Концепты «композитор» и «исполнитель» в музыкальной критике В.Ф. Одоевского

Abstract of BA Dissertation "The Concepts "composer" and "performer" in musical criticism of V. F. Odoevsky" St.Petersburg State University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science by Stanislavchik Zinaida Aleksandrovna The Main objective of this work is the research of the concepts "composer" and "performer" of musical and critical practice of V. F. Odoevsky. These concepts are considered in the following aspects: as object of philosophical, esthetic and world outlook installations of the romanticism era in the first half of the XIX century, as the reflection of a view of Odoevsky on specifics of creative process of a composer and a performer, as subject of stylistic features, lexicon and manner of writing of the critic. The main emphasis is placed on the identification of typology "composer —performer", presented in Odoevsky's works, the analysis of a problem "professional —amateur ", the reconstruction of composer and performing practice processes of the era, the historical and cultural context within which musical and critical activity of Odoevsky developed. In work the extensive number of exclusive sources is used: Odoevsky's articles published in the Russian newspapers and magazines of the first half of the XIX century, epistolary heritage, memoirs literature.

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Вуз: Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (СПбГУ)

ID: 587d36525f1be77c40d58ca0
UUID: f5b99598-39a2-4fdf-badc-9ca4741fa1ad
Язык: Русский
Опубликовано: около 8 лет назад
Просмотры: 14

Станиславчик Зинаида Александровна

Источник: Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


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