What is the physical reality and the world around us in terms of the modern physics and in the context of the philosophy? Usually the physics investigates not what the reality is, but how it shows itself. That is how there are described laws governing our Universe. In the modern physics, objects are usually described by using the mathematical models. At that for each object, the mathematical models have the area of their applicability, parameters variation range when they give a well adequate description of the real object. Asadullayev’s ideas and hypotheses suggest existence of other Universes. It is impossible to discover them through definitions of our Universe. They cannot discover each other and they do not participate in the processes of each other. They exist and do not exist. However, they comply with the principle of the matter conservation and thus reveal themselves. Parallel worlds comply with the principle of the matter conservation. In this respect, the principle of the mass and energy conservation, E = MC², is theoretically limited. He achieves such results through his discoveries in the field of the philosophy - the new categories, not yet known to the scientific world. The emptiness differs from the space, though they are basically different kinds of matter. Articles suggested by Asadullayev I.K. represent an interesting point of view on this issue. At that, this point of view in many ways is closely related to the Avicenna’s view of the world, of the Universe, of the reality and we can even assume that it is a generalization of this point of view.


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ID: 58a01fee5f1be7449ec51086
UUID: 18472190-d32d-0134-e80d-525400003e20
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: около 8 лет назад
Просмотры: 11


Искандар Асадуллаев


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