Социальные программы на студенческом радио (на примере программы «Неравнодушные» на ТРК «Первая линия»)

Abstract of the Final Qualifying Work Suleymanova Dilara Rishatovna «SOCIAL PROGRAMS AT THE STUDENT RADIO (ON THE EXAMPLE OF RADIO PROGRAMS "INDIFFERENT" OF THE TV AND RADIO COMPLEX "FIRST LINE")» (creative diploma) Director of research - Yuri Klyuyev. сandidate of Philology, associate professor Department of teleradio journalism Full-time education The relevance of research. The media, including broadcasting, act as intermediator between current social issues and society, between public authorities and charities, providing social protection for citizens. Creating social transfers as a special kind of creative work of a journalist, is, in fact, a practical study of social problems and a way of finding solutions. It speaks about the social significance of programs dedicated to the social issues. This determines the relevance of the study. The aim of this study is to establish and further give a description of the development process, preparation and production of a serie of programs dedicated to social issues (on the example of radio programs "Indifferent " on TV and Radio Complex "First line"). In accordance with the aim of research, the following tasks have been set: 1) Identify the features of social journalism in Russia, 2) Distinguish the main themes of the domestic social journalism, 3) Develop a serie of handiwork programs about social issues 4) Prepare a script of handiwork programs about social issues, 5) record the cycle of handiwork social programs. The object of study - social issues in domestic journalism, as an object of research - the author's style of preparation and management of programs on social issues (on the example of "Indifferent" radio program). In our work, we refer to such social problems as migrant workers, homeless people and orphans. The following research methods were used to achieve above-specified goals: observation, participant observation, description, expert interview. Structure of work. Final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography and application. The first chapter studied theoretical principles of social journalism, its subject and objectives. The second chapter describes the process of preparation and realisation of a serie of handiwork programs on social issues at the student radio.

Массовая коммуникация. Журналистика. Средства массовой информации

Вуз: Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (СПбГУ)

ID: 587d364f5f1be77c40d58c4a
UUID: e3a8b816-84a3-4e35-b369-52db5e1abae3
Язык: Русский
Опубликовано: почти 8 лет назад
Просмотры: 15

Сулейманова Диляра Ришатовна

Источник: Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


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