Implementation of a DevOps environment with pre-commits for a Java web app

The following work describes the implementation of a DevOps environment which can be automatically deployed on any machine. It automatically builds, tests and deploys a Java web app using the following open source tools: GitLab(SCV), Jenkins(CI/CD), Artifactory(artifact repo) and Docker/Ansible for creating different app environments such as development, stage and production. It includes unique features such as pre-commits, and multiple concurrent stage servers.


Вуз: АНО ВО «Университет Иннополис»

ID: 61e6c507e4dde50001bcab46
UUID: 271fb250-5a93-013a-3fff-0242ac180005
Язык: Английский
Опубликовано: больше 2 лет назад
Просмотры: 2


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АНО ВО «Университет Иннополис»


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