-08-07).
It seems, Russian discourse on Ukraine crises fight those in Germany, UK and Estonia. TASS
creates the discourse of “International unsound policy regarding Ukraine crises” to support Russian
policy regarding food embargo and to justify it in people’s eyes. Moreover, many governmental
bodies in Russia and politicians support this kind of logic in their opinion presentation in mass
media. For example, Minister of Agriculture Nikolay Fedorov in his interview to TASS said:
“В моем понимании ужесточение ситуации вокруг России - это дополнительный стимул для
широкого круга инвесторов к вхождению в аграрный сектор. Не было бы санкций - не было
бы антисанкций. Так что Запад, по сути, вынудил нас встать на такие рельсы, дав
дополнительный стимул к развитию.” ["To my mind, the tightening of the situation around
Russia is an additional incentive for a wide range of investors to enter the agricultural sector. If
there were not any sanctions - there would not be any anti-sanctions. So, the West, in fact, forced us
to follow that path, giving an additional push to development.”] (TASS, 2014-12-15)
Thus, political context influence very much on the discussions on food embargo going on in mass
media under study. Furthermore, discourses on Ukraine crises as political background to Russian
food embargo is close connected to discourses on food embargo in Russian and European media.
Firstly, description of dangers for European countries prevails over description of threats for Russia
caused by food embargo in the Russian media, as I stated before, that is similar to the fact that
description of dangers of Russian “aggression” in European media is in the center of focus. While,
Russian media do no pay much attention to the discussion of its role in Ukraine crises in articles
dedicated to food embargo. Secondly, in introducing sub-discourses on Ukraine crises in European
media the tool of “villain” construction was also used. And connotation of a boundary between
Russia and other European countries is one more time used in the agenda building.
I have already found the competition of opposing discourses within single media in my analysis of
the degree of politicization. Those are: ambivalent opinions that creates clash of discourses in
Estonian media: “Russian policy that threaten Estonian safety” and “Russian policy stuck with
domestic problems”; competition of discourses in Russian media: “negative experience in European
countries” vs. “positive experience in Russia” due to introduction of food embargo; ambivalent
viewpoints on food embargo in German and Estonian media, that, from one hand, forms European
public identity and, on the other hand, challenge the legitimacy of the EU political system and
trigger Eurosceptic mobilization.
All things considered it is possible to say that Russian and European mass media serve as an arena
on discussions concerning food embargo and, especially, it’s political connotations. However, the
analysis shows that media present different, often contradicting views from various actors. It could
be claimed, that European and Russian media are alike in heterogeneity of discourses that construct
the image of food embargo.
7. Limitations to the research
It is necessary to understand that the study aim to understand how the discourses on food embargo
are constructed in each country and not whether such construction is true or false, accurate of
inaccurate, consistent with reality or not.
Furthermore, the analysis is limited by the language. English language of articles produced by nonEnglish speaking countries might not capture many cultural specificities that could be covered in
the mother tongue. On top of that, articles distributed in English are aimed at a broader,
international audience and involve strategies of self-representation on international arena.
In this chapter an overview of legal, historical, social and cultural aspects of sanctions employment
were introduced, which partly explain the differences in findings concerning construction of the
discourse on food embargo, implemented by Russia in 2014, by the media in countries under study.
In this chapter, the structure of the media discourse on food embargo was analyzed. The main actors
and topics in each of the courtiers’ discourse were outlined, which showed the construction of the
discourses on food embargo is highly politicized. And highlight of political issues overweight
presentation of economic and social problems.
Next, mechanisms of construction of the discourses on food embargo were analyzed and features of
the use of rhetoric, language games, agenda-setting and framing were described in each case. As
result, it became evident that construction of the discourses on food embargo differs in each case in
terms of degree of politicization, how the construction of the discourses on food embargo
contributes to the ambivalence of discourses and division to “victims” and “villains”, “Us” and
“Them”, ant the way construction of myths on food embargo are allocated in the discourse.
Besides, the interaction of various background-discourses in the construction of the discourses on
food embargo was introduces. The competing discourses of Ukraine crises between mass media,
and clash of discourses within one media coverage were traced. The influence of political and
historical background is visible in the set of themes that are repeated in episodes of construction of
the discourses on food embargo.
General conclusions
Media is one of the major channels of discourse construction. Through multiply mechanisms of
agenda-setting, framing, priming, language games it constructs sicourses on of food embargo. Mass
media present various myths on food embargo, introduce it as a pressing problem, that influence on
political, economic and social life. In the media discourse, various discourses compete for authority
over the construction of the image of food embargo.
The aim of the study was to inquire into how food embargo is constructed in the mass media of
Russia, UK, Germany and Estonia. For that purpose, firstly a presentation of historical and sociocultural overview on sanction policy introduction on the international arena was done. I have
demonstrated, that economic sanctions were increasingly used as instruments of foreign policy from
the beginning of 19th century. With the introduction of United Nation Oganization, economic
sanction became constantly use instrument of foreign policy. At the same time, with the post-World
War transformations in the economy and social structure, critics on the sanction policy emerged,
since international organizations had not developed any standards and regulations in sanction
By escalating the crisis in Ukraine, which emerged on November 2013, political changes affected
international system, which is important to consider since legal framework embodies
institutionalized, dominant views on food embargo. Political changes generated plenty of new
legislative initiatives that influence whole international community. Discourses on food embargo,
actors who produce them, and relationship between them were affected by those changes.
The centerpiece of the research is related to the discourse analysis of articles in Russian, British,
German and Estonian media. It is aimed at identifying the mechanisms and features of construction
of the discourses on food embargo. The first major finding maintains that food embargo is
extremely politicized topic. This is evident in the actors, who have the “right” to speak in the media
discourse. Most of them are politicians and policy-makers. Representatives of private organizations,
category of “ordinary people” and farmers, along with experts in general follow in their opinions
the policy that would benefit their interests. Though, discourses in Russia are more supportive for
Russian policy regarding food embargo, as there is almost no critic or opposition opinions. On
contrary, German and Estonian media are often publish in their articles ambivalent viewpoints. The
UK’s media as well as Russian support their policies and influence public discourse by promoting
positively biased coverage of legislative changes regarding food embargo.
Moreover, the stylistic and rhetoric tools also contribute to politicization of discussions on food
embargo. The prevalence of rhetoric of endangerment and rhetoric of loss is a way to frame reports
on consequences of food embargo. Media of all countries under study use statistical data and expert
opinions appealing to the growing number of economic losses of European market. Though, the
purpose of that is differ for Russian and European media. It was shown that Russian mass media
uses rhetoric of loss and rhetoric of endangerment while speaking about European problems in food
industry to shift the attention focus from own problems. While, European media use similar rhetoric
to show how sanctions threaten prosperity of a country or its freedom. This coupled with the use of
emotionally loaded language to install fear in the readers and potentially leads to panic.
Another major finding is concerned with the construction of “victims” and “villains” and the
opposition between “Us-Them”. When presenting the consequences of the food embargo, media of
European countries under study often speak on people’s behalf and use rhetoric of loss. The
“villains” in European mass media are mostly associated with Russian policy-makers and their
supporters. This way of “villain” construction can be interpreted as a desire of actors of European
mass media to escape form possible Russian influence and to strengthen nation identity building.
Mechanisms of construction of opposition between “victim” and “villains” and “Us-Them” are used
by European media to build a boundary between European community and Russia. Though, there is
one exception – German case. German media try to be more cool-headed and not to be prejudged,
which could be explained by it which to take mediator role in the Russian-EU tensions.
Next major finding of my analysis is connected to the construction of myths on food embargo.
European mass media often adds myths on food embargo in the narrative while illustrating
“villains” and “victims”. Myths are usually used to speculate picture presented by mass media.
Final finding that has been heightened in the current research is concerned interaction of various
discourses. Construction of discourses on food embargo differ in Russian, British, Estonian and
German media discourses due to political background of food embargo related to Ukraine crises.
Moreover, the competition of opposing discourses within single media was found. It happens when
actors transmit and impose their competing estimations and concerns on Russian food embargo
through mass media.
My hypothesis, that the amount of country's food export to Russia could influence on the frequency
of discussion, on the selection of topics, on the mechanisms of the information presentation was not
proved. There was not discovered any supportive argument to that assumption.
All in all, in this research various mechanisms of construction of the discurse on food embargo were
identified and the characteristic of their use in each case was described. Moreover, an inquiry into
the power relation between sub-discourses presented in Russian and European media showed that
media is very heterogeneous. Additionally, historical background is evident for the Estonian case in
how the discourses on food embargo are constructed. Common mechanisms of discourse building
on food embargo for all mass media are also evident (e.g. rhetoric of loss, rhetoric of endangerment,
legalistic and scientific styles) and can be attributed to the general purpose of mass media – to
attract more readers.
