Features of favorable entrepreneurship environment in modern economic conditions

Economy is the main factor which has made the differences between development and underdeveloped countries. The thesis representing the modern economic conditions around the world that causing changes in every country. As the economic is the backbone of the country if the economy is strong then the country is financial strong and has the capabilities to compete the world. This century is the technological century every thinking is globally connected so its makes lots of opportunities for everyone around the world making the economy of the country better with the help of investment in other countries. In modern economic conditions made possibilities for the people to invest money while sitting at their country and make contribution for development of the country. In the thesis providing some favorable conditions for the entrepreneurs to interact them to invest in the Pakistan. Many researchers indicate the problems regarding entrepreneurship and economic development in Pakistan but does not identified that the Pakistan also consist of some favorable conditions for entrepreneurs to invest. The thesis will help the entrepreneurs to overview of advantages as well as disadvantages for investing in Pakistan. This thesis will help the foreign investment to come in the country. Through the investment lots of issues regarding unemployment, education, health, infrastructure and most important the economy of the country will become stronger. This entrepreneurship development in modern economic conditions in Pakistan will help to develop the country faster and to become in the list of developed countries in the future. The dissertation will overview the economic conditions required for the development of entrepreneurship around the world, then identifying the conditions regarding economy and entrepreneurship development in Pakistan and the end making some analyzing with the help of the data which is collected. The better economic condition in Pakistan will help the entrepreneurs around the world to invest and through the country will move towards the development. : магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки : 38.04.02 - Менеджмент

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ID: 5b8ed5967966e1073081bd8c
UUID: 4a125cb0-92a2-0136-bc5b-525400005860
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: больше 6 лет назад
Просмотры: 14

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