Objects tracking system is a research field of great importance. The two main reasons for this: 1 - Attempting to replace humans with robots or automatic systems in every field wherever possible. 2 - The accuracy, effectiveness and speed of those systems compared to human performance. In this research we propose a new approach for tracking objects and predicting the future trajectory of these objects. the main idea is to observe the object for about 15 seconds, this gives us part of the moving pattern, then “Dynamic Regressor Extension and Mixing (DREM)” algorithm is used to estimate the main frequencies involved in the detected movement pattern. The estimated frequencies are used to predict the future trajectory of the object. The accuracy of this method was tested using 5DOF arm robot, which try to grip the object at each moment of its future trajectory. This research performed on a virtual object designed in “vredit” in MATLAB. The object moves on an LCD screen. The results were represented as the difference between the predicted trajectory and the real future trajectory. Results show that tracking error of a ball moves on the screen for different moving pattern is less than 1cm, where the screen stands 500mm far from arm base.


Вуз: Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий, механики и оптики (ФГБОУ ВПО «СПбНИУ ИТМО»)

ID: 5f324a33cd3d3e0001b6ee74
UUID: 1f021b40-bdd3-0138-1688-0242ac180006
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: почти 4 года назад
Просмотры: 28


Шаккуф Али


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Рецензия от Шаккуф Али
Итоговая оценка ВКР - Отлично. / Final assessment of the thesis - excellent. Заключение: Считаю, что данная выпускная квалификационная работа является законченной работой - да, а её автор заслуживает присуждения квалификации Магистр - да. / Conclusion: I believe that the present graduation thesis is complete - yes, its author is deserving of being awarded a degree Магистр - yes.

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