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22 ноября 2016
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14 ноября 2016
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14 ноября 2016
7. В России вступил в силу запрет на импорт соли из ЕС и с Украины
1 ноября 2016
8. Производство и импорт соли в РФ в цифрах
1 ноября 2016
9. Более 30 т содержащих мышьяк креветок из Гренландии обнаружено в Смоленской
31 октября 2016
10. Премьер Белоруссии: претензии по поставкам в РФ санкционных продуктов часто
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12. Дни Дагестана пройдут в Центре импортозамещения Петербурга
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13. "Руссоль" готова полностью заместить поставки импортной соли в РФ
11 октября 2016
14. Объем закупок Россией санкционных товаров в 2015 году уменьшился на 40,7%
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16. Медведев попробовал на выставке мордовский пармезан и обнаружил "угурт"
5 октября 2016
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3 октября 2016
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22 сентября 2016
19. Андрей Кнорр: мы сделали сбор дикоросов успешной отраслью местной экономики
21 сентября 2016
20. Власти Литвы выделят молочному сектору €13,3 млн компенсации за продэмбарго РФ
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14 сентября 2016
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23. Дворкович: включение соли в список продэмбарго поддержит отечественных
13 сентября 2016
24. Минсельхоз РФ: ограничение импорта соли не скажется на обеспечении потребностей
13 сентября 2016
25. ФАС не видит риска дефицита и роста цен на соль после внесения ее в перечень
13 сентября 2016
26. Соль внесли в перечень продэмбарго
13 сентября 2016
27. Власти Свердловской области предложили продавать фермерскую продукцию под
единым брендом
7 сентября 2016
28. Роспотребнадзор: санкции не оказали значимого влияния на ассортимент продуктов в
5 сентября 2016
29. Правительство ограничило госзакупки некоторых иностранных продуктов
26 августа 2016
30. Зампред комитета Госдумы не поддержала идею приравнять агротуризм к
24 августа 2016
31. Производство мяса птицы выросло почти в пять раз в Челябинской области за 10 лет
22 августа 2016
32. Власти Нижегородской области хотят бесплатно отдавать заброшенные сельхозземли
17 августа 2016
33. Минсельхоз РФ создал департаменты по вопросам импортозамещения и
9 августа 2016
34. Треть импорта сыроподобной продукции в РФ приходится на "санкционные страны"
8 августа 2016
35. Еда своими руками: кто выиграл от продуктового эмбарго
6 августа 2016
36. Два года без пармезана: как изменилась жизнь россиян с введением продэмбарго
5 августа 2016
37. В России за год уничтожено более 7,5 тыс. тонн санкционного продовольствия
5 августа 2016
38. Глава Минсельхоза ФРГ обсудит в Москве снятие запрета на поставки аграрной
продукции из ЕС
26 июля 2016
39. Производство продуктов питания в Челябинской области выросло почти на 9% с
начала года
22 июля 2016
40. ЕК выделит молочному сектору Литвы €13,3 млн компенсации из-за эмбарго РФ
18 июля 2016
41. Республика Сан-Марино может участвовать в российской программе
15 июля 2016
42. СМИ: аналитики оценили убытки западных стран от санкций против РФ в $60,2 млрд
6 июля 2016
43. Россельхознадзор сохранит прежний контроль ввоза продукции в условиях продления
29 июня 2016
44. Путин подписал указ о продлении контрсанкций
29 июня 2016
45. КПМГ: иностранным инвесторам выгодно входить в российский АПК в условиях
девальвации рубля
16 июня 2016
46. Улюкаев: первым отменять санкции должен Евросоюз, а не Россия
16 июня 2016
47. Ткачев: товары из ЕС не смогут конкурировать на прежнем уровне, даже после
отмены эмбарго
9 июня 2016
48. Собянин высоко оценил экономическое сотрудничество Москвы с регионами
7 июня 2016
49. Дворкович объяснил, почему сырье для производства детского питания выведено изпод санкций
1 июня 2016
50. Россия исключила из санкционных продуктов мясо и овощи, используемые для
детского питания
1 июня 2016
51. Минсельхоз предлагает не расширять список запрещенной к ввозу в РФ продукции
27 мая 2016
52. Медведев поручил подготовить предложения по продлению продэмбарго до конца
2017 года
27 мая 2016
53. РФ не будет вводить особые условия для отдельных стран ЕС по отмене российских
26 мая 2016
54. Эксперты правительства РФ: ухудшение качества жизни россиян не связано с
23 мая 2016
55. Доклад: поставщики рыбы и фруктов в РФ не смогли заместить импорт в условиях
23 мая 2016
56. Медведев: РФ и Вьетнам намерены увеличить товарооборот за счет реализации
16 мая 2016
57. Чайка: более семи тонн санкционной продукции уничтожено в 2015 году в РФ
26 апреля 2016
58. Россельхознадзор запретил транзит через РФ в Казахстан партии французских сливок
20 апреля 2016
59. О "шиле в стенке", "серой" полосе и квотах под киль. Экономика прямой линии
14 апреля 2016
60. Ткачев: РФ готова в два-три раза увеличить закупки овощей и фруктов в Иордании
23 марта 2016
61. Товарооборот венгерских компаний снизился на $4,5 млрд из-за санкций против РФ
22 марта 2016
62. Сирия начала поставлять овощи и фрукты в Россию
22 марта 2016
63. МЭР: риски реэкспорта в РФ санкционных товаров есть, ряд стран этим пользуется
18 марта 2016
64. В Россию могут вновь начать поставлять пармезан из Европы
18 марта 2016
65. Путин удивлен падением экспорта фруктов из Марокко в РФ при эмбарго на поставки
из ЕС
15 марта 2016
66. СМИ: за продажу санкционной продукции предлагают ввести штраф
14 марта 2016
67. Литва просит у Еврокомиссии €75 млн для компенсации потерь от эмбарго РФ
4 марта 2016
68. РФ запрещает поставки растительной продукции из Либерии, Кении и Индии через
29 февраля 2016
69. РПЦ: продукция ряда монастырей РФ активно осваивает региональные рынки
17 февраля 2016
70. Первую партию санкционных колбасы и сыра, ввезенных с Украины, утилизировали в
9 февраля 2016
71. В Свердловской области ввоз импортных фруктов в результате эмбарго сократился в
шесть раз
27 января 2016
72. Россельхознадзор уничтожил более полутонны санкционных фруктов под
25 января 2016
73. СМИ: Иран начнет экспортировать молочные продукты в Россию со второй половины
6 января 2016
74. Новые законы, вступающие в силу 1 января, откорректируют правила игры в
экономике РФ
1 января 2016
75. Россия запретила ввоз сельхозпродукции и сырья с Украины
1 января 2016
76. Специалисты Россельхознадзора уничтожили свыше 30 тонн контрабандных
шампиньонов из Польши
28 декабря 2015
77. Годовой раунд переговоров РФ-ЕС-Украина по торговле окончился ничем
21 декабря 2015
Подробнее на ТАСС:
78. Россия уничтожила 130 тонн яблок, хурмы и помидор, ввезенных из Белоруссии
17 декабря 2015
79. Генпрокуратура РФ за 3,5 месяца выявила более 7 т санкционных продуктов
16 декабря 2015
80. Россельхознадзор может запретить ввоз овощей и фруктов через Белоруссию
1 декабря 2015
81. 80% представленных на прилавках подмосковных магазином продуктов произведены
в России
23 ноября 2015
82. ЕС не будет компенсировать Украине потерю российского рынка с 1 января
19 ноября 2015
83. Астраханская область будет поставлять в регионы замороженную брокколи и цветную
13 ноября 2015
84. Минпромторг: реализация программы карт продпомощи смещается на 2017 год
11 ноября 2015
85. Минпромторг в 2017 г. направит до 70 млрд руб. на программу электронных карт
10 ноября 2015
86. В Калининграде уничтожили 700 кг киви, выращенных в Италии
3 ноября 2015
87. Специалисты Россельхознадзора задержали в Омской области 8 т санкционных
фруктов и ягод
28 октября 2015
88. Сенатор Лисовский предложил распространить продуктовые санкции РФ на мясные
28 октября 2015
89. Источник: Россия и ЕК начали переговоры о пресечении нелегальных поставок
продуктов из ЕС
26 октября 2015
90. ФТС России: санкционные товары запрещено продавать через интернет
14 октября 2015
91. Медведев: на поддержку АПК в 2016 году будет направлено 237 млрд рублей
8 октября 2015
92. Министры сельского хозяйства РФ и Сербии обсудят импорт в Россию сыра и мяса
5 октября 2015
93. Торгово-экономические отношения Люксембурга и России. Досье
5 октября 2015
94. Депутат: только уничтожение нелегального алкоголя является альтернативой черному
5 октября 2015
95. МЭР: инфляция в РФ в августе усилилась на фоне введения продовольственных
