Some Features of Modern Practice of the Theoretical Description of Combustion Processes

DOI : 10.9734/AJOPACS/2017/36523 See my latest publication here: On the one hand, this paper turned up from the author's desire to write a little-volume popular science series book about my own scientific interests field. The book whould include several topics, in particular, the history of combustion theory in general with different anecdotic stories (about and, especially, the USSR Academy of sciences), the Arrhenius equation and an intricate and deceptive history of SHS (self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, i. e. story of Merzhanov's "solid flame"). In this connection, it is worthy to noted, that the many problems of high-temperature and non-equilibrium burning were very popular a half century ago. For example, even the future Chancellor of Germany, Angelina Merkel, was engaged in radiation chemistry, and her doctoral dissertation was devoted precisely to the "comparison" of the so-called statistical and kinetic reaction rate constants (this problem is until now very interesting for the field under consideration. One of my friends in that time got his Ph.D. in MIPT with dissertation, having an almost same title. But in fact, my message concerns the very complex questions about the change of paradigms, ontologies, methodologies and other concepts of unusual scientists' ears. In 1962, the American historian of science, Thomas Kuhn, in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, suggests that wrong paradigms can "last as long as they please". Kuhn writes that even if the scientific community as a whole is imbued with a spirit of tolerance, double standards of argument operate in it. Judgment in support of the "paradigmatized" ontology is perceived in the context of the "yes-strategy", and any attempts to justify "heresy" in the context of "no-strategy", etc. In addition to the need to restore order in the practice of calculations on the theory of combustion, the author hopes that the information changes that took place in 1962, when the T. Kuhn formulated his hypotheses, and now it is possible to carry out more quickly change the wrong scientific paradigms (probably, such problems exist not only in chemistry). We are talking about the fate of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the new law on science being prepared in Russia and, of course, world science in general.

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ID: 5ed3f9a21db9460001532347
UUID: d6d57e10-859b-0138-b634-0242ac180003
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: больше 4 лет назад
Просмотры: 31

Григорий Брауэр



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