Автономная некоммерческая организация высшего образования
«Университет Иннополис»
по направлению подготовки
09.03.01 - «Информатика и вычислительная техника»
Field of Study
09.03.01 – «Computer Science»
Направленность (профиль) образовательной программы
«Информатика и вычислительная техника»
Area of Specialization / Academic Program Title:
«Computer Science»
Тема /
Качество программного обеспечения: удобство
использования и оценка показателей программного
обеспечения / Software Quality: Usability and Evaluation of
Software Metrics
Работу выполнил /
Thesis is executed by
Чавез Родригез Роберто
Энрике / Chavez Rodriguez
Roberto Enrique
работы /
Supervisor of
Graduation Thesis
Маццара Мануэль /
Mazzara Manuel
Консультанты /
Комолов Сирожиддин
Зайнитдин Угли /
Komolov Sirojiddin
Иннополис, Innopolis, 2021
подпись / signature
подпись / signature
подпись / signature
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Software Metrics in Software Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . .
Product Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Process Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
People Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 The ISO Standards for Software Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Literature Review
2.1 Works on Software Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Works on Product Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Code Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Use of Metrics for code evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Methodology
3.1 Selection of Project for the Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Backend Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frontend description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Selection of Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lines of Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Number of attributes and methods . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cyclomatic complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Message passing coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Implementation
4.1 Calculation of LOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LOC measurement in the front-end . . . . . . . . . . . .
LOC measurement in the back-end . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Obtainment of SIZE2 in the front-end . . . . . . . . . .
Obtainment of SIZE2 in the back-end . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Calculation of CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Calculation of MPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MPC measurement in the front-end . . . . . . . . . . .
MPC measurement in the back-end . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Evaluation and Discussion
5.1 LOC results evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 SIZE2 results evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 CC results evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 MPC results evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Conclusion
6.1 Final thoughts and future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bibliography cited
List of Figures
3.1 Illustration of a general backend structure.
Source: www.
upwork.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Illustration of a general frontend structure.
Source: www.
upwork.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 User interface. Data fields for a new user registration . . . . . .
3.4 System log for loan status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Definition of the LOC metric according to the ISO 9126. . . . .
3.6 Definition of the SIZE2 metric according to the ISO 9126. . . .
3.7 Definition of the CC metric according to the ISO 9126. . . . . .
3.8 Definition of the MPC metric according to the ISO 9126. . . . .
4.1 Graph of LOC for the Components Module . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 LOC measurement for the Dashboard.jsx component of the Components module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 LOC for the frontend of the project. Ignored Files are the files
that have no lines of code in them - src: zero sized file, src/components: zero sized file, src/util: zero sized file . . . . . . . . .
4.4 LOC for the back-end of the project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Output of the file file1.txt, explaining the reasons why some files
were ignored when doing the back-end LOC calculation. . . . .
4.6 CC calculation for the whole project with COCOMO cost calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7 CC calculation for the front-end including COCOMO cost calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.8 CC calculation for the back-end including COCOMO cost calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Having multiple software metrics to choose from can represent an issue when it
comes to selecting an specific set of metrics to apply in a program. Currently,
there exist different standards that state how these metrics are used and what
measures they perform in written code; however, many of them address aspects
of quality that are not primarily relevant to a program, and on the other hand,
when there is a feature of a program that needs to be evaluated, several metrics
can be used but some with less or more precision than others. To provide
a guide to understand under what circumstances a certain metric of software
can be used, an analysis of the most commonly used metrics is performed in a
software which was written with a set of programming languages. These metrics
are applied in the code of the program, and after the analysis, a few set of
conclusions is performed, to lead the reader towards a series of thoughts that will
help them make a better choice when it comes to selecting the most appropriate
software metrics to assess the quality of a software program. Although the
present work evaluates software with specific characteristics at a fairly general
level, it will certainly be useful for professionals in the field of Information
Technologies and Computer Science.
Chapter 1
Since people started to code computer programs, there existed several different ways to measure the quality of a given software. Formerly, programming
languages were rusty and very tedious to work with. The first languages implied
deep connection with the way in which the hardware of a computer worked, and
knowledge about this field was strictly necessary. These languages are called
low-level languages, and they were used to interact directly with the processor
of a computer. Then there exist middle-level languages, languages that contain a certain level of abstraction; and finally, there are high-level languages,
where the level of abstraction is superior and they do not have a straightforward
connection with the processor instructions of a computer.
This is why, when it comes to measuring the quality of software, there
exist several ways to do it. Precisely because of being so many programming
languages, there are different standards and different software quality metrics
that can be used, and this sometimes creates a difficulty for the person in charge
to evaluate quality of code. This is the reason why this research is executed,
in order to alleviate the load of having to choose among so many features
1.1 Research Question
and giving the possibility to the reader to implement only the most relevant
ones according to their goals. For this project, the Software Quality ISO 9126
Standards are used as a reference to choose the quality software metrics and
apply them in the program that this research analyzes. After the analysis, some
conclusions will be made and hopefully, the reader will be able to get a helpful
guide that will collaborate with his or her decisions.
Research Question
The goal of this project is to bring the reader an analysis of different
metrics applied in a software project for the reader to have a general guide on
how to select metrics according to the project the reader works on. Therefore
the research question arises:
• What metrics could be more suitable to apply when measuring the quality
of code of a software product?
With this question, the attempted objective of the present work is to provide
the reader with a general, yet comprehensible guideline on how to analyze what
metrics could best be used when taking quality measurements in a software
Software Metrics in Software Engineering
As mentioned already, there exist several metrics that evaluate different
aspects of quality and production of a software. Likewise, there are different
angles of measure of a software product that is released. Mainly, there are two
1.2 Software Metrics in Software Engineering
main sections of a software product that metrics evaluate in Software Engineering: Product Metrics and Process Metrics [1].