29 сентября 2015
96. Россияне не увидят "киргизских креветок", но оценят качество продуктов республики
26 сентября 2015
97. Ткачев: в России должно появиться аграрное телевидение
21 сентября 2015
98. Ткачев: ввоз в Россию санкционного сыра и колбасы остановился
21 сентября 2015
99. Мантуров: карты продпомощи предполагают сгорание средств в случае их
18 сентября 2015
100.Росрыболовство: поставки санкционной рыбы через Белоруссию продолжаются
14 сентября 2015
101.Таможня по ошибке сожгла более 400 кг спортивного питания, посчитав его
8 сентября 2015
102.МИД РФ: стоп-лист для ЕС будет действовать до отмены Брюсселем
ограничительных мер
4 сентября 2015
103.Российские рыбаки повезут рыбу через Фарерские острова, минуя санкционную
3 сентября 2015
104.ФТС фиксирует резкое снижение числа фактов ввоза подсанкционных товаров
1 сентября 2015
105.МЭР предлагает исключить США и ЕС из поставщиков мяса в Россию
31 августа 2015
106.ЕК: продление РФ продуктового эмбарго отразится на сельскохозяйственном секторе
26 августа 2015
107.Президент Литвы не верит, что ЕК выделит стране €50 млн в связи с продэмбарго РФ
24 августа 2015
108.Литва просит у ЕК дополнительно 50 млн евро помощи в связи с продовольственным
эмбарго РФ
24 августа 2015
109.Премьер-министр Литвы: страна больше всех в ЕС пострадала от
продовольственного эмбарго РФ
24 августа 2015
110.Эмбарго РФ, вопрос беженцев и кризис на Украине обсудят в Литве премьеры стран
22 августа 2015
111.В Москве заработала горячая линия для жалоб горожан на продажу санкционных
21 августа 2015
112.В Новосибирской области санкционные овощи будут давить на свалках, а мясо сжигать
21 августа 2015
113.Роспотребнадзор: уничтожение санкционных продуктов "остудит горячие головы"
20 августа 2015
114.В Самарском "Ашане" изъяли почти 300 кг запрещенной продукции
20 августа 2015
115.ФТС считает нужным ввести уголовную ответственность за ввоз в РФ санкционных
20 августа 2015
116.Дворкович: импортозамещение в РФ происходит неравномерно
19 августа 2015
117.Французский министр: на складах ЕС из-за эмбарго России скопилось 150 тыс. тонн
19 августа 2015
118.Совет ЕС проведет экстренную встречу для обсуждения последствий эмбарго РФ
18 августа 2015
119.Глава союза фермеров: сельхозпроизводители ФРГ несут огромные убытки из-за
продэмбарго РФ
18 августа 2015
120.Еврокомиссия: закрытие рынка РФ для европейской молочной продукции заметно
ощущается в ЕС
18 августа 2015
121.Под Калининградом уничтожили 20 тонн санкционных томатов
18 августа 2015
122.Генпрокуратура открыла горячую линию для сообщений о продаже санкционных
18 августа 2015
123.Минсельхоз Франции: на встрече стран Веймарского треугольника обсудят
контрсанкции РФ
17 августа 2015
124.Россельхознадзор: более 870 тонн санкционной продукции уничтожено в России с 6
15 августа 2015
125.Медведев разъяснил премьеру Исландии причины введения против страны
14 августа 2015
126.Санкционные товары из пяти новых стран в списке будут уничтожаться в общем
14 августа 2015
127.Премьер Франции: российское эмбарго крайне негативно влияет на французский
рынок свинины
14 августа 2015
128.В Челябинской области уничтожили почти 5,5 тонны фруктов из ЕС
14 августа 2015
129.В Челябинской области впервые уничтожили партию санкционных фруктов из ЕС
13 августа 2015
130.Россельхознадзор: объем уничтоженной санкционной продукции за неделю превысил
500 тонн
12 августа 2015
131.Россельхознадзор: идея уничтожать фальсификат связана с ростом его выявления в
12 августа 2015
132.Россельхознадзор предлагает уничтожать фальсификат из РФ, как санкционную
12 августа 2015
133.Глава Минсельхоза ФРГ готов обсуждать с Россией снятие запрета на аграрную
12 августа 2015
134.Хабаровская таможня: альтернативы уничтожению санкционных продуктов не будет
12 августа 2015
135.Минсельхоз направил в правительство список подсанкционных товаров для еще семи
11 августа 2015
136.Кабмин даст поручение по усилению ответственности за производство
некачественных продуктов
11 августа 2015
137.Таможенники Выборга задержали с начала года 7 партий санкционных продуктов из
11 августа 2015
138.Под Калининградом впервые уничтожили крупную партию санкционной продукции сало из Польши
11 августа 2015
139.Рязанские шпроты могут занять до 45% рынка страны, если увеличить квоту на
вылов рыбы
10 августа 2015
140.В Крыму уничтожили первые 4 тонны санкционных товаров из Европы
10 августа 2015
141.Роспотребнадзор за полгода арестовал на Урале три тонны санкционных продуктов
10 августа 2015
142.Россельхознадзор: с началом уничтожения санкционных продуктов контрабанда
снизилась в разы
7 августа 2015
143.Россия потеряла половину от ввоза продовольствия, но поверила в
7 августа 2015
144.Россельхознадзор: в России за два дня уничтожено почти 350 тонн санкционной
7 августа 2015
145.Импорт сыров в РФ за год продэмбарго снизился в девять раз
7 августа 2015
146.Россельхознадзор: на полигоне под Белгородом, где закопан сыр, нет следов
7 августа 2015
147.Доля российской продукции в уральских торговых сетях составляет более 90%
7 августа 2015
148.Новосибирский Россельхознадзор уничтожил первую партию санкционных
7 августа 2015
149.Под Петербургом 40 тонн санкционных персиков и нектаринов раздавят бульдозером
6 августа 2015
150.Россельхознадзор: в России 6-7 августа будет уничтожено 290 тонн санкционной
6 августа 2015
151.Песков отметил, что уничтожению подлежат только потенциально опасные
санкционные продукты
6 августа 2015
152.Уничтожение санкционных продуктов. Фото и видео
6 августа 2015
153.Предприниматели Эстонии надеются на нормализацию сотрудничества с Россией
6 августа 2015
154.В Москве Россельхознадзор направил на уничтожение 9 тонн моркови из Польши
6 августа 2015
155.Российские продукты и товары составляют до 95% в розничном обороте Подмосковья
6 августа 2015
156.Россельхознадзор направил на уничтожение 28 тонн польских яблок и томатов в
6 августа 2015
157.В Петербурге уничтожат 40 тонн персиков и нектаринов, ввезенных по поддельным
6 августа 2015
158.Россельхознадзор направит на уничтожение 17 контейнеров контрабандного мяса в
6 августа 2015
159.Россельхознадзор: первая партия санкционной продукции обнаружена в Московском
6 августа 2015
160.В России начали уничтожать санкционные продукты
6 августа 2015
161.ФТС утвердила и распространила по таможням РФ порядок уничтожения
санкционных товаров
6 августа 2015
162.Год в условиях санкций и продовольственная безопасность Урала
7 авгутса 2015
163.Завод на Кубани освоил производство полутвердого сыра с голубой плесенью
6 августа 2015
164."Родные земли" открывает собственное рыбное хозяйство на фоне продуктового
6 августа 2015
165.СМИ: депутат Госдумы предлагает приравнять ввоз санкционных продуктов к
6 августа 2015
166.Годовщина ответных санкций РФ: что изменилось в торговом обороте
6 августа 2015
167.Литва просит у Еврокомиссии €32 млн на возмещение убытков от продэмбарго РФ
5 августа 2015
168.Минпромторг: тотальная проверка магазинов на наличие санкционных продуктов не
5 августа 2015
169.Убытки итальянских фермеров от российского продэмбарго составили порядка 1,2
млрд евро
4 августа 2015
170.Доля российских твердых сыров в магазинах X5 за год продэмбарго выросла в 1,5-3
4 августа 2015
171.Фермеры Эстонии намерены выйти на улицы с требованием возмещения убытков от
продэмбарго РФ
4 августа 2015
172.Россельхознадзор: уничтожать санкционные продукты будут и на границе, и в
3 августа 2015
Подробнее на ТАСС:
173.Фермеры Эстонии потребуют у властей возместить 7 млн евро убытков в связи с
продэмбарго РФ
2 августа 2015
174.Ввезенную санкционную продукцию будут уничтожать ФТС, Россельхознадзор и
31 июля 2015
175.Пострадавшие от российского эмбарго молочники Латвии попросят защиты у
президента страны
30 июля 2015
176.Медведев потребовал следить за четким исполнением норм об уничтожении
санкционных товаров
30 июля 2015
177.В Кремле объяснили решение уничтожать подсанкционные товары увеличением
объема контрабанды
30 июля 2015
178.Калининградская область не сможет заместить поставки латвийских шпрот
29 июля 2015
179.Минсельхоз РФ разработал проект постановления об уничтожении санкционных
28 июля 2015
180.Пострадавшие от российского эмбарго молочники Латвии нуждаются в
дополнительной помощи ЕС
28 июля 2015
181.Попытку ввоза фруктов из Евросоюза пресекли таможенники на Камчатке
