EEG monitoring and controlling programmers' attention during work

The field of information technology has tightly entered into all spheres of hu- man activity. The core of Computer Science is programming, modern science and industry rely on the work done by them. For improving speed and qual- ity of development of IT projects it is essential to study how to increase the efficiency of developers. One way to improve the quality of developers’ work is to help them concentrate better, timely detect a drop in concentration and brain fatigue, which could be done by controlling the level of attention during programming. More and more types of devices for detecting biophysical signals are becoming more accessible. This study focuses on the study of the level of attention of programmers using EEG, as the most promising and realistic for use in this environment. We found that the level of attention can be determined using the control of alpha and beta waves measured using EEG, as well as spe- cific features of the functional state of the brain compared to another type of mental load - driving.


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ID: 6047d178ccefde0001fb4d95
UUID: 981902f0-633e-0139-2c9c-0242ac180002
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: больше 3 лет назад
Просмотры: 8


Розалия Амирова


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