Influence of CSR on Human Resource Performance

This is the most competitive and advance world, everything is more advance in the business field. But all these things are possible if and only if the employees that are working in the organizations are happy and satisfied.Negligence of employees can lead organizations to spoil the reputation of the organizations. Employees are the backbone of the firm, mostly of organizations cannot more responsible in this side they are not focusing on employees side the important for these are customers, because they are thinking that customers are the real peoples that like or dislike of the company product or services. When customers are satisfied company productivity and profitability will be high. Its true because company are providing product and services to customers and when customers satisfactions are high this indicates that profitability will be high. But the main problem and question is that who is behind this satisfaction of the customers. Who know customers’ needs and wantsand to whom customers are providing their precious feedback and suggestions? To whom customers are more related and close? These are the questions which are more important and company owners or manager is avoiding these questions. If companies think on these specific questions definitely they will understand that all of daily routine work is done by employees and employees are the main factor and actual assets of the company. The study shows that CSR is the business responsibilities which take interest on greater employee’s satisfactions. CSR is described employees are essential in-house stakeholder group and a variety of CSR activities fulfills employees expectations and requirements [21].CSR employee-related activities are divided into four categories, named “value classes” which generate the worth for the firm’s stakeholders and resultantly, satisfy their variety of hopes [60]. These values classes are close to improve employee’s skills, security in jobs and health, fair and justice in society and organizations and contentment in the environment and jobs for excellence performance. Actually CSR is the key factor for greater employee’s satisfactions which the most important every company should need to implement CSR in organizations. CSR keep an eye on every direction which are related to company and try it to solve it. In CSR activities employees are the prominent factor and internal CSR is the engagement of employees in CSR activities. : магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки : 38.03.02 - Менеджмент

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