28 июля 2015
182.Путин поручил проработать вопрос уничтожения на месте ввозимых в РФ
подсанкционных товаров
24 июля 2015
183.Дворкович: число зафиксированных нарушений продэмбарго составляет 700-800
23 июля 2015
184.Власти Красноярского края выделили 1,4 млрд рублей на развитие животноводства
21 июля 2015
185.Россельхознадзор вернул в Белоруссию красную икру, импортированную из США
или Дании
17 июля 2015
186.IKEA спустя год возобновит в РФ продажу лосося, прерванную из-за продэмбарго
16 июля 2015
187."Азбука вкуса" может оспорить решение Роспотребнадзора об аресте "санкционных"
15 июля 2015
188.Роспотребнадзор Ленобласти оспорил законность продажи санкционных продуктов в
10 июля 2015
189.ЕС увеличил экспорт масла на 9%, несмотря на продэмбарго
10 июля 2015
190.МЭР рассматривает перераспределение квот на импорт мяса в РФ на фоне
10 июля 2015
191.Улюкаев: западные санкции стимулируют интерес к РФ со стороны стран БРИКС
10 июля 2015
192.Улюкаев: Россия не планирует менять продэмбарго под импорт товаров из Греции и
9 июля 2015
193.Минсельхоз допускает, что в дальнейшем внесет предложения по расширению списка
9 июля 2015
194.Роспотребнадзор Ленобласти будет штрафовать торговые сети за оборот
"санкционных" товаров
8 июля 2015
195.Улюкаев: правительство РФ не предполагает исключений из продэмбарго в течение
8 июля 2015
196.Роспотребнадзор будет оспаривать решение суда о законности продажи санкционных
8 июля 2015
197.Минсельхоз: российские продукты полностью вытеснят импортные через 10 лет
7 июля 2015
198.АКОРТ: крупные торговые сети не будут намерено продавать санкционные продукты
7 июля 2015
199.Арбитражный суд: продажа санкционных продуктов в России не ограничена законом
7 июля 2015
200.ФАО: продэмбарго России изменило логистику поставок продовольствия в мире
1 июля 2015
201.Эксперты: экспорт мяса из РФ может решить проблему спроса на новом этапе
30 июня 2015
202."Ашан" отказался от 500 европейских товаров после введения продуктового эмбарго
29 июня 2015
203.Минсельхоз РФ: Россия должна закрыть "лазейку" для подсанкционных овощей и
27 июня 2015
204.Эксперты: падение спроса в РФ будет тормозить развитие АПК на новом этапе
26 июня 2015
205.МИД Норвегии: продление российского продуктового эмбарго совершенно
25 июня 2015
206.Ритейл ждет стабилизации цен в РФ и роста доли российских товаров
25 июня 2015
207.Правительство России обновило список санкционных продуктов
25 июня 2015
208.Медведев: утвержден перечень товаров, подпадающих под ответные санкции России
25 июня 2015
209.Россия готовит детали ответа на продление санкций ЕС
24 июня 2015
210.ФТС: подсанкционные страны потеряли почти 7 млрд долларов за период действия
24 июня 2015
211.Путин продлил срок действия эмбарго на ввоз ряда зарубежных товаров
24 июня 2015
212.Минсельхоз вносит предложения о запрете ввоза кондитерских изделий в РФ
24 июня 2015
213.Минсельхоз ужесточит требования для недопущения ввоза санкционной продукции в
24 июня 2015
214.Минсельхоз: российские производители могут заменить импортное вино и шоколад
через 2-5 лет
23 июня 2015
215.Росрыболовство предложило внести в антисанкционный список рыбные консервы
23 июня 2015
216.Песков: продление продэмбарго РФ в отношении ЕС будет оформлено "весьма
23 июня 2015
217.Правительство внесло в администрацию президента документ о продлении
продуктового эмбарго
22 июня 2015
218.Ткачев: Минсельхоз не считает нужным расширять санкционный список при
продлении эмбарго
19 июня 2015
219.Калининградская таможня задержала 3,7 тонны сыра из Польши
19 июня 2015
220.Латвийский министр: РФ, скорее всего, не отменит запрет на импорт рыбной
19 июня 2015
221.Глава МЭР: российские контрсанкции вряд ли будут расширяться
19 июня 2015
222.Первый день ПМЭФ: эксперты о ситуации в экономике РФ в условиях санкций
18 июня 2015
223.Дворкович: в случае сохранения западных санкций Россия сохранит действие
ответных мер
18 июня 2015
224.Зампред ВЭБа считает, что антироссийские санкции ЕС продлятся дольше полугода
18 июня 2015
225.Депутат парламента Латвии предложил запретить российскую водку
11 июня 2015
226.На Урале после введения контрсанкций появилось несколько сотен фермеровмиллионеров
11 июня 2015
227.СМИ: запрет на импорт в РФ рыбной продукции из Латвии нанесет отрасли ущерб в
€200 млн
10 июня 2015
228.Медведев: ответные российские санкции доказали, что Россия способна сама себя
5 июня 2015
229.Белоруссия запретила реэкспорт рыбной продукции из Латвии и Эстонии в РФ
5 июня 2015
230.Китай до конца августа решит вопрос об импорте российского зерна
5 июня 2015
231.Глава МИД Латвии: запрет на импорт рыбной продукции в РФ неадекватен
5 июня 2015
232.СМИ: Минсельхоз предлагает убрать из санкционного списка молодь форели, устриц
и мидий
5 июня 2015
233.Калининградские производители готовы до осени заместить латвийские и эстонские
4 июня 2015
234.Запрет на импорт рыбной продукции из Латвии и Эстонии в РФ вступает в силу с 4
3 июня 2015
235.СМИ: ЕС может продлить санкции в отношении России до конца января 2016 года
3 июня 2015
236.Медведев: Россия не будет инициировать отмену европейских санкций
2 июня 2015
237.Дворкович: РФ продлит продуктовое эмбарго, если санкции ЕС не будут сняты
2 июня 2015
238.СМИ: запрет на импорт рыбной продукции в РФ приведет к банкротству
предприятий Латвии
2 июня 2015
239.Латвийский эксперт: запрет на импорт в Россию рыбной продукции серьезно ударит
по отрасли
30 мая 2015
240.Глава Минсельхоза не ожидает быстрой отмены продэмбарго
21 мая 2015
241.Улюкаев: отмена продэмбарго будет зависеть от снятия санкций ЕС против России
18 мая 2015
242.Шувалов: Постоянное апеллирование к кризису уже неуместно
15 мая 2015
243.Продуктовые санкции против США создают трудности в обеспечении питанием
экипажа МКС
15 мая 2015
244.Дворкович: российские производители продуктов увеличили объемы выпуска из-за
30 апреля 2015
245.МЭР РФ придерживается варианта ослабления продэмбарго для Греции и Венгрии
22 апреля 2015
246.Санкционный литовский сыр "Сваля" пытались ввезти в РФ под видом китайского
22 апреля 2015
247.Дипломат ЕС: Греция сможет возобновить поставки продукции в РФ лишь с
разрешения Брюсселя
21 апреля 2015
248.Почти половина россиян в 2015 году сократила покупки продуктов на 24%
17 апреля 2015
249.Глава Минсельхоза допустил частичную отмену продэмбарго при смягчении санкций
к РФ
15 апреля 2015
250.Португальские компании создадут СП по переработке фруктов в РФ
14 апреля 2015
251.Из-за российского эмбарго немецкие фермеры потеряли в 2014 году около 600 млн
10 апреля 2015
252.Россия может отменить ограничения по импорту сельхозпродукции из Греции, Кипра
и Венгрии
8 апреля 2015
253.Путин обсудит с премьер-министром Греции продовольственное эмбарго и
финансовые вопросы
8 апреля 2015
254.Россельхознадзор начнет инспектировать предприятия Греции с 20 апреля
2 апреля 2015
255.Мэрия Москвы: белорусские устрицы и мандарины - это контрабанда
31 марта 2015
256.Минсельхоз предлагает перераспределить неосвоенную господдержку в пользу
успешных регионов
30 марта 2015
257.Двое справороссов отказались от инициативы о введении торгового эмбарго с
помощью закона
23 марта 2015
258.Пушков: потери ЕС от ухудшения связей с Россией составляют от €21-40 млрд
16 марта 2015
259.Импорт мяса в Россию в январе упал на 67%
13 марта 2015
260.Роспотребнадзор: санкционные продукты ввозились в РФ под видом
стройматериалов и соли
10 марта 2015
261.Роспотребнадзор отмечает снижение качества иностранной продукции в российской
10 марта 2015
262.Лавров: РФ никого не будет уговаривать отменить санкции, жизнь все расставит по
10 марта 2015
263.Россельхознадзор получил письмо от Афин об активизации работы в случае снятия
5 марта 2015
264.Греция попросит Россельхознадзор вывести ряд товаров из-под антисанкций
2 марта 2015
265.Минпромторг представит правительству модель введения продкарточек для покупки
27 февраля 2015
266.Минпромторг РФ не поддерживает инициативу ввести квоты для российских
продуктов в сетях
27 февраля 2015
267.Справороссам, предложившим вводить торговое эмбарго с помощью законов,
объявлен выговор
26 февраля 2015
268.Левичев критикует инициативу коллег о запрете правительству вводить продуктовое
26 февраля 2015
269.В Госдуме назвали постыдной инициативу о введении продуктового эмбарго в РФ
26 февраля 2015
270.Минсельхоз предлагает ввести квоту для российских продуктов питания в магазинах
24 февраля 2015
271.Минсельхоз не видит причин для отмены продовольственного эмбарго
20 февраля 2015
272.ФАС не выявила ценовых сговоров на рынке продовольствия в РФ на фоне санкций
19 февраля 2015
273.Тюменская прокуратура проверяет федеральные торговые сети, повысившие цены на
17 февраля 2015
274.Число жалоб в ФАС на повышение цен на продукты в начале февраля снизилось на
13 февраля 2015
275.АКОРТ: доля российских продуктов в магазинах после введения эмбарго выросла на
9 февраля 2015
276.УФАС: торговые сети не причастны к повышению цен на социально значимые товары
в Петербурге
4 февраля 2015
277.Гражданин Польши пытался нелегально ввезти в Калининград почти 350 кг мяса
27 января 2015
278.Сельскохозяйственный рынок ЕС продолжает нести убытки из-за
продовольственного эмбарго РФ
27 января 2015
279.СМИ: таможню просят инициировать уголовное дело из-за контрабанды
санкционных товаров в РФ
26 января 2015
280.Совет ЕС рассмотрит 26 января последствия продовольственного эмбарго РФ
23 января 2015
281.ФАС получила рекордное число жалоб на цены с момента введения
продовольственного эмбарго
21 января 2015
282.Еврокомиссия ожидает возобновления экспорта агропродукции из ЕС в Россию
20 января 2015
283.ЕК обратилась к РФ с просьбой начать поставки продуктов после возможного снятия
16 января 2015
284.Таможенники вернули в Эстонию 55 тонн контрабандного сухого молока
17 декабря 2014
285.Дания из-за контрсанкций РФ может потерять 4,5 тыс. рабочих мест и экспорт на $1,3
16 декабря 2014
286.Федоров: Россия заместила поставки продуктов, попавших под антисанкции
15 декабря 2014
287.Николай ФЕДОРОВ: мы обеспечили замещение того, что выпадало из-за так
называемого продовольственного эмбарго
15 декабря 2014
288.Росстат: Россия значительно снизила импорт мяса и молока
3 декабря 2014
289.Роспотребнадзор за период действия продэмбарго изъял из оборота более 200 тонн
3 декабря 2014
290.Более 42 тонн испанской говядины, незаконно ввезенной в Россию, возвращены в ЕС
10 декабря 2014
291.В Калининградской области существенно возросло число попыток нелегального
ввоза мяса из ЕС
10 декабря 2014
292.Ehrmann запустил новую линейку молочных продуктов в России из-за продэмбарго
9 декабря 2014
293.Падение импорта молочных продуктов в РФ из стран дальнего зарубежья в ноябре
9 декабря 2014
294.В Омской области задержано 20 тонн польских фруктов
4 декабря 2014
295.МВД Белоруссии утверждает, что наблюдается рост нелегального импорта с
территории России
3 декабря 2014
296.Metro Cash&Carry отрицает факт продажи запрещенных продуктов в магазине в Уфе
3 декабря 2014
297.Российская таможня развернула 61 тонну сухого молока из Финляндии
28 ноября 2014
298.Казахстан не желает участвовать в переговорах о транзите через РФ продуктов из
27 ноября 2014
299.ФТС РФ: с начала эмбарго импорт Белоруссии продуктов "санкционной группы"
вырос на 80%
27 ноября 2014
300.Лукашенко резко отреагировал на ограничение поставок белорусского
продовольствия в РФ
27 ноября 2014
301.В Алтайском крае на развитие пищевой промышленности направили более 2,3 млрд
27 ноября 2014
302.ЕЭК призвала Россельхознадзор не ограничивать транзит товаров из Белоруссии в
25 ноября 2014
303.Итальянские экспортеры в октябре потеряли €166 млн из-за продуктового эмбарго
24 ноября 2014
304.Россельхознадзор запретил транзит продуктов из Белоруссии в Казахстан без
досмотра Россией
24 ноября 2014
305.Алтайский край в 2015 году увеличит производство элитной мраморной говядины на
21 ноября 2014
306.Россия возобновит импорт говяжьего и птичьего жира из Франции, Дании, Италии и
21 ноября 2014
307.МИД Польши: антироссийские санкции и российское эмбарго стоят стране сотни
миллионов евро
21 ноября 2014
308.В Ленобласти планируют начать выращивать клубнику и зелень взамен импортных
20 ноября 2014
309.Роспотребнадзор: произведенные в России продукты, заменившие европейские,
19 ноября 2014
310.ЕК выделила пострадавшим от эмбарго РФ балтийским производителям молока
более €28 млн
19 ноября 2014
311.Moody's: продуктовое эмбарго не повлияло на финитоги ритейлеров X5 Retail Group и
19 ноября 2014
312.За три месяца на российско-финляндской границе задержали свыше 260 тонн
продуктов из ЕС
18 ноября 2014
313.Минсельхоз не исключает роста поставок молочной продукции из Белоруссии
18 ноября 2014
314.Латвия может потерять российские грузопотоки в случае введения новых
экономических санкций
14 ноября 2014
315.Россельхознадзор запретил ввоз в Калининград партии томатов из Нидерландов
14 ноября 2014
316.100 дней продовольственного эмбарго
14 ноября 2014
317.Минсельхоз зафиксировал недостаток соли в России из-за падения поставок с
14 ноября 2014
318.Россельхознадзор ввел ограничения на ввоз свинины из Канады в дополнение к
13 ноября 2014
319.ФТС: РФ не смогла полностью компенсировать импорт продовольствия после
введения эмбарго
11 ноября 2014
320.Эксперты: российские ритейлеры нашли замену почти всем продуктам, попавшим
под эмбарго
11 ноября 2014
321.Потери производителей молочки Финляндии от российского эмбарго оценены в 200
млн евро
10 ноября 2014
322.Совет ЕС доработает меры поддержки европейских сельхозпроизводителей в
условиях эмбарго РФ
10 ноября 2014
323.Украинский предприниматель пытался провезти в Крым мясо птицы по поддельным
10 ноября 2014
324.Датские бездомные съедят сыр, который не поставили в Россию из-за продуктового
6 ноября 2014
325.Во Франции прошли акции фермеров, недовольных ухудшением ситуации в сельском
5 ноября 2014
326.Латвия выделила пострадавшим от российского эмбарго производителям молока
почти €8 млн
3 ноября 2014
327.Экспорт продовольствия из Финляндии в Россию из-за эмбарго в августе упал почти
на 60%
31 октября 2014
328.Латвийские производители молока грозят акциями протеста в Брюсселе, если не
получат помощь
31 октября 2014
329.Дворкович: на продовольственном рынке в России появились первые признаки
28 октября 2014
330.ФТС планирует организовать сопровождение сомнительных грузов из Белоруссии
24 октября 2014
331.ЕК получила от России список новых продуктов, которые запрещены ко ввозу в РФ
22 октября 2014
332.Вдвое увеличилось количество зарубежных поставщиков продуктов в
Калининградскую область
22 октября 2014
333.Датские свиноводы потеряют от запрета торговли с Россией $680 млн
21 октября 2014
334.Минфин Латвии: российское эмбарго не нанесло существенного ущерба госбюджету
21 октября 2014
335.Глава Минсельхоза рассказал, чем были мотивированы продовольственные санкции
21 октября 2014
336.Губернатор: Калининградская область через 5 лет заменит Польшу на российском
рынке яблок
17 октября 2014
337.Лукашенко: Белоруссия не ведет реэкспорт продуктов, подпадающих под российское
17 октября 2014
338.Росстат: производство соков в РФ в сентябре выросло на четверть
15 октября 2014
339.Еврокомиссия обещает европейским рыбакам найти им новые рынки вместо России
14 октября 2014
340.Более 300 ритейлеров в Коми обязались не повышать цены из-за санкций
14 октября 2014
341.Потери бизнеса Литвы из-за эмбарго РФ на ввоз сельхозпродукции составят 203 млн
13 октября 2014
342.Совет ЕС постановил увеличить финансирование программ по продвижению своей
13 октября 2014
343.Счетная палата: Россия может не справиться с полным замещением санкционных
13 октября 2014
344.Россельхознадзор вернул в Белоруссию крупную партию реэкспортных молдавских
13 октября 2014
345.Россельхознадзор может запретить реэкспорт растительной продукции в РФ через
10 октября 2014
346.Valio запустила производство молока и сливок в России в Ленинградской области
10 октября 2014
347.Первая после введения эмбарго партия безлактозного молока Valio пересекла границу
10 октября 2014
348.Экономика в условиях санкций: Петербург приступил к импортозамещению
9 октября 2014
349.ЕС увеличит производство сухого молока на 27%, чтобы компенсировать влияние
эмбарго РФ
8 октября 2014
350.Итальянская область Венето намерена опротестовать европейские санкции против
4 октября 2014
351.Минсельхоз РФ пока не готов пересматривать перечень продукции в рамках эмбарго
на импорт
3 октября 2014
352.Минпромторг РФ предложит стимулировать потребление за счет продкарточек
1 октября 2014
353.Финская Valio второй раз сокращает персонал из-за эмбарго РФ
1 октября 2014
354.В Новосибирской области из санкционных продуктов больше всего подорожала
морская рыба
1 октября 2014
355.Источник: компенсация ЕС для аграриев, пострадавших от эмбарго РФ, составит
€165 млн
29 сентября 2014
356.Олег КУВШИННИКОВ: санкции позволили насытить рынок местной продукцией
29 сентября 2014
357.В Вологодской области за четыре года откроют 200 брендовых магазинов местных
29 сентября 2014
358.МЭР не исключает возобновление поставок в РФ пармезана и некоторых видов
йогурта из ЕС
26 сентября 2014
359.АКОРТ: российские ритейлеры признались в сокращении ассортимента из-за
25 сентября 2014
360.Датская Arla снижает закупочные цены на молоко на 2 евроцента на фоне эмбарго РФ
25 сентября 2014
361.Fonterra: избыток молока на мировом рынке из-за эмбарго РФ составил 2,2 млн тонн
24 сентября 2014
362.Россельхознадзор обнаружил в торговых сетях плодоовощную продукцию из
санкционных стран
20 сентября 2014
363.Медведев: решение о запрете на ввоз товаров пересмотрено не будет
20 сентября 2014
364.Правительство готовит концепцию помощи малоимущим гражданам в приобретении
20 сентября 2014
365.Калининградский бизнес потерял около $70 млн от введения продуктового эмбарго
20 сентября 2014
366.Производство овощей в Подмосковье в 2014 году вырастет на 20 проц
19 сентября 2014:
367.ФАС начала выявлять факты ограничения перемещения товаров регионами в
условиях санкций
18 сентября 2014
368.ФАС не может влиять на экспортные зарубежные картели, формируемые на фоне
эмбарго РФ
18 сентября 2014
369.Продуктовое эмбарго РФ нанесло удар по доходам датских свиноводов
16 сентября 2014
370.Аналитики: цены на свинину и курятину в РФ установили рекорд на фоне
11 сентября 2014
371.Россиянка попыталась ввезти в Калининградскую область почти 600 кг свиного сала
из Польши
11 сентября 2014
372.Российский McDonald`s убрал из меню овощные салаты из-за санкций
9 сентября 2014
373.ФАС возбудила первое дело из-за резкого роста цен на продовольствие после
введения санкций
9 сентября 2014
374.ЕБРР: продовольственное эмбарго может привести к ускорению инфляции в России
на 2%
9 сентября 2014
375.Литва может пострадать больше других стран от продовольственных санкций России
9 сентября 2014
376.Россельхознадзор задержал латвийскую рыбную продукцию, следовавшую через
9 сентября 2014
377.СМИ: российские торговые сети могут отменить бонусы для белорусских
поставщиков продуктов
9 сентября 2014
378.ФАС: угроз продовольственной безопасности России нет
8 сентября 2014
379.Мэр Риги: включение шпрот в санкционный список РФ станет ударом для Латвии
6 сентября 2014
380.Правительство Латвии одобрило новый пакет санкций в отношении России
4 сентября 2014
381.Дворкович обсудил с мэром Риги проблему "Рижских двориков" в условиях ответных
санкций РФ
4 сентября 2014
382.Минпромторг: необходимости вводить продуктовые карточки на санкционные
группы товаров нет
4 сентября 2014
383.ФАС: продкарточки для малоимущих в условиях санкций не противоречат нормам
3 сентября 2014
384.Еврокомиссия оценила в €5 млрд объем экспорта продуктов, попавших под эмбарго
3 сентября 2014
385.Минсельхоз: РФ ведет переговоры об увеличении импорта фруктов и овощей из
3 сентября 2014
386.Французские производители молока не хотят в одиночку нести убытки от
российского эмбарго
2 сентября 2014
387.СМИ: ЕС намерен подать жалобу в ВТО из-за ответных санкций России
29 августа 2014
388.Представитель ЕК в Латвии: ЕС не компенсирует молочникам страны весь ущерб от
эмбарго РФ
28 августа 2014
389.Из-за санкций ФАС призвала ритейлеров закупать продукты на аукционах
28 августа 2014
390.Еврокомиссия решила изъять с рынка ЕС излишки молочных продуктов
28 августа 2014
391.Алексей Улюкаев предложил странам Юго-Восточной Азии увеличить экспорт
продукции АПК в РФ
28 августа 2014
392.ЕС выделил дополнительно 30 млн евро для поддержки агропроизводителей в связи с
эмбарго РФ
3 сентября 2014
393.Агровыставка УрФО поможет восполнить продуктовый импорт, попавший под
3 сентября 2014
394.Россельхознадзор обнаружил запрещенные к ввозу в РФ фрукты на столичном рынке
3 сентября 2014
395.Германия, Польша и Франция будут вместе преодолевать последствия ответных
санкций РФ
2 сентября 2014
396.Калининградский губернатор готов найти спонсора для доставки польских яблок в
26 августа 2014
397.X5 Retail Group отмечает ускорение роста цен по санкционным продуктам
26 августа 2014
http://tass.ru/ekonomika/1401390 \
398.X5 Retail Group: охлажденная красная рыба в рознице подорожает из-за продуктового
26 августа 2014
399.МИД: в Калининграде не снимут эмбарго на поставки фруктов, чтобы получить
яблоки из Польши
26 августа 2014
400.Профсоюз работников пищевой промышленности Финляндии опасается увольнений
из-за санкций РФ
25 августа 2014
401.Польша может создать в Белоруссии перерабатывающие сельхозпредприятия
25 августа 2014
402.Красноярский фермер-американец поддержал санкции России против ЕС
25 августа 2014
403.Россельхознадзор готов разрешить поставки в РФ и страны ТС молочной продукции
из Сербии
23 августа 2014
404.В Калининграде сменились поставщики фруктов и овощей
23 августа 2014
405.S&P: эмбарго на импорт продовольствия не повлияет на рейтинги российских
22 августа 2014
406.Еврокомиссия выделяет €3 млн европейским производителям персиков и нектаринов
22 августа 2014
407.Медведев: результаты работы по наращиванию производства в РФ молока и мяса
22 августа 2014
408.Польша может потерять на продуктовом эмбарго РФ почти €1 млрд
22 августа 2014
409.Ведение санкций не скажется на меню школьных столовых Калининградской области
21 августа 2014
410.Финны начинают поиск новых рынков для сбыта продукции, попавшей под
российское эмбарго
21 августа 2014
411.Петербургские хлебозаводы закупят начинку для слоек и "лукошек" в Карелии и на
21 августа 2014
412.По итогам года санкции могут добавить к инфляции около 2%, предупреждают
20 августа 2014
413.Латвия выделит пострадавшим от российского эмбарго производителям молока €13
20 августа 2014
414.Новосибирская область договорилась о поставках продовольствия из Африки
20 августа 2014
415.СМИ: Швейцария отказалась поставлять европейские товары в РФ в обход
введенного эмбарго
20 августа 2014
416.Шведская IKEA прекращает продажу лосося и сыров в России из-за
продовольственных санкций
19 августа 2014
417.Новосибирские рестораторы заменят норвежский лосось сахалинским
19 августа 2014
418.Статбюро Нидерландов: страна потеряет как минимум €300 млн из-за ответных
санкций РФ
19 августа 2014
419.Депутат Европарламента от Латвии просит Еврокомиссию отменить экономсанкции
против РФ
19 августа 2014
420.Как санкции отразятся на малом бизнесе и потребителях
19 августа 2014
421.Ритейлеры: ажиотажного спроса в магазинах в связи с санкциями не наблюдается
18 августа 2014
422.Встреча экспертов ЕС по ситуации на аграрном рынке состоится 22 августа
18 августа 2014
423.Еврокомиссия выделила €125 млн для поддержки аграриев, пострадавших от эмбарго
18 августа 2014
424.На рынках Калининграда выделены дополнительные места для продуктов местных
18 августа 2014
425.ЕС попросил третьи страны воздерживаться от замещения аграрной продукции на
рынке РФ
15 августа 2014
426.Греция готова способствовать мирному урегулированию ситуации на Украине
15 августа 2014
427.Правительство Великобритании поможет шотландским рыбакам в связи с эмбарго РФ
15 августа 2014
428.Доступность продуктов питания в Новосибирской области
19 августа 2014
429.Греки опасаются, что пропадут 47 тыс. тонн персиков и нектаринов из-за эмбарго РФ
14 августа 2014
430.Еврокомиссия подготовит меры стабилизации ситуации на рынке ЕС в связи с
санкциями РФ
14 августа 2014
431.Путин: эмбарго на импорт продуктов не нарушает нормы ВТО
14 августа 2014
432.Вице-губернатор Томской области: Сибирь не заметит продуктовых санкций
14 августа 2014
433.Эксперты ЕС по сельскому хозяйству обсудят последствия продовольственного
эмбарго РФ
14 августа 2014
434.Росстат: инфляция с начала августа оказалась на уровне нуля
13 августа 2014
435.Еврокомиссия ждет от стран ЕС данных о потенциальном ущербе от ответных
санкций России
13 августа 2014
436.Глава ФАС утвердил план мероприятий по контролю за ситуацией на
продовольственных рынках
13 августа 2014
437.Польша может предложить часть запрещенных для ввоза в РФ продуктов Белоруссии
12 августа 2014
438.МЭР предлагает ограничить доступ иностранных производителей к участию в
12 августа 2014
439.Ущерб Нидерландов от запрета РФ импорта может составить €1,5 млрд
12 августа 2014
440.Медведев: России санкции не страшны, попытки силового давления не пройдут
12 августа 2014
441.В Новосибирской области привлекут ФАС к мониторингу цен на продукты в
условиях санкций
12 августа 2014
442.Введенное РФ эмбарго на импорт продуктов нанесет Латвии ущерб в размере €55 млн
12 августа 2014
443.В Польше из-за запрета РФ на ввоз продуктов пострадают производители сыра и мяса
11 августа 2014
444.Совфед: Таджикистан готов увеличить импорт сельхозпродукции до 1 млн тонн в год
11 августа 2014
445.В ЕС не исключают возможности подачи на РФ жалобы в ВТО из-за
продовольственного эмбарго
11 августа 2014
446.Продовольственные санкции: спринт длиною в год
11 августа 2014
447.Медведев поручил наладить мониторинг продовольственного рынка РФ в связи с
11 августа 2014
448.Собянин: в московских магазинах нет никакого дефицита
10 августа 2014
449."Русское море" опровергло сообщение о повышении в два раза отпускных цен на
9 августа 2014
450.Немецким аграриям компенсируют урон от эмбарго РФ после согласования с
9 августа 2014
Подробнее на ТАСС:
451.Греция может потерять около 180 млн евро от годового запрета РФ на импорт
8 августа 2014
452.Итальянские производители пармской ветчины признали, что санкции РФ станут для
них ударом
8 августа 2014
453.Дания выделит около $1 млн экспортерам, пострадавшим от российских санкций
8 августа 2014
454.ФАО: подпавшие под санкции РФ страны переориентируются на рынки Азии и
Карибский регион
8 августа 2014
455.Еврокомиссия созывает экстренное заседание в связи с продовольственным эмбарго
8 августа 2014
456.Президент Литвы: эмбарго РФ больнее всего ударит по молочной отрасли и
8 августа 2014
457.Россия намерена с сентября увеличить импорт мяса птицы и других продуктов из
8 августа 2014
458.Еврокомиссия: аграрии могут получить до €400 млн на компенсацию потерь от
эмбарго РФ
8 августа 2014
459.Реакция иностранных производителей на российские санкции
8 августа 2014
460.Россия запретила импорт продовольствия на $9 млрд в ответ на санкции
7 августа 2014
461.Постановление о российских санкциях официально опубликовано
7 августа 2014
462.Европейские фермеры намерены требовать компенсаций от Брюсселя
7 августа 2014
463.Финская Valio остановила выпуск продукции для импорта в Россию
7 августа 2014
464.Глава Минсельхоза РФ: доля продуктов из стран, попавших под эмбарго,
7 августа 2014
465.Выручка и ассортимент российских ритейлеров не сократится из-за ответных
санкций РФ
7 августа 2014
466.ЕС считает политически мотивированными торговые ограничения со стороны РФ
7 августа 2014
467.Правительство РФ утвердило перечень продуктов питания, подпадающих под
ответные санкции
7 августа 2014
468.Источник: ЕС готов добиваться через ВТО отмены запретов России на импорт
7 августа 2014
469.Бразильские производители мяса птицы готовы заменить экспортеров США на
российском рынке
7 августа 2014
470.Производители молока: цены не вырастут, если государство проконтролирует
ситуацию на рынке
7 августа 2014
471.Источник: под запрет на ввоз в РФ попала молочная продукция из ЕС
6 августа 2014
1. EU extends farm aid amid Russian food import ban
30 July 2015
2. Russian import ban fuels food price rises
19 August 2014
3. Russians shocked as banned Western food destroyed
7 August 2015
4. 'Banking' fishing quotas agreed by EU
13 October 2014
5. EU widens aid to dairy exporters hit by Russia food ban
28 August 2014
6. UK firms hurt by Russian embargo on food imports
10 August 2014
7. EU aid package for farmers disappoints Ulster Farmers Union
7 September 2015
8. Russia: Sanctions hit food supply to space station
13 October 2014
9. EU compensates fruit and veg growers hit by Russian ban
18 August 2014
10. Mixed feelings as Kremlin curbs food imports
7 August 2014
11. Food sanctions hit Russian shoppers' pockets
20 August 2014
12. Russia: Free bread offered to pensioners
6 March 2015
13. Russian fish company sues against food sanctions
9 September 2014
14. Minister calls for EU support on Russian food embargo
30 September 2014
15. Russian ban may hit Northern Ireland food exporters
7 August 2014
16. Russian embargo: 'It's not the end of the world'
7 August 2014
17. Russia hits West with food import ban in sanctions row
7 August 2014
18. UK mackerel exports 'up by 44%'
26 March 2015
19. Support promise for Scottish fishermen over Russia's food export ban
15 August 2014
20. Scottish fishermen raise Russian embargo fears
7 August 2014
21. Ukraine crisis: Putin orders retaliatory sanctions
6 August 2014
22. Global food prices fall at fastest rate in seven years
10 September 2015
23. French farmers converge on Paris in prices protest
3 September 2015
24. McDonald's plans appeal against Moscow outlet closure
27 August 2014
25. Russia watchdog shuts four McDonald's in Moscow
21 August 2014
26. McDonald's: Russia watchdog widens probe into food chain
21 August 2014
27. Russia adds countries to food import ban over sanctions
13 August 2015
28. Russian officials create Santa letter template
28 November 2016
29. Russian sanctions: French pate returned to Finland
21 August 2014
30. Russia destroys tonnes of foreign food imports
6 August 2015
31. Russia sanctions: Contraband cheese gang rounded up
18 August 2015
32. Ulster Farmers Union says pork stockpile could depress prices
18 June 2015
33. Russia: Free bread offered to pensioners
6 March 2015
34. Russia import ban sees Belton cheese order cancelled
8 August 2014
35. Russia-Turkey crisis: Food and foreign policy mix again
26 November 2015
36. Dairy farmers in warning over milk price slump
28 July 2015
37. EU aid package for farmers disappoints Ulster Farmers Union
7 September 2015
38. Ukraine sanctions: 'Buy Russian' campaign defies embargo
17 October 2014
39. Russia sanctions: Poland's apple growers feel the squeeze
22 August 2014
40. EU to pay struggling peach growers hit by Russian ban
11 August 2014
41. Russia bans Polish fruit and veg amid sanctions war
1 August 2014
42. Swiss sanctions dilemma over Russia
19 August 2014
43. BBCtrending: Poles #EatApples to annoy Putin
31 July 2014
Der Spiegel
1. Kreml verbietet Einfuhr von Fleisch, Milch, Obst aus dem Westen
2. Milch, Fleisch, Gemüse - so hart treffen die Sanktionen
3. Polen will Russland verklagen
4. Russland führt Westprodukte über Nachbarländer ein
5. Russische Sanktionen kosten Holland 300 Millionen Euro
6. Deutsche Bauern kommen auch ohne Russland klar
7. EU-Kaviarverbot wird Russlands Einmarsch nicht stoppen
8. "Danke, Wladimir Putin!"
9. Tsipras lockt, Putin bremst
10. EU einigt sich auf Verlängerung von Russland-Sanktionen
11. Russland deutet Einlenken im Lebensmittelstreit an
12. Russland verbietet ukrainische Lebensmittelimporte
13. Karges Jahr für Deutsche Bauern
14. Schmidt will über Ende des russischen Embargos sprechen
15. Türkei gut, EU böse
16. Milchengpass in Russland - Ersatzstoffe lassen Käse explodieren
1. Minister calls on bankers and traders to help producers
August 13, 2014
2. Milk price plunges ten years back
September 2, 2014
3. Minister: Estonia must look for new markets due to Russian fish embargo
June 5, 2015
4. Russia preparing to clam up
November 7, 2016
5. Editorial: economy in Russia – confiscation guaranteed
August 21, 2015
6. Editorial: cheese laid to rest
August 10, 2015
7. Buying Estonian foods, Russians praise sanctions
August 12, 2014
8. Cbank: Russian sanctions have little impact on Estonian consumer prices so far
November 7, 2014
9. Sanctions may spell fishing fleet standstill
August 21, 2014
10. Editorial: a shot in own foot
August 8, 2014
11. Путин: Россия будет тянуть с отменой продуктовых контрсанкций
22 ноября 2016
12. В России вступило в силу эмбарго на соль из ЕС, США и с Украины
1 ноября 2016
13. Россия внесла изменения в список запрещенных к ввозу из стран ЕС товаров
26 октября 2016
14. Путин об отмене ответных санкций: фиг им
16 октября 2016
15. Российские экономисты: контрсанкции РФ не сказались на Западе
9 сентября 2016
16. Компании из Евросоюза продолжают торговать с Крымом в обход санкций
18 августа 2016
17. Медведев поручил подготовить продление продэмбарго до конца 2017 года
27 мая 2016
18. Россия оценила ущерб европейских поставщиков от эмбарго
23 мая 2016
19. Не сыром единым?
28 марта 2016
20. Метлев о России: мы не откажемся от наших ценностей ради двух тонн сыра
22 марта 2016
21. Медведев попросил «не строить иллюзий» о взаимном продлении санкций против ЕС
14 марта 2016
22. Эксперты подсчитали, сколько россияне переплатили за продуктовое эмбарго
2 марта 2016
23. В России за полгода уничтожено 2500 тонн запрещенной к ввозу еды
8 февраля 2016
24. Норвежцы вложатся в чилийских рыбаков для обхода санкций
15 сентября 2014
25. Российские санкции обходятся эстонским производителям в 150 млн евро
9 сентября 2014
26. Российское рыбное предприятие подало в связи с эмбарго иск к правительству РФ
8 сентября 2014
27. Итальянский бизнес обвинил ЕС в разрушении сотрудничества с Россией
3 сентября 2014
28. Минфин: российские санкции серьезного влияния на экономику Эстонии не оказали
1 сентября 2014
29. Россиян ждет дефицит, но не голод
28 августа 2014
30. Россия отменит продовольственное эмбарго при отсутствии угрозы нацбезопасности
26 августа 2014
31. Опрос: российские санкции оказали негативное влияние на пятую часть эстонских
21 августа 2014
32. Эпоха сельскохозяйственных баронов
21 августа 2014
33. Сербия назвала экспорт продуктов в Россию уникальным шансом
21 августа 2014
34. Швейцария отказалась поставлять европейские товары в Россию в обход введенного
20 августа 2014
35. Санкции оставили россиян без лосося и сыра из Ikea
19 августа 2014
36. Десятки фур не могут попасть в Калининград из-за эмбарго
19 августа 2014
37. Европейцы попытаются отправить продукты в Россию через Швейцарию
18 августа 2014
38. Российские санкции приведут к снижению цен на продукты
39. Московский журналист: в магазинах достаточно сыра
40. Из-за эмбарго на импорт в России начали расти цены на продукты
41. Postimees поддержит эстонских производителей, пострадавших из-за санкций
42. Медведев: Россия должна кормить себя сама
43. Фуа-гра, прошутто, хамон и паштеты запрещены к ввозу в Россию
44. В обход санкций: РФ могут наводнить «белорусские» мидии, осьминоги и другие
45. На границе с ЕС российская таможня разворачивает грузовики с запрещенными
46. Греческие евродепутаты потребовали отменить санкции против России
47. Представители эстонских магазинов: россияне уже сейчас являются постоянными
клиентами в Нарве
48. МТА: Россия отправила с границы обратно в Эстонию две фуры с продуктами
49. Посол Эстонии в России: люди боятся повышения цен и бедного ассортимента
50. Из-за запрета РФ на импорт продуктов Эстония потеряет почти четверть молочного
51. Ноормяги: российские санкции подстегнут развитие приграничной торговли в
52. Президент Литвы: санкции России больнее всего ударят по молочной отрасли и
53. Евросоюз обещает компенсировать аграриям потери из-за санкций России
54. Видный эстонский экономист: этими санкциями Путин сорвал банк
55. Журналист предрекает России повышение цен, дефицит и возвращение в советские
56. Большинство россиян поддерживают ответные санкции в отношении Запада
57. Российские сыроделы будут производить свой пармезан и камамбер
58. В РПЦ поприветствовали продовольственные санкции России и призвали
«довольствоваться малым»
59. Министр сельского хозяйства Эстонии созывает пищевой сектор на экстренное
60. Ответ Путина на санкции Запада может помочь бизнесу "друзей президента"
61. Париж следит за ситуацией с запретом экспорта продуктов в Россию
62. ЕС оценил потери от запрета импорта в Россию продуктов в 12 миллиардов евро
63. Valio Eesti: запрет на экспорт в Россию повлияет на весь европейский рынок
64. Калининград могут вывести из-под запрета на продукты ЕС
65. Медведев огласил список запрещенного к ввозу продовольствия
66. Детское питание не подпадет под запрет на ввоз продовольствия в РФ
67. Срок запрета на ввоз в Россию иностранной продукции могут изменить
68. Путин запретил ввоз продовольствия из стран, которые ввели санкции против РФ
69. Финляндия: отношения Запада и России потеплели, отмена санкций будет зависеть от
минских соглашений
70. ЕС просит Россию воздержаться от продуктового эмбарго для Украины
71. В России предложили распространить эмбарго на мясные продукты
72. Россельхознадзор планирует ввести санкции на продукцию белорусских предприятий,
использующих эстонское и латвийское сырье
73. Медведев разрешил уничтожать нелегальный алкоголь
74. Европейские фермеры протестуют в Брюсселе, требуя от Евросоюза спасти свои
75. Минэкономразвития России предлагает исключить США и ЕС из поставщиков мяса в
76. Гуриев объяснил иррациональность уничтожения "санкционки" в России
77. Доходы Таллиннского порта сократились из-за санкций против России
78. Медведев не видит дефицита мяса, фруктов и овощей из-за введения эмбарго
79. В России продолжается уничтожение санкционной продукции
80. Польские производители продуктов добились рекордной прибыли несмотря на
российское эмбарго
81. Водитель с грузом томатов бежал от Россельхознадзора в Белоруссию
82. Около 150 тысяч россиян выступили против уничтожения санкционных продуктов
83. Санкционные продукты будут искать и уничтожать на границе и на полках магазинов
в России
84. Эхо санкций: эстонские фермеры требуют от государства финансовой помощи
85. Европейские фермеры оценили потери от российских контрсанкций в 5,5 млрд евро
86. США и ЕС расследуют схемы обхода антироссийских санкций
87. Кремль предложил уничтожать санкционные товары
88. Петербуржец пытался провезти санкционные сосиски в запаске
89. Российские санкции приносят убытки в сотни миллионов финскому сельскому
90. Безлактозная молочная продукция попала под контрсанкции
91. Ткачев: Россия пока не готова к запрету вина с Запада
92. Крымские виноделы снова просят ввести эмбарго на вино из Европы
93. Россия продлила ответные санкции на год
94. Россия может запретить ввоз цветов, рыбы и кондитерских изделий
95. Россия может запретить ввоз рыбных консервов
96. Пушков о санкциях: прибалты и им подобные потерпели поражение
97. Медведев поручил подготовить предложения об ответных санкциях
98. Кремль: Россия ответит взаимностью на санкции ЕС
99. Эстонский рыбный союз: Россия неспроста затеяла проверку балтийских шпрот
100.Импорт безлактозных сыров и молока в Россию вновь могут ограничить
101.Из-за российских санкций могут быть забиты 4000 коров
102.Санкции: астронавты на МКС могут остаться голодными
103.Домбровскис: больше всего из-за российских санкций пострадали страны Балтии
104.Россия может отменить эмбарго на ввоз продуктов из Греции
105.Российские власти выступают против тотального импортозамещения
106.Статистика подтверждает: Белоруссия стала «упаковочным цехом» для импортеров
санкционных продуктов
107.Эскпорт финских товаров в Россию снизился на 70 процентов
108.Санкции усложняют работу финских компаний в России
109.Кто больше всех в ЕС пострадал от взаимных санкций Евросоюза и России?
110.Роспотребнадзор приостановил ввоз сыров из Польши
111.Белоруссия хочет помочь странам ЕС обойти российское продуктовое эмбарго
112.Эстонские крестьяне вместе с соседями просят помощи у Еврокомиссии
113.Из-за российских санкций закупочные цены на молоко снизились почти в два раза
114.Фермеры Европы потеряли 5 миллиардов евро из-за санкций против России
115.Странные санкции: в августе объем экспорта латвийского продовольствия в Россию
увеличился почти на 30%
116.Рыбный бизнес Финляндии страдает от санкций
117.Как норвежский лосось обошел российские санкции
118.Andrei Kuzichkin: avenging Parmesan or why Russia bulldozed food
Appendix. Example of coding
EU extends farm aid [theme] amid Russian food import ban
30 July 2015
REUTERS Angry [Characteristics of the victim] dairy farmers [actors] used their tractors to block
roads in Belgium on Thursday [civic style]
The EU [actor] says it will continue aid for exporters of dairy produce, fruit and vegetables
[actors] into next year to ease the impact of a Russian ban on those goods.
The EU Commission [actor] says the "safety net" [metaphor] for Europe's dairy sector
[Community response] will remain in place until March 2016 and for fruit and vegetable
growers until July 2016.
Russia [actor] has extended a year-old ban on most imports of EU food and drink until
August 2016. Western sanctions are hurting Russia's economy [myths].
The Ukraine crisis [background] sparked the dispute.
Many European farmers [actors] are in financial difficulties because the Russian market is
blocked and Chinese imports of European dairy produce have slackened [cause of the
There have been daily road blockades [Community response] by French farmers [actor,
claim-makers] - and on Thursday similar protests erupted in Belgium. They want higher
prices for their produce, saying they are struggling [Community response] to stay in
In 2013 Poland and Lithuania were the biggest European exporters of fruit and vegetables to
AFPGrowers of nectarines and peaches [actors] are among those hit hardest by the Russian
East-West tensions [background]
The West [actor] has restricted credit for Russian state banks, defence firms and energy
industries, and slapped visa bans and asset freezes on many top Russian officials
[Community respons] because of Moscow's actions in Ukraine [background].
The sanctions were triggered by Russia's annexation of Crimea in March 2014, and were
later ratcheted up, as Russia was accused of arming separatists in eastern Ukraine. Russia has
denied helping the separatists with troops and heavy weapons. [legalistic style]
"We need to continue to provide a safety net in order to give security to producers who
continue to face difficulties in relation to the [Russian] ban," [rethoric of loss] EU
Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan [actor, personification] said.
The EU support for fruit and vegetable [Community response] growers has cost €155m
(£110m; $170m) [bringing examples] so far. It takes the form of withdrawing produce from
the market [Community response] - it is then distributed free in schools and hospitals
(interplay with values and norms), or used for compost or animal feed [Community
response]. Restricting the supply [Community response] helps to prevent prices crashing
(rethoric of endangerment).
In the dairy sector, the Commission [actor] is buying up butter and skimmed milk powder
and paying farmers to store their produce [Community response].
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