The search of music gaps in public domain using Wikidata

This article is about research of musical compositions using the knowledge base of international project called Wikidata. With the help of SPARQL queries for items classified as "musical compositions" the following were received: the list of all musical compositions, the list of musical compositions that has a composer, the bubble diagram for composers that shows composers with most compositions. Moreover, the task of searching music gaps in public domain was done and completeness of Wikidata was evaluated.

Искусство. Искусствоведение

Вуз: Петрозаводский государственный университет (ПетрГУ)

ID: 5a39107c7966e11ea24d0aa3
UUID: 565f8da0-c6ec-0135-e4da-525400005860
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: больше 6 лет назад
Просмотры: 3


Илья Вершинин

Петрозаводский государственный университет (ПетрГУ)


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