Company pricing policy in a highly saturated fast-food market (on the example of Burger Rus LLC)

Traditionally, the price has operated as the major determinant of buyer choice. Although recently there has been a shift in buyer behavior with non-price factors also playing a role in the consumer decision process, price still remains the major factor that influences the buyer’s decision. Pricing is an important decision-making aspect after the product is manufactured. It determines the future of this product, its acceptability to the customers, margin. Pricing is a tool of competition. Pricing decisions can have very significant consequences for the organization. Price determines the profit margin on products and therefore company’s profitability. This study aims to analyze the current pricing strategies of a company and their competitiveness on the example of Burger Rus LLC. An analysis of the pricing policy implemented by this company leads to the question: In which directions should the improvements regarding pricing be implemented? Based on the correlation, sensitivity, peer-to-peer and financial (profitability) analyses an evaluation of the company’s financial health and efficiency of the implemented pricing policies were made. The assessment demonstrated that there is room for improvement in pricing strategies and profitability indicators. On this basis, it is recommended that dynamic pricing should be implemented. Moreover, the effective use of current pricing strategies needs to be ensured.

Экономика и экономические науки

Вуз: Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. Плеханова (РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова)

ID: 60e47b33e4dde5000173d26a
UUID: 794866a0-c09f-0139-3a6f-0242ac180005
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: около 3 лет назад
Просмотры: 24


Валерия Коржуева

Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. Плеханова (РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова)


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Отзыв заведующей кафедры экономической теории РЭУ им Г В Плеханова, кандидата экономических наук, доцента Комаровой Ирины Павловны на ВКР студентки Коржуевой Валерии Дмитриевны на тему "Ценовая политика компании на высоконасыщенном рынке фаст-фуда на примере ООО "Бургер Рус"

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Рецензия профессора кафедры финансов и цен РЭУ им Г В Плеханова, кандидата экономических наук, доцента Финогеновой Юлии Юрьевны на ВКР студентки Коржуевой Валерии Дмитриевны на тему "Ценовая политика компании на высоконасыщенном рынке фаст-фуда на примере ООО "Бургер Рус"

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