The Use of Religion by Political Leaders as a Tool to Gain Public support for Warfare

This study illustrates the use of religion, in this particular case, Islam, by the Chechen political elite of those years to mobilize the Chechen people for war against the Russian Federation in order to separate Chechnya from it. The diploma thesis is also devoted to the study of the Chechen crisis in the context of international relations.

Политика и политические науки

Вуз: Независимое исследование (нет вуза)

ID: 5ed3f9b71db94600015323f8
UUID: e3551f00-859b-0138-b6e5-0242ac180003
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: около 4 лет назад
Просмотры: 36

Антон Гуменский



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