Product Metrics
Product metrics of a software program are related to the analysis of software development at any of its phases. The measures can be done either at
the requirement assessment phase or even to already built systems. Product
metrics are related to the features of software, and they are subdivided in two
parts, Dynamic metrics and Static metrics [2].
Dynamic Product Metrics
These metrics assist with the evaluation of how efficient and reliable a
program can be. They are in general highly closely connected to the quality
properties of software. It is fairly feasible to quantify the time used for a
task to run and to start a system. Dynamic metrics work to check for system
efficacy and failure types, and the failure area can be directly connected to how
trustworthy a software product is.
Static Product Metrics
Static metrics are gathered by analysis of a system in terms of its programs, design, or also the measures can be performed in the system’s documentation. Static metrics in general give support with the comprehensibility
and complexity maintenance of a software product. These metrics indirectly
related to the quality properties of a program. Several of these metrics were
designed to understand the and validate the connection among maintainability,
1.2 Software Metrics in Software Engineering
complexity and level of understanding of software. Metrics such as the length
of a program, and the complexity that it has among others.
Process Metrics
These metrics evaluate the process in which the development of software
and its parts is executed. For instance, a common metric of this type is commonly related to process time measurement of software parts.
Starting from the point that product quality is intrinsically linked to its
creation process, process metrics have the goal of monitoring, estimating and
enhancing the quality and level of reliability of software products. In fact,
there exist standards created to establish benchmarks and references to results
of measures taken when evaluating software products. The main standard is
the ISO-9000 referencing the "Standards of Management Quality", which is a
series of guidelines delivered by the International Standard Organization - ISO
Quite frequently process metrics are used as operational tools that can
help improve and control the management of how software is created. In its
nature, software is not a tangible object, but an abstract product that consists
of several other intangible parts. Therefore, it is at a certain level difficult
to keep track of the progress of software development with an objective set
of measurements. Generally management of a software product focuses on
administrating the productivity level of software, its progress and time it takes
to be developed. The objective of management is to improve these areas and
foresee results about them.
Process metrics pertain to models of elaboration of software. A highly
known model in this field is the Boehm’s COCOMO, which stands for Construc-
1.2 Software Metrics in Software Engineering
tive Cost Model. This model consists of performing cost evaluations concerning
software. Another common model is the Thebaut’s COPMO, whih basically
predicts how much extra work will be necessary to finalize big projects.
It is worth to mention that even though metrics of this type are usually
considered important for software management, they do not aim at comprehending in depth how a program is built. These metrics address more the areas
of prediction and management of resources, time of development and software
People Metrics
Metrics in reference to the performance of people in the development of
IT products are also important in terms of software quality management and
analysis. Another name for such metrics is personnel metrics. Several writers
reference the analysis of human performance using this term.
Personnel metrics make quantifiable different attributes that have to do
with software generation in professionals. They help analyze properties like
productivity, presence in work, and other rates such as time required to build
code [4].
In fact, the primary objective of applying such kind of metrics is to help
the human resources stay at ease and furthermore, concentrated on the assignments they are given. Although these metrics were not applied in the present
work, it is still worthwhile to mention them briefly. Below their categorization:
1. Metrics related to the working experience:
• Experience in programming languages.
• Experience in designing and writing methods.
1.3 The ISO Standards for Software Quality
• Experience in software management.
2. Metrics concerning the level of productivity:
• Level of productivity.
• Statistics of productivity.
• Quality in productivity.
3. Metrics to asses communication level:
• Experience in team working.
• Ability of communicate between software and hardware.
• Personal time that can be invested in the project.
4. Metrics to check for team structure:
• Metrics of hierarchy.
• Metrics to perform stability in conformed teams.
All these metrics are essential when evaluating the performance of development of a software product. They help determine the resources distribution
amongst workers developing the software. Also these metrics very much help
understand in what stages of the project more time and effort should be spent.
The ISO Standards for Software Quality
The standard applicable to the measurement of software quality is the
ISO/IEC 9126, which depicts a model of quality that sets the quality of software into six different areas that are also split into its corresponding features.
1.3 The ISO Standards for Software Quality
These features are shown upon usage of software made by its internal software
properties [5].
These internal properties are assessed with the help of inner metrics. For
example, an inner metric could be the control of software development before it
is released. There are different internal metrics that can be found in the subsection of the norm ISO 9126-3. As to quality features, these are evaluated with
the implementation of outer metrics; for example, the assessment of software
products that will be taken into the market. Again, different examples of these
external metrics are in the subsection ISO 9126-3 of the norm.
For this work, internal quality, which ca be measured in the source code,
was taken for the evaluation. Now, the quality model contained in the section
ISO 9126-1 is briefly explained in general terms.
1. Functionality: It checks how well functions work when software is written.
2. Reliability: The ability of a program to work without failure under a
certain period of time.
3. Usability: An aspect to analyze how much of use can a program have
once it is written and released.
4. Efficiency: It evaluates the ability of software to provide resources whenever they are needed.
5. Maintainability: This area focuses and how much work must be put on
in order to perform editions and modifications to an existing software.
6. Portability: It checks for the level of adaptation of a software when it
is intended to be transferred from one environment to another.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
As in every existing piece of work, there usually is an initial stage of
background on which a research can be built, and this research is by no means
an exception. The field of Software Metrics includes an extensive set of tools
that measure the quality of software and several sources of information have
developed knowledge in them. For this current research, a number of relevant
sources will be cited that will help with the development of this work.
Works on Software Metrics
Different software metrics have been established for the measurement of
code consistency and quality. They have to do a lot with how and why the
code is implemented. In fact, these metrics present different nuances when they
evaluate different scenarios; moreover, when different software metrics tools are
used, they evaluate software differently with different approaches [6].
But this does not seem to be negative, as a matter of fact, the world of
software engineering is so big that a few set of tools would not be enough to
cover the evaluation of different types of software. That is why software metrics,
2.2 Works on Product Metrics
as already mentioned, is an extensive field in software engineering with lots of
implementations that help evaluate software and predict its attributes, factor
that is very important when assessing software quality [7].
There exist a considerable number of software metrics that evaluates different aspects of software development, for example, lines of code evaluates how
big a program is and how long it can take for this program to compile and run.
On the other hand, cyclomatic complexity determines how structured and encapsulated the architecture of a program is [8]. Again, different metrics evaluate
different aspects of software products, and understanding their functioning is
essential for the research process of this work.
Works on Product Metrics
Product metrics is another area of interest for this research because it is a
superset of software metrics that evaluate different aspects of software products,
including software requirements and level of product interaction with its end
user [9].
Whereas software metrics mostly focus their attention on the source code
of a program, product metrics bring a higher understanding of what the source
code of a program is intended for, and therefore, understanding how it is possible
to evaluate a product in a higher level will be a great complementary tool to
perform the task of this research, which is to evaluate software metrics on a
program and determine which of those metrics can be the most appropriate to
However, it is at times difficult to pick what product metrics will be used
for program assessment, and that is why it is primarily important to under-
2.3 Programming Languages
stand the purpose of a software product and its functional and non-functional
requirements [10].
Programming Languages
In computer science, there exist several types of programming languages
available for the programmer for the execution of a program. These languages
basically follow different structures and architectures that differentiate them
one from the other. Two of the main programming types are functional programming (FP) and object oriented programming (OOP) [11]. In functional
programming, the written code is subdivided in subsystems of functions that
perform different types of operations, and these operations can be used inside
other functions to carry out other operations. This type of programming is
highly useful when designing user interfaces, for example, in web applications
[12]. On the other hand, OOP focuses more on the formation of objects and
classes that encloses a bigger abstract representation of a model [13]. For example, a model that needs to be set in code could be a house, where chair would
be an object of type furniture, being furniture a class and along with other
classes, they would form the model of a house. This kind of programming is
much more seen in backend coding, where languages like Java are utilized.
There are many programming languages that work under these
paradigms; therefore, it must be of key importance to understand the type of
language that is being analyzed in order to grasp what software metrics might
be the best to apply. In general terms, cyclomatic complexity would work for
an OOP solution, whereas lines of could could be a more suitable metric to
apply in a functional programming language, such as ReactJS.
2.4 Code Evaluation
Code Evaluation
As to the evaluation of code, standards to indicate software quality and
to evaluate software metrics have also been established. A very well known
standard for measuring quality of software is the ISO/IEC 9126, a standard
that measures software quality by utilizing a set of software metrics and values
that indicate how well a program is written and how structured it is [14].
And it is also primordial to get clear knowledge in the standards that
currently exist for software quality, because this research aims at providing a
comprehensible guide towards selecting appropriate metrics when analyzing the
source code of a program. Hence, this software quality standard will be used
to perform the software metrics analysis of the source code.
Use of Metrics for code evaluation
Several works and papers have been written to classify a certain software
metric into a more precise set of characteristics that they describe. One example
of such works can be related to the counting of lines of code in the source code.
One interesting sub classification can be found in the paper “A SLOC Counting
Standard” written by Vu Nguyen, Sophia Deeds-Rubin, Thomas Tan, and Barry
Boehm [15].
In this paper, the authors talk about lines of code (abbreviated as LOC)
mentioning that they are one of the most widely utilized metrics in the industry
as well as in pieces of literature. LOC is the main measurement when calculating models like the COCOMO, the SLIM and the SEER-SEM1 . Even so other
standardization organizations like the IEEE have elaborated other definitions
These are estimation models that check for the cost of software
2.4 Code Evaluation
for the calculation of LOC, there are still exist lots of questions as to how properly LOC should be counted to have a proper result and valid information. The
problem of particularly measuring LOC in different ways triggers in generating issues when finding the cost of software; therefore, the estimations of cost
may vary and even worse, they might differ galore. To alleviate this unfortunate predicament, some clear and widely used standard should be used and
more importantly, the calculation of LOC and other metrics in general could
be more efficiently done by the implementation of other software tools that can
actually facilitate finding results and generating similar measurements rather
than calculating metrics by hand.
When checking the quality of a program, its size (how big the source code
is) should be taken into account as one of the primary factors to understand
and find software estimations in terms of software cost. In fact, LOC is not
the only measurement that can be evaluated to find the cost of software, but it
definitely affect how other metrics will be calculated, and what other metrics
will also be implemented to analyze software quality and determine its cost.
Chapter 3
The present work aims at giving an understanding of what metrics should
be applied among the vast set of them to a specific software project that has
been successfully built and has practical use. The idea of the methodology is
to first identify a good project that contains different programming languages
with different programming paradigms in order to cover a good range of code
writing in the field of computer science. Then after selecting the project, the
next step is in fact the metrics selection and implementation process. Below,
the following list of steps is given in order to clearly identify the series of steps
that will be taken for the execution of the research.
1. Project selection: The first step, the choice of the project in which
the software metrics will be applied. As expressed already, this should
be a project that is written in a couple of programming languages in order to see how different metrics are applied to the code written in these
languages. Other considerations could be that it would be good for the
project to be written in such a way that has in it the common general
structure of a program, i.e., a program that has a backend development
and a frontend development. This way a more complete program will be
evaluated. In contrast, however, the project should not be excessively
large so that more time in understanding the project and trying to run
it (either locally or in a server) is used instead of using the time to apply the metrics and draw conclusions from its results. Also, the project
should have practical use; namely, it should be a project that could be
used by users and gives them some utility rather than just being a demo
project that has no major purpose in its creation. Thereby, the measures
will be more realistically done and the results and conclusions will be
more veracious. The chosen project and explanation to its features and
characteristics can be found in the Section 3.1.
2. Metrics selection: In this step the idea is to cover some aspects of the
quality factors that were briefly described in the Section 1.3. Different
metrics were taken into consideration when doing the research. In fact,
for the selection it was considered the type of language that was used for
the coding, the design paradigms, and the most commonly used metrics
that are usually implemented when evaluating the quality of a software
product1 . Based on this information, some metrics were selected to be
applied in the already selected project to later on elaborate conclusions
of the results.
3. Metrics implementation: In this part, the implementation of the metrics was executed. For this step, mostly only computer tools were utilized
in order to carry out the measurements and calculations of the code in
the project. As it was already mentioned in the Section 2.4.1, it was
These metrics are considered to be the most commonly found in literature.
3.1 Selection of Project for the Analysis
just better to use existing tools to obtain the measurements rather than
utilizing sheer hand to make the calculations. This action helped with
the speed of calculations and with the human error when implementing
calculations and measurements by hand. The tools used to perform the
measurements and their description are stated in the Section 4.1.
4. Results and conclusions: This is the final step, and in this section the
user guide for software metrics selection was written. However, it must
be clarified that the guide was not written as a series of steps for choosing
the metrics that were going to be used in a project. Rather, the guide is
a series of conclusions that lead the reader of this work towards a series
of thoughts that might help him or her to decide among the vast range of
metrics and choose the most appropriate ones for further implementation.
The conclusions are obtained from the results found in the previous step,
and the development of this section can be found in the Chapter 6 of this
Selection of Project for the Analysis
First of all, it must be taken into consideration on what kind of project the
research will be done. The selected project has to do with a machine learning2
system that can decide whether or not a given client can take a monetary loan
from a bank based on his current status and loans history. The system uses
various biometric data that the client fills out in a given form to decide about
the loan. The source code and further explanations on how this system works
A comprehensible guide on machine learning:
3.1 Selection of Project for the Analysis
are given in the next subsections of this section. It is worth to mention that
the source code of the chosen system consists of a frontend and a backend sides
like most web applications do; hence, the project is quite complete in terms of
software design.
The source code of the project can be found under the following link:
The instructions for running the project locally are given in the repository
containing the project. It should be mentioned that the project currently runs
a server online; thus, it is not necessary to run the server (backend) locally for
the project to run, only the frontend is necessary.
Backend Description
First of all, it should be clear what backend development of a web site or
application means. Backend or back-end is the inside development of a given
software system. It works mainly with the storing of data in databases, and the
architecture of the software product. In this area there are hidden task that are
activated when there exist some action in a website. In this area, the developer
writes code in order to help a browser to better establish communication with
the information which is contained in a database [16]. Figure 3.1 shows how
the backend of a software system works.
Functioning of the project backend
The backend is primarily written in Python, it uses the Flask web framework developed precisely in Python. Flask is basically a framework to write
backend web applications that does not require any extra libraries or external
tools for its functioning. It does not contain any abstractions for database nor
3.1 Selection of Project for the Analysis
Fig. 3.1. Illustration of a general backend structure. Source: www.upwork.
for any other different features which would commonly require the use of other
tools. Nevertheless, Flask has different extensions that can contribute with
other features just as if these features were written in Flask. Such extensions
are useful for various tasks such as form validation and authentication features
The flask backend has routes for:
1. Login
2. Signing up new admins
3. Retrieve admin details by id or email
4. Update the admin details
For the entries:
1. Get all loan application entries
2. Add a new entry
3.1 Selection of Project for the Analysis
Finally, the backend also works with error handling routes, which means
that when a new loan application entry is added, the entered data is run through
a machine learning algorithm to decide whether the loan application should be
granted to the user or not.
As to the machine learning functioning of the backend, it works with a
dataset. The dataset used comes from kaggle, which is a popular data science
competition platform with different tools and resources for data scientists. The
dataset contains the loan id, the gender of the applicant, also if the applicant
is married or not.
Steps of the machine learning algorithm:
1. Fill missing values: some of the rows might be missing data, so we fill some
of them with default values if no values are found there. For example, if
there is no gender at a given field for a given profile, the gap will be filled
out with the gender as male, which is the default value. This feature can
be seen in the file ml/train.py of the source code.
2. After that, the data is split into a 1/3 split, which means that for every
1 test data, there exist 3 training data.
3. The data is then encoded into better values using the scikit-learn Label
Encoder class.
4. Then feature scaling on the data is performed, using the Standard Scaler
class also from scikit-learn.
5. Afterwards, the training of the model happens by using Logistic Regression. Logistic regression is a type of predictive analysis performed on data
3.1 Selection of Project for the Analysis
where the dependent variable is binary. This type of regression is utilized
to depict data and clarify the relation between a binary variable and one
or many other nominal or interval variables that are independent.
6. Eventually, the model is saved to a file so that it can be used again later
on. When someone enters their data, these data will be run through the
saved model.
Frontend description
Front-end development in general is the process that is done in order to
connect the internal layers of a software system with the interface that interacts
with the client that uses such system. It is the method of using technologies like
HTML, CSS and mostly JavaScript for the creation of a website. The objective
of this development is for the clients to see and use relevant information in a
friendly and interactive way. Figure 3.2 shows generally how the structure of a
frontend area of a software product works.
Fig. 3.2. Illustration of a general frontend structure. Source: www.upwork.
3.1 Selection of Project for the Analysis
In the project, the frontend is written with ReactJS, a frontend development framework with the purpose of designing and creating user interfaces.
This is done by means of user interface (UI) components, each component representing an integral part of the web application. A component is code that
can be reused and has a similar purpose of that of the functions in JavaScript,
with the difference that components work independently and mostly return
HTML[18]. Figure 3.3 shows a portion of the UI of the application when a new
user is being registered.
Fig. 3.3. User interface. Data fields for a new user registration
The frontend connects with the server and the design of it is just basically
a form for submitting loan applications, alongside with a table that displays the
data of the user and his or her loan status. The frontend contains components
which represent and design the different parts of the interface the user interacts
with. Figure 3.4 shows part of the current loan status of each registered client,
3.2 Selection of Metrics
where it is possible to see whether a loan has been granted to a particular client
or not.
Fig. 3.4. System log for loan status
Selection of Metrics
In this section, the metrics that were used to evaluate the project are
described. The selection of these metrics was based on the type of project that
was selected, considering the programming languages that were used in the
project plus the programming paradigms that were implemented in the project
design and creation.
Another consideration for the metric selection was the type of metrics
that were going to be evaluated. In this case, to perform a quality check strictly
on the code, Static Product Metrics were selected. Finally, the metrics were
selected among the range of metrics that are supported by the ISO standards
described in Section 1.3.
3.2 Selection of Metrics
Lines of Code
Source lines of code (SLOC) or commonly called only lines of code (LOC)
merely calculates the number of lines in source code of a given software unit. It
is one of the simplest metrics to be implemented, but at the same time is one of
the most powerful ones to evaluate especially how complex software entities are.
Provided that this metric depends on some code standards and their format,
it is relevant to utilize it in code when it is generated since there might be a
lack of breaks in lines. Also, it can identify how much effort was applied when
developing a program. Figure 3.5 shows the definition of the metric according
to the ISO-9126 standard.
Fig. 3.5. Definition of the LOC metric according to the ISO 9126.
With this metric, the idea is to evaluate the re-usability, belonging to the
usability attribute of the quality model described in the Section 1.3. Inside this
attribute, the metric will check the understandability of the software, which is
the ability of a software engineer to understand the system, its components and
3.2 Selection of Metrics
libraries, to later on integrate the software product into new systems. According to the ISO standard, it is expected that understanding if software can be
appropriate for reuse, it very much depends on how big it is. Understandablity
should decrease with the increase of LOC.
Number of attributes and methods
Abbreviated as SIZE2, the number of attributes and methods metric in
general does the counting of attributes and methods that the developer wrote
in a class. In fact, it is mostly an object oriented paradigm metric, but it can
also be applied to other modular languages by means of taking into account
the amount of global variables in a module and the number of functions and
methods. Figure 3.6 shows how the metric is defined. The definition is done
according to the ISO standard for software quality metrics.
The purpose of this metric is to assess the portability attribute of the
quality model described in the Section 1.3 of this work. Within this attribute,
the sub-characteristic that SIZE2 measured in the project is the Replaceability
which works with the objective of finding conclusions on at what level new
software can replace existing old parts of another software. It acts in correlation
with other metrics that do measurements of other different software properties
to check for opportunity of change and required effort utilizing it instead of other
provided software inside the environment of such a software. Consequently,
according to the ISO standard, replaceability evaluates that the incorporation
of a new component instead of another component must be able to equally
simulate its interface. Big interfaces are hard to assess in terms of checking
how replaceable their units can be by other units. The size of an interface
is particularly evaluated by SIZE2. Replaceability should decrease with the
3.2 Selection of Metrics
Fig. 3.6. Definition of the SIZE2 metric according to the ISO 9126.
increasing of SIZE2.
Cyclomatic complexity
The Cyclomatic complexity, abbreviated as CC, is the measurement of
the level of complexity of a software control structure. In other words, CC is
the amount of paths that are linearly independent and hence, it is the minimum
amount of independent paths when running software. Figure 3.7 shows how the
CC metric is defined according to the ISO-9126 standard of software quality.
This metric was implemented in the research to analyze the efficiency
attribute of the quality model described by the ISO 9126 standard in Section
1.3. As mentioned earlier, efficiency of software analyzes how well software
3.2 Selection of Metrics
Fig. 3.7. Definition of the CC metric according to the ISO 9126.
can give a given level of performance in relation to the amount of utilized
resources. This quality attribute can be useful for the control and prediction of
how much software satisfies requirements of efficiency. That is why, inside this
attribute, the sub-characteristic of time behavior was evaluated in this work.
Time behavior checks for the time behavior of software that operates or is tested
in combination with other computer systems. As to the ISO standards, it is
defined that time behavior could actually become worse with a high degree of
Cyclomatic Complexity.
3.2 Selection of Metrics
Message passing coupling
Message passing coupling (MPC) does the measurement of the number of
method calls belonging to a class that are used in other classes. Thus, it checks
the dependency of methods that are local with methods that were implemented
in other classes. MPC helps draw conclusions about the method calls among
objects of the classes that are being evaluated. Such analysis helps assessing
the level of effort for software maintenance, also its reusability and how much
effort must be made to test the software. Figure 3.8 shows the definition of the
metric according to the ISO standard.
Fig. 3.8. Definition of the MPC metric according to the ISO 9126.
With this metric, the evaluation of the quality attribute of maintainability was performed. Maintainability helps with the understanding of how
much effort is needed for software to be maintained. It can also help to analyze
the level of effort that must be applied to modify a software product or any of its
parts. Inside the attribute of maintainability, the sub-characteristic of stability
3.2 Selection of Metrics
was assessed. Stability helps understand how stable a software product is. It
also analyzes the risk of any unexpected effects that may occur when modifying
the software.
According to the ISO standards, software parts with a high coupling could
show less stability, since parts of the system interact and use resources of other
parts, and this could create a negative effect. Stability is reduced with a growing
Chapter 4
The calculation of the metrics was performed in both the backend and
frontend of the project. It should be noticed that the backend follows an object
oriented design paradigm, whereas the frontend follows a functional programming paradigm. Some metrics correspond more to an object oriented design
(like the metric of message passing coupling); however, they were equally applied in the frontend and backend as there were equivalent functions in both
sides of the project.
Calculation of LOC
The lines of code were implemented initially for the “modules” section
of the front-end part of the project. The calculations were made with the
help of CLOC1 , an NPM library to count lines of code. CLOC counts lines
of code, comment lines, blank lines of many different programming languages.
The tool is written in Perl2 and it is possible to use this tool in various sorts of
To know more about CLOC, visit http://cloc.sourceforge.net/
An introduction to Perl: https://www.perl.org/
4.1 Calculation of LOC
operating systems which makes CLOC a versatile, yet efficient tool to perform
the counting of LOC in a project.
LOC measurement in the front-end
Figure 4.1 shows the total number of lines in the whole Components
module, where the language that was used was JavaScript in React (Jsx).
Fig. 4.1. Graph of LOC for the Components Module
Similarly, the calculation of the LOC of inside the members of the Components module can be calculate with the help o CLOC. Figure 4.2 for example,
shows the calculation for the component Dashboard.jsx where the total amount
of actual lines of code (meaning effective lines of code) adds up to 98.
Although the separate results for the rest of the components are not
showed in this work, the calculation can be done equally for all of the other
components and files of the frontend part of the project. Figure 4.3 shows the
total calculation of LOC for the frontend, plus the report of languages that
4.1 Calculation of LOC
Fig. 4.2. LOC measurement for the Dashboard.jsx component of the Components module
were used to write it.
Fig. 4.3. LOC for the frontend of the project. Ignored Files are the files that
have no lines of code in them - src: zero sized file, src/components: zero sized
file, src/util: zero sized file
LOC measurement in the back-end
Likewise, the LOC calculations for the backend are determined with the
help of the CLOC tool. Figure 4.4 shows the calculation of LOC for the whole
backend, which mainly consists of the machine learning implementation and
the server written with Flask. It can be seen that the backend was written
4.1 Calculation of LOC
with a total of 429 effective lines of code in the Python programming language.
Figure 4.5 shows the output of the file file1.txt, a file that gives information on
why some files were ignored when performing the calculation of the LOC of the
Fig. 4.4. LOC for the back-end of the project.
Fig. 4.5. Output of the file file1.txt, explaining the reasons why some files
were ignored when doing the back-end LOC calculation.
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2
Calculation of SIZE2
The calculation considered methods that were implemented by the pro-
grammer and not built-in methods and functions from the programming languages that the programmer imports. Likewise, attributes were calculated only
under the basis of declared attributes and not imported attributes from libraries
or built-in objects. Also, the measurements were done according to the definitions and theory in Computer Science for attributes and methods (or functions
in functional programming) where an attribute was considered to be a variable
that can be modified and viewed, and a method or function is does something
or performs some action in the code.
For example, methods such as useState() and useEffect() (react builtin methods) are seen constantly throughout the code; however, they were not
considered for the calculations. Setters are also not considered for the method
calculation since they are just extensions of the declared attributes.
Obtainment of SIZE2 in the front-end
The number of attributes and methods are implemented initially for the
“modules” section of the front-end part of the project.
Components Module:
1. AddUser.jsx:
• Attributes:
(a) const alert
(b) const layout
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2
(c) const tailLayout
• Methods:
(a) const setAlert()
(b) const onFinish()
2. Dashboard.jsx:
• Attributes:
(a) const jwt
(b) const pageIndex
(c) const collapse
(d) const push
• Methods:
(a) const currentPage()
3. Entries.jsx:
• Attributes:
(a) const dataSource
(b) const searchText
(c) const searchedColumn
(d) const visible
(e) const selectedEntry
(f) const columns
• Methods:
(a) const showDetail()
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2
(b) const getColumnSearchProps()
(c) const handleSearch()
(d) const handleReset()
(e) const handleClose()
4. Login.jsx:
• Attributes:
(a) const login
(b) const jwt
• Methods:
(a) const handleChange()
(b) const handleLogin()
5. Messages.jsx:
• Attributes:
(a) const userData
6. NewEntry.jsx:
• Attributes:
(a) const hasCollateral
(b) const hasGuarantor
(c) const hasAccount
(d) const positive
(e) const loading
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2
(f) const visible
(g) const collateralImage
(h) const name
(i) const layout
(j) const tailLayout
• Methods:
(a) const handleSubmit()
(b) const fakeFetch()
(c) const normFile()
(d) const handleClose()
(e) const handleChange()
7. Settings.jsx:
• Attributes:
(a) const userData
(b) const emailButtonDisabled
(c) const passwordButtonDisabled
(d) const form
(e) const layout
(f) const emailField
• Methods:
(a) const openNotificationWithIcon()
(b) const handleEmailUpdate()
(c) const handlePasswordUpdate()
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2
(d) const handleEmailChange()
(e) const handlePasswordChange()
For the components module there is a total of 32 attributes and 20 methods.
Util Module:
1. hooks.js:
• Attributes:
(a) const storedValue
• Methods:
(a) function useLocalStorage(key, initialValue)
For the Util module there is a total of 1 attribute and 1 method.
To finish the evaluation for the frontend, the analysis for the file serviceWorker.js where there are 1 attribute and 4 methods:
1. Attributes:
(a) const isLocalhost
2. Methods:
(a) function register(config)
(b) function registerValidSW(swUrl, config)
(c) function checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config)
(d) function unregister()
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2
Obtainment of SIZE2 in the back-end
Machine learning module (ML):
1. predict.py:
• Methods:
(a) def load-model()
(b) def predict(entry: Entries)
2. train.py:
• Attributes:
(a) data
(b) X-train, X-test
(c) y-train, y-test
(d) sc
(e) classifier
(f) y-pred
• Methods:
(a) def fill-missing-values()
(b) def split-data()
(c) def encode-data(X-train, y-train)
In total, there are 8 attributes and 5 methods for the Machine Learning
Now the calculation for the server and models implementation which consist of the following files:
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2
1. app.py:
• Attributes:
(b) app
• Methods:
(a) def create-app(test-config=None)
2. models.py:
• Attributes:
– db
– database-path
– id
– email (class Admins)
– password (class Admins)
– primary-key (class Admins)
– id (class Entries)
– firstName (class Entries)
– surname (class Entries)
– dob (class Entries)
– gender (class Entries)
– maritalStatus (class Entries)
– numberOfDependents (class Entries)
– isSelfEmployed (class Entries)
4.2 Calculation of SIZE2
– education (class Entries)
– telephoneNumber (class Entries)
– email (class Entries)
– city (class Entries)
– address (class Entries)
– presentEmployer (class Entries)
– occupation (class Entries)
– yearsOfExperience (class Entries)
– monthlyNetSalary (class Entries)
– socialSecurityNumber (class Entries)
– loanAmount (class Entries)
– loanAmountTerm (class Entries)
– loanPurpose (class Entries)
– loanCategory (class Entries)
– propertyType (class Entries)
– creditScore (class Entries)
– isAccountHolder (class Entries)
– accountNumber (class Entries)
– hasPendingLoan (class Entries)
– hasCollateral (class Entries)
– collateralImage (class Entries)
– hasGuarantor (class Entries)
– guarantorName (class Entries)
– guarantorIncome (class Entries)
4.3 Calculation of CC
– hasBankingRelationship (class Entries)
– hasIncomeSentViaBank (class Entries)
– loanStatus (class Entries)
• Methods:
(a) def setup-db(app)
(b) def create-tables()
(c) def create-superuser(email, password )
(d) def insert(self ) (class Admins)
(e) def update(self ) (class Admins)
(f) def delete(self ) (class Admins)
(g) def format(self ) (class Admins)
(h) def insert(self ) (class Entries)
(i) def update(self ) (class Entries)
(j) def delete(self ) (class Entries)
(k) def format(self ) (class Entries)
There are 44 attributes and 12 methods for this section.
Calculation of CC
Cyclomatic Complexity can be calculated with the help of the following
formula [19]:
C C = E − N + 2P
4.3 Calculation of CC
In this equation:
P = number of disconnected parts of the flow graph (e.g. a calling program and a subroutine).
E = number of edges (transfers of control).
N = number of nodes (sequential group of statements containing only
one transfer of control).
This translates to the number of decisions + one. Binary decisions — such
as “if” and “while” statements — add one to complexity. Boolean operators can
add either one or nothing to complexity. For example, one may be added if a
Boolean operator is found within a conditional statement.
In fact, instead of using the formula manually, there exist already software programs that have been written to automatically calculate the cyclomatic
complexity of a software project. For this project, the calculation was implemented with the boyter3 tool, which is a very fast accurate code counter with
cyclomatic complexity and COCOMO calculations written in pure Go4 . Using
the software tool, the following results were obtained initially for the whole
project, where the results are showed in Figure 4.6.
As it is observed in Figure 4.6 the complexity amounts up to 91 for the
entire project. The last 3 rows of the figure show the COCOMO calculations
to estimate different costs of the project. Likewise, Figure 4.7 shows the results
for the frontend, where the CC is equal to 55, and Figure 4.8 shows the results
for the backend part of the project, where the CC is equal to 36.
To know more about boyter visit: https://github.com/boyter/scc
To learn more about Go visit: https://golang.org/
4.3 Calculation of CC
Fig. 4.6. CC calculation for the whole project with COCOMO cost calculations.
Fig. 4.7. CC calculation for the front-end including COCOMO cost calculations.
4.4 Calculation of MPC
Fig. 4.8. CC calculation for the back-end including COCOMO cost calculations.
Calculation of MPC
Like in the other sections of this chapter, the MPC measurement was di-
vided in two parts, the measurement for the frontend and then for the backend.
MPC measurement in the front-end
In the frontend some components are nested, which means that they
interact with each other. Props5 are the ones that are in charge of generating
the coupling mechanisms among these components; thus, the counting for the
MPC will include them as well as methods that are used in different files of the
MPC mechanisms for the Components Module:
1. Dashboard.jsx:
Read about what a Prop is in React at: https://reactjs.org/docs/components-and-props.html
4.4 Calculation of MPC
• Lines 42 and 43: id = jwt. Here, the current component passes a
message to the other ones in the form of id , which holds the json
web token for authenticating the user.
• Line 23: prop history is passed onto the component Dashboard.
• method useLocalStorage(), implemented in the file hooks.js does
message passing as well, it passes data from local storage to the
2. Login.jsx:
• Line 6: prop history is passed onto the component Login
• method useLocalStorage(), implemented in the file hooks.js also does
message passing in the component.
3. Messages.jsx:
• Line 5: prop id is passed onto the component Messages
4. Settings.jsx:
• Line 5: prop id is passed onto the component Settings
For the components module there is a total of 8 props and 2 methods
doing the message passing coupling among components.
MPC measurement in the back-end
The file app.py file contains the following methods and objects implemented in the models.py file:
• Method setup-db
4.4 Calculation of MPC
• Class Entries
• Method create-tables
• Method create-superuser
• Class Admins
The import happens in line 8 of the app.py file: from models import
setup-db, Entries, create-tables, create-superuser, Admins.
Then, the following coupling happens in the backend:
1. Method setup-db: used once
• In line 17 of app.py file: setup-db(app)
2. Object of class Entries: used 2 times
• In line 150 of app.py file: entries = Entries.query.all ()
• In line 201 of app.py file:
= Entries(firstName
firstName, surname = surname, dob = dob, gender = gender , ...
3. Method create-tables: used once
• In line 18 of app.py file: create − tables()
4. Method create-superuser: used once
• In line 22 of app.py file: create − superuser (email , password )
5. Objects of class Admins: used 12 times
• Used
Admins.query.filter (Admins.email == email ).first()
4.4 Calculation of MPC
• Used
Admins.query.filter (Admins.email
email , Admins.password == password ).first
• In line 64 of app.py file: admins = Admins.query.all ()
• In line 78 of app.py file: admin = Admins.query.get(admin − id )
• Used
Admins.query.filter (Admins.email == email ).first()
• In line 102 of app.py file:
email , password = password )
• In line 112 of app.py file: admin = Admins.query.get(admin − id )
• In line 131 of app.py file: admin = Admins.query.get(admin − id )
6. Method setup-db: used once
• In line 17 of app.py file: setup − db(app)
Chapter 5
Evaluation and Discussion
LOC results evaluation
As it can be seen in the measurements, there are 429 lines in the back-
end plus 1700 lines written in the frontend, having a total of 2129 effective
SLOC written in the project. Previously, it was mentioned that the level of
understandability of a project for a software engineer decreases as the number
of SLOC goes up.
It has been shown in the different researches, that projects containing
around 140001 physical SLOC are considered to be already big enough to have
a level of understanding that requires a lot of time to reach when studying code
of a software product. Therefore, the evaluated project is not considered to be
large in comparison to larger projects. Consequently, the level of understandability is high enough since little effort is required to comprehend the code for a
software developer or engineer who has some experience working with software.
Data obtained from source marked in reference [15] of this work
5.2 SIZE2 results evaluation
SIZE2 results evaluation
The level of portability in its sub-characteristic of Replaceability was mea-
sured with the implementation of this metric. It was written that the ability of
a software to be replaced by other parts of code when performing maintenance
or updating of software goes down with a high number of SIZE2. After analysis of this metric in the entire project it has been found that the backend has
52 attributes and 17 methods written by the developer, whereas the frontend
contains 34 attributes and 25 methods, making a total of 86 attributes and
42 methods for all the project.
Therefore, it can be understood that replacing parts of the backend might
be more difficult than replacing parts in the frontend, given the fact that there
are more attributes in the backend. In fact, methods are also important to
consider, however, unless they are nested into other components, they usually
work only inside the component where they are written, and replacing them
with other methods may not complicate the functioning of all the project.
All in all, a total of 86 attributes and 42 methods are not big numbers
for a project (previously, in Section 5.1 it has been determined that the project
in analysis is rather small); thus, replaceability is feasible in this project.
CC results evaluation
With the McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity, the purpose was to determine
the time behavior efficiency of the project. The results for the project gave a
complexity of 55 for the frontend and 36 for the backend, giving a total of CC
= 91. Usually, it is considered that single methods with a complexity up to 10
are manageable to understand without major difficulties [20].
5.4 MPC results evaluation
Hence, the complexity found for the project does not seem to be high,
given the fact that the complexity of 91 is for the whole project where there
exist 42 methods written solely by the developer, besides many other methods
that were fetched from built-in libraries. And this is clearly showed in the time
behavior when running the project, because the program functions well and
does not suffer time delays when operating it.
MPC results evaluation
With this metric, in the project the sub-characteristic of Stability was
measured inside the quality attribute of maintainability. With a growing value
of MPC, the system tends to be less stable, taking into account that a single
edition in the code could break other parts of the project that interact and are
nested with this part of the code.
The frontend has 10 coupling mechanisms, and the backend 18, adding
up to a total of 28 MPC mechanisms for the whole project. Besides, there
are other mechanisms that come from the use of libraries in the project; hence,
for a program of 2129 SLOC, the number of MPC could be a little high, taking
into consideration that components in the frontend and classes in the backend
are dependant on one another in different props, attributes and methods. This
factor could trigger in the fact that a change in a class or module could highly
affect the functioing of other classes and modules inside the project. Therefore,
the project might not have a high level of stability. However, still the maintainability of the project would not be costly, since the project itself is not large,
and, although not high, the level of stability is not low either.
Chapter 6
The objective of the present research is to answer the Research Question
formulated in the Section 1.1, where the idea is to determine what metrics could
best describe and give information about the quality attributes of the analyzed
project, and what criteria it could be used to choose these metrics.
From the analysis and results obtained in Chapter 5 it is possible to
conclude that some metrics give more information than others. For example,
SLOC give mostly the information of how large the project in analysis is. At
the same time, other metrics like SIZE2 and MPC give information about
the difficulty that could exist when maintaining the project or updating it.
However these last two metrics do not seem to be quite useful once that it was
determined that the project was small, because in a small project, the levels
of understandability and replaceability are by default not high, and evaluating
metrics in reference to these attributes may not be completely worth it.
As to the calculation of the Cyclomatic Complexity, it gave a reference
of how complex the project is. This metric is in fact important with the results
obtained, because it gives information of the efficiency of the program and the
6.1 Final thoughts and future work
difficulty of understanding it has. Unlike the SIZE2 and MPC metrics, this
metric also marked relevance in the evaluation of the project.
In conclusion, to select metrics when evaluating a software project with
similar characteristics of the project analyzed in this research, there should
first have to be considered the size of the project (LOC), and the complexity of
it (CC). Once these factors are determined, other metrics such as the SIZE2,
MPC, and others could be also implemented to check for quality in a software
Final thoughts and future work
In fact, all metrics have a level of importance when the quality of a soft-
ware product is evaluated. However, some metrics could give more information
and be more useful to assess a project than others, and the idea of this research
was to contribute to the decision making process when selecting a set of metrics for the analysis by analyzing some metrics in a project and determining
the relevance of their results.
In the future, for similar works supporting or complementing the present
research, it would be good to generate the analysis of larger projects, where
more evaluators could be involved in the analysis of the metrics. Also, in this
research 4 metrics were taking into consideration, but a further research could
evaluate more metrics in order to bring a broader guideline for those who are
looking for a guide when choosing metrics among the various software quality
metrics that nowadays exist